9 research outputs found
Phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes.
<p>Phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes.</p
H&E staining of the duodenal biopsies of one patient treated with Olmesartan (patient 2) (A, B) and of one patient with AIE (patient 7) (C, D) showing subtotal villous atrophy (A, C: original magnification x 100) with glandular apoptosis (B, D: original magnification x200).
<p>H&E staining of the duodenal biopsies of one patient treated with Olmesartan (patient 2) (A, B) and of one patient with AIE (patient 7) (C, D) showing subtotal villous atrophy (A, C: original magnification x 100) with glandular apoptosis (B, D: original magnification x200).</p
<p>m: month. AZA: azathiopurin. 6MP: 6 mercaptopurin. clinical response (+ or-) / mucosal effect (+/-)</p><p>Treatments.</p
Phenotype of lamina propria intestinal lymphocytes.
<p>Phenotype of lamina propria intestinal lymphocytes.</p
Phenotype of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes.
<p>*: excess of CD4+ IEL with onset of CD4 lymphoma after two years treatment with azathioprine (Case published in Malamut et al, ClinGastHepatol 2014); flow cytometry analysis of AIE onset is not available.</p><p>Phenotype of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes.</p
Clinical and immune characteristics.
<p>*: detection of serum anti-goblet cells antibodies.</p><p>Ab: antibody. Anti-E: anti-enterocyte Ab. ANA: anti-nuclear Ab. BMI: Body Mass Index. Col: colon. Duod: duodenum. EMA: IgA anti-endomysium. IGA: IgA anti-gliadin. Lymphocytosis: number of intraepithelial lymphocytes for 100 epithelial cells. LC: lymphocytic colitis. LG: lymphocytic gastritis. Sto: stomach. tTG: IgA anti-transglutaminase. VA: villousatrophy. TVA: total villousatrophy. ST VA: sub-totalvillousatrophy. PVA: partial villousatrophy. y: years. Noserum anti-tTG IgG or antigliadin IgG was found. No IgA anti-endomysium was found.</p><p>Clinical and immune characteristics.</p
Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study
Calibration plots at 48Â months for the final multivariate model. Vertical axis is the observed proportion of patients surviving at time of interest. Grey line represents a perfectly calibrated model. Solid line is current prediction model performance with 95Â % confidence intervals using bootstrap resampling procedure. (PDF 146Â kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Additive value of pre-operative and one-month post-operative lymphocyte count for death-risk stratification in patients with resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicentric study
Overall survival according to cohort set. (PDF 85 kb