133 research outputs found

    Développement et validation d'un questionnaire mesurant les dimensions du plaisir de manger chez une population d'adultes francophones de la province de Québec

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    Les liens entre la santĂ© et l'alimentation sont bien dĂ©montrĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature scientifique. Les donnĂ©es suggĂšrent que l'adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires serait favorable Ă  la santĂ©. Il n'en demeure pas moins que la majoritĂ© de la population, bien que sensibilisĂ©e aux recommandations en matiĂšre d'alimentation, ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  amĂ©liorer ses habitudes alimentaires de façon durable. La croyance qu'une alimentation saine est ennuyante peut certainement nuire aux efforts de plusieurs. Une approche utilisant des messages positifs plutĂŽt que restrictifs et rĂ©conciliant plaisir et santĂ© pourrait alors ĂȘtre prometteuse. À cet effet, le concept du plaisir de manger attire de plus en plus l'attention des membres de la communautĂ© scientifique. Selon plusieurs experts, le plaisir de manger pourrait ĂȘtre utilisĂ© au sein d'approches visant Ă  promouvoir la saine alimentation. Une dĂ©finition claire de ce concept se prĂ©sentant de façon trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne dans la littĂ©rature est donc apparue nĂ©cessaire en vue de sa potentielle utilisation. Ainsi, une revue de la portĂ©e permettant d'identifier les dimensions et sous-dimensions du plaisir de manger et rĂ©vĂ©lant que ce concept est multidimensionnel a rĂ©cemment Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e. Une fois le concept bien dĂ©fini, il est essentiel de pouvoir le mesurer avec rigueur Ă  l'aide d'un outil validĂ©. ConsidĂ©rant qu'aucun outil ne permettait de mesurer le concept multidimensionnel du plaisir de manger, le dĂ©veloppement d'un tel outil s'est avĂ©rĂ© primordial. Ce mĂ©moire porte donc sur le dĂ©veloppement et la validation d'un questionnaire mesurant les dimensions du plaisir de manger chez une population d'adultes francophones du QuĂ©bec. Une dĂ©marche rigoureuse a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour le dĂ©veloppement du questionnaire sur le plaisir de manger et un processus de validation a permis de s'assurer de sa validitĂ© auprĂšs de la population cible.The links between health and diet are well demonstrated in the scientific literature. The evidence suggests that the adoption of healthy eating habits is beneficial to health. However, most of the population, although aware of the dietary recommendations, fails in improving their eating habits in a sustainable way. The belief that healthy eating is boring can certainly hinder the efforts of many. An approach using positive rather than restrictive messages and reconciling pleasure and health could be promising. In this regard, the concept of eating pleasure is attracting increasing attention from the scientific community. According to many experts, eating pleasure could be used in approaches to promote healthy eating. A clear definition of this concept, which is presented in a very heterogeneous way in the literature, appears necessary for its potential use. A recently published scoping review identified the key dimensions and sub-dimensions of eating pleasure, revealing that the concept of eating pleasure is multidimensional. Once the concept is well defined, a validated tool is essential to measure it rigorously. Considering that no tool was available to measure the multidimensional concept of eating pleasure, the development of such a tool was necessary. This Master's thesis therefore focuses on the development and validation of a questionnaire assessing eating pleasure dimensions in an adult French-speaking population of the province of QuĂ©bec. A rigorous approach was used to develop the Eating Pleasure Questionnaire and a validation process ensured its validity in the target population

    Effect of a standardized meal on the threshold of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with stable angina

