11 research outputs found

    Dairy foods and health: an umbrella review of observational studies

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    Evidence on consumption of dairy foods and human health is contradictory. This study aimed to summarize the level of evidence of dairy consumption on various health outcomes. A systematic search for meta-analyses was performed: study design, dose\u2013response relationship, heterogeneity and agreement of results over time, and identification of potential confounding factors were considered to assess the level of evidence. Convincing and probable evidence of decreased risk of colorectal cancer, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure and fatal stroke, respectively, was found for total dairy consumption; possible decreased risk of breast cancer, metabolic syndrome, stroke and type-2 diabetes, and increased risk of prostate cancer and Parkinson\u2019s disease was also found. Similar, yet not entirely consistent evidence for individual dairy products was reported. Among potential confounding factors, geographical localisation and fat content of dairy have been detected. In conclusions, dairy may be part of a healthy diet; however, additional studies exploring confounding factors are needed to ascertain the potential detrimental effects

    Whole grain consumption and human health: an umbrella review of observational studies

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    Whole grains have been associated with a number of health benefits. We systematically reviewed existing meta-analyses of observational studies and evaluated the level of evidence for their putative effects based on pre-selected criteria. Of the 23 included studies, we found convincing evidence of an inverse association between whole grain consumption and risk of type-2 diabetes and colorectal cancer; possible evidence of decreased risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular mortality with increased whole grain intake, as well as increased risk of prostate cancer. Limited or insufficient evidence was available for all other outcomes investigated. Overall findings are encouraging for a positive effect of whole grain consumption on certain diseases, especially highly prevalent metabolic diseases, however, uncertainty of some negative associations deserves further attention

    Egg consumption and human health:an umbrella review of observational studies

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    Egg consumption has been an area of controversy regarding its impact on human health largely due to the content in cholesterol and its potential role in cardio-metabolic outcomes. This study aimed to summarise the level of evidence of egg consumption on various health outcomes. A systematic search for meta-analyses was performed: study design, dose-response relationship, heterogeneity and agreement of results over time, and identification of potential confounding factors were considered to assess the level of evidence. Results from this umbrella review showed a substantial no association between egg consumption and a number of health outcomes, including cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. In contrast, evidence of possible beneficial effects toward stroke risk has been found. In conclusions, egg may be part of a healthy diet; however, additional studies exploring confounding factors are needed to ascertain the potential detrimental effects

    Nut and legume consumption and human health: an umbrella review of observational studies

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    Consumption of nuts and legumes has been associated with several health benefits. The aim of this study was to systematically review existing meta-analyses of observational studies on nut and legume intake and non-communicable diseases, and assess the level of evidence. Out of the six meta-analyses focussed on legume and 15 on nut intake, a possible association with decreased risk of colorectal adenoma and coronary heart disease was found for higher legume consumption, and a decreased risk of cardiovascular and cancer mortality, colon cancer, hypertension and ischaemic stroke for higher nut consumption. The association between legume consumption and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), as well as nut consumption and risk of cancer, CVD incidence and all-cause mortality, was deemed as "limited" due to heterogeneity between results and/or potential confounding factors. General benefit towards better health can be observed for nut and legume consumption. Further studies are needed to better elucidate potential confounding factors

    Total, red and processed meat consumption and human health: an umbrella review of observational studies

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    Meat consumption has represented an important evolutionary step for humans. However, modern patterns of consumption, including excess intake, type of meat and cooking method have been the focus of attention as a potential cause of rise in non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between total, red and processed meat with health outcomes and to assess the level of evidence by performing a systematic search of meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies. Convincing evidence of the association between increased risk of (i) colorectal adenoma, lung cancer, CHD and stroke, (ii) colorectal adenoma, ovarian, prostate, renal and stomach cancers, CHD and stroke and (iii) colon and bladder cancer was found for excess intake of total, red and processed meat, respectively. Possible negative associations with other health outcomes have been reported. Excess meat consumption may be detrimental to health, with a major impact on cardiometabolic and cancer risk

    Fruit and vegetable consumption and health outcomes: an umbrella review of observational studies

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    The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive evaluation of current evidence on fruit and vegetable consumption and health outcomes. A systematic search for quantitative syntheses was performed. Several criteria, including study design, dose–response relationship, heterogeneity and agreement of results over time, and identification of potential confounding factors, were used to assess the level of evidence. The strongest (probable) evidence was found for cardiovascular disease protection; possible evidence for decreased risk of colon cancer, depression and pancreatic diseases was found for fruit intake; and colon and rectal cancer, hip fracture, stroke, depression and pancreatic diseases was found for vegetable intake. Suggestive and rather limited associations with other outcomes have been found. Evidence of potential confounding by sex and geographical localisation has been reported. Despite findings are consistent enough for hypothesising causation (at least for cardiovascular-related outcomes), further studies are needed to clarify the role of potential confounding factors

    Results of the ECHO (Eating habits CHanges in Oncologic patients) Survey: An Italian Cross-Sectional Multicentric Study to Explore Dietary Changes and Dietary Supplement Use, in Breast Cancer Survivors

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    none21no: The role of a healthy diet in cancer prevention is well recognized. Recent data indicate that following the same advices can also improve cancer survivors' quality of life. Breast cancer (BC) patients are commonly concerned about diet and nutrition and frequently express the need to obtain health-related information and the will to change their diet and lifestyle. Hence, be aware of survivors' dietary changes and information needs is crucial for healthcare professionals to guide them toward optimal lifestyle choices. In order to investigate eating habits changes in a BC survivors' population, we conceived the cross-sectional multicentric study ECHO (Eating habits CHanges in Oncologic patients) Survey. Data were collected from 684 patients, diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, in order to investigate their changes in food consumption, use of supplements, or the beginning of a specific diet, after BC diagnosis. We also examined the sources of information used and if any modification in their diets was reported to the oncologist. We primarily observed that patients increased their consumption of vegetables, pulses, nuts, fruits, wholemeal bread/pasta, grains and fish; while decreasing red and processed meat, refined bread/pasta, baked good and animal fat consumption. Survivors also reported the use of dietary supplements, mainly vitamins, aimed at counteracting therapies' side effects. Changes in nutritional habits were often adopted without asking or informing the oncologist. Despite BC survivors made some positive changes in their nutritional habits, those modifications were mostly pursued by less than half of them, while the majority of patients consumed nutritional supplements after diagnosis. These results, as well as the failure to communicate with the physicians, reinforce the need to both improve the patient-healthcare professional relationship and to develop tailored nutrition counselling and intervention programs for cancer survivors.noneCaprara, Greta; Tieri, Maria; Fabi, Alessandra; Guarneri, Valentina; Falci, Cristina; Dieci, Maria Vittoria; Turazza, Monica; Ballardini, Bettina; Bin, Alessandra; Cinieri, Saverio; Vici, Patrizia; Montagna, Emilia; Zamagni, Claudio; Mazzi, Cristina; Modena, Alessandra; Marchetti, Fabiana; Verzè, Matteo; Ghelfi, Francesca; Titta, Lucilla; Nicolis, Fabrizio; Gori, StefaniaCaprara, Greta; Tieri, Maria; Fabi, Alessandra; Guarneri, Valentina; Falci, Cristina; Dieci, Maria Vittoria; Turazza, Monica; Ballardini, Bettina; Bin, Alessandra; Cinieri, Saverio; Vici, Patrizia; Montagna, Emilia; Zamagni, Claudio; Mazzi, Cristina; Modena, Alessandra; Marchetti, Fabiana; Verzè, Matteo; Ghelfi, Francesca; Titta, Lucilla; Nicolis, Fabrizio; Gori, Stefani