12 research outputs found

    Grand average ERPs for controls and users collapsed over task and emotion for analyzed electrodes.

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    <p>Significant group differences at α = .05 with Bonferroni correction for planned multiple comparisons are signaled in black.</p

    Averaged ERP responses for non-users and users for the four different stimulus emotions, happy, neutral, angry & fearful for representative electrode PO8.

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    <p>Averaged ERP responses for non-users and users for the four different stimulus emotions, happy, neutral, angry & fearful for representative electrode PO8.</p

    Summary of cannabis use reported on the Recreational Cannabis Use Evaluation (R-CUE), showing group frequencies and percentages for each response option.

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    <p>Summary of cannabis use reported on the Recreational Cannabis Use Evaluation (R-CUE), showing group frequencies and percentages for each response option.</p

    Performance for implicit, explicit and empathy tasks between groups in % correct and reaction time in milliseconds with error bars representing SEM.

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    <p>Performance for implicit, explicit and empathy tasks between groups in % correct and reaction time in milliseconds with error bars representing SEM.</p