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    AbstractObjectives. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of a standardized meal on the ischemie threshold and exercise capacity in a series of 20 patients with stable angina, exerciseinduced ischemia and reversible exercise-induced perfusion defects.Background. It is generally accepted that exercise tolerance in patients with angina is reduced after a meal. However, studies that have addressed this phenomenon have yielded results that are contradictory and inconclusive.Methods. Two exercise tests using the Brace protocol with technetium-99m (99mTc)-sestamibi were performed on consecutive days in a randomized order. One test was performed in the fasting state and the other 30 min after a 1,000-calorle meal.Results. In the postprandial state, exercise time to ischemia was reduced by 20% from 248 ± 93 s to 197 ±87 s (p = 0.0007), time to angina by 15% from 340 ± 82 s to 287 ± 94 s (p = 0.002) and exercise tolerance by 9% from 376 ± 65 s to 344 ± 86 s (p = 0.002). Rate-pressure products at these exercise test end points were not significantly different in the fasting and postprandial tests, and the quantitative 99mTc-sestamibi ischemia score was unchanged.Conclusions. In patients with stable angina, a 1,000-calorie meal significantly reduced tine to ischemia, time to angina and exercise tolerance because of a more rapid increase in myocardial oxygen demand with exercise. The extent and severity of exerciseinduced ischemia were unchanged

    Insomnia and its relationship to health-care utilization, work absenteeism, productivity and accidents

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    Background and purpose To document and provide a micro analysis of the relationship between insomnia and health problems, health-care use, absenteeism, productivity and accidents. Participants and methods A population-based sample of 953 French-speaking adults from Québec, Canada. Participants were categorized as having insomnia syndrome (SYND) or insomnia symptoms (SYMPT) or as good sleepers (GS). They completed questionnaires on sleep, health, use of health-care services and products, accidents, work absences and reduced work productivity. Data were also obtained from the Québec-government-administered health insurance board on selected variables (e.g., consultations with health-care professionals, diagnoses). Results There were significantly more individuals in the SYND group relative to the GS group reporting at least one chronic health problem (83% vs. 53%; OR: 2.78) and who had consulted a health-care professional in the past year (81% vs. 60%; OR: 2.8). There were also higher proportions of individuals in the SYND group than in the GS group who had used prescription medications (57% vs. 30.7%; OR: 2.8), most notably to treat insomnia, mood and anxiety disorders, or who had used over-the-counter products (75.6% vs. 62.0%; OR: 1.8) and alcohol as a sleep aid (17.8% vs. 3.9%; OR: 4.6). In terms of daytime function, 25.0% of the SYND had been absent from work relative to 17.1% of GS (OR: 1.7), 40.6% reported having experienced reduced productivity compared to 12.3% of GS (OR: 4.8) and non-motor-vehicle accidents occurred at higher rates in the SYND group (12.5% vs. 6.4% for GS; OR: 2.4). No differences were found for hospitalisations or motor-vehicle accidents. Most of the associations remained significant even after controlling for psychiatric comorbidity. Rates for the SYMPT group were situated between SYND and GS on all major dependent variables. Furthermore, insomnia and fatigue were perceived as contributing significantly to accidents, absences and decreased work productivity, regardless of insomnia status. Conclusions This study indicates that insomnia is associated with significant morbidity in terms of health problems and health-care utilization, work absenteeism and reduced productivity, and risk of non-motor-vehicle accidents. Future studies should evaluate whether treating insomnia can reverse this morbidity

    Rhoban Football Club: RoboCup Humanoid KidSize 2019 Champion Team Paper

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    International audienceIn 2019, Rhoban Football Club reached the first place of the KidSize soccer competition for the fourth time and performed the first in-game throw-in in the history of the Humanoid league. Building on our existing code-base, we improved some specific functionalities, introduced new behaviors and experimented with original methods for labeling videos. This paper presents and reviews our latest changes to both software and hardware, highlighting the lessons learned during RoboCup

    Renal perfusion evaluation with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography

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    Background. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) is a novel imaging technique that is safe and applicable on the bedside. Recent developments seem to enable CEUS to quantify organ perfusion. We performed an exploratory study to determine the ability of CEUS to detect changes in renal perfusion and to correlate them with effective renal plasma flow. Methods. CEUS with destruction-refilling sequences was studied in 10 healthy subjects, at baseline and during infusion of angiotensin II (AngII) at low (1 ng/kg/min) and high dose (3 ng/kg/min) and 1 h after oral captopril (50 mg). Perfusion index (PI) was obtained and compared with the effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) obtained by parallel para-aminohippurate (PAH) clearance. Results. Median PI decreased from 188.6 (baseline) to 100.4 with low-dose AngII (−47%; P 0.2). These changes parallelled those observed with ERPF, which changed from a median of 672.1 mL/min (baseline) to 572.3 (low-dose AngII, −15%, P < 0.05) and to 427.2 (high-dose AngII, −36%, P < 0.001) and finally 697.1 (captopril, +4%, P < 0.02). Conclusions. This study demonstrates that CEUS is able to detect changes in human renal cortical microcirculation as induced by AngII infusion and/or captopril administration. The changes in perfusion indices parallel those in ERPF as obtained by PAH clearanc

    The natural history of insomnia : a population-based 3-year longitudinal study

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    Background Despite its high prevalence, little information is available about the natural history of insomnia. The extent to which episodes of insomnia will persist or remit over time is difficult to predict. We examined the natural history of insomnia and describe the most common trajectories over 3 years. Methods Three hundred eighty-eight adults (mean [SD] age, 44.8 [13.9] years; 61% women) were selected from a larger population-based sample on the basis of the presence of insomnia at baseline. They completed standardized sleep/insomnia questionnaires at 3 annual follow-up assessments. For each follow-up assessment, participants were classified into 1 of 3 groups (individuals with an insomnia syndrome, individuals with insomnia symptoms, and individuals with good sleep) on the basis of algorithms using standard diagnostic criteria for insomnia. Rates of persistent insomnia, remission, and relapse were computed for each group. Results Of the study sample, 74% reported insomnia for at least 1 year (2 consecutive assessments) and 46% reported insomnia persisting over the entire 3-year study. The course of insomnia was more likely to be persistent in those with more severe insomnia at baseline (ie, insomnia syndrome) and in women and older adults. Remission rate was 54%; however, 27% of those with remission of insomnia eventually experienced relapse. Individuals with subsyndromal insomnia at baseline were 3 times more likely to remit than worsen to syndrome status, although persistence was the most frequent course in that group as well. Conclusion These findings indicate that insomnia is often a persistent condition, in particular when it reaches the diagnostic threshold for an insomnia disorder

    Histoire et anthropologie du monde ibérique

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    Bernard Vincent, Wolfgang Kaiser, Jean-FrĂ©dĂ©ric Schaub, directeurs d’étudesJordi Canal, Enric Porqueres i GenĂ©, Jean-Paul Zuñiga, Catarina Madeira Santos, Natalia Muchnik, maĂźtres de confĂ©rencesMarie-Lucie Copete, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de NancyFrĂ©dĂ©rique Langue, chargĂ©e de recherche au CNRSStĂ©phane Michonneau, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de PoitiersGrĂ©goire SalinĂ©ro, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Paris-I Histoire et anthropologie du monde ibĂ©rique Cette annĂ©e, l..

    Histoire et anthropologie du monde ibérique

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    Bernard Vincent, Wolfgang Kaiser, Jean-FrĂ©dĂ©ric Schaub, directeurs d’étudesJordi Canal, Enric Porqueres i GenĂ©, Jean-Paul Zuñiga, Catarina Madeira Santos, Natalia Muchnik, maĂźtres de confĂ©rencesMarie-Lucie Copete, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de NancyFrĂ©dĂ©rique Langue, chargĂ©e de recherche au CNRSStĂ©phane Michonneau, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de PoitiersGrĂ©goire SalinĂ©ro, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Paris-I Histoire et anthropologie du monde ibĂ©rique Cette annĂ©e, l..

    Pion yield from 450 GeV/c protons on beryllium

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    This paper reports on the charged pion production yields measured by the SPY/NA56 experiment for 450 GeV/c proton interactions on beryllium targets. The present data cover a secondary momentum range from 7 GeV/c to 135 GeV/c in the forward direction. An experimental accuracy ranging from 5 to 10\%, depending on the beam momentum, has been achieved, limited mainly by the knowledge of the beam acceptance. These results will be relevant in the calculation of neutrino fluxes in present and future neutrino beams
