3 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Positif Untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Kader Posyandu Dalam Upaya Mencapai Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi)

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    POSITIVE FACTORS TO INCREASE THE POTENTIAL OF CADRE'S INTEGRATED SERVICES POST IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE NUTRITION AWARENESS FAMILY.Background: One of indicators of the nutrition awareness family (KADARZI) is family member's attendance for health and growth monitoring to POSYANDU, especially children aged 1-5 years (8ALITA) and pregnant women. The successful of BALITA growth monitoring depends on the cadre ability to conduct the POSYANDU activities, among others.Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe the positive factors related to POSYANDU cadre ability to increase the family nutrition awareness regarding BALITA growth monitoring.Methods: Cross­ sectional survey was used in this study. The study was conducted in 16 POSYANDU of the Kampar and Pelalawan Districts, Riau Province, and covered 58 cadres as respondents. Interview with respondents was used to collect data using a questionnaire.Results: All cadres are women and most of them are 21-40 of age about 50 percent that having high school education, and almost all of respondents work as housekeeper. Motivation to be cadres is mainly for helping the community member or village development. About 53 percent of cadres had never received training, and the rest of cadres had received training only once although they have been a cadre for more than two years. Besides, most of the POSYANDU has no materials or booklets for community education. About 71 percent cadres have no booklet and about 52 percent have never given information to the community because they have no knowledge in nutrition counseling. Cadre knowledge in growth curve interpretation in the growth chart is very low; it was only nine percent of cadre that able to interpret growth curve correctly. Only two percent cadre knows that the weight change in monthly weighing should be told to mother in nutrition counseling. In order to increase nutrition awareness family, particularly in growth monitoring, the POSYANDU should be revitailzed by improving the cadre ability in growth graph interpretation as well as growth monitoring, nutrition counseling, and provide means of communication in POSYANDU activities

    Akseptabilitas Bubuk Multi-zat-gizi-mikro Oleh Balita Keluarga Miskin Di Jakarta Utara

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    Acceptability of Multiple-Micronutrient Powders By Under-Fives of Poor Families In North Jakarta.Background: The final of three steps in developing the Indonesia Multiple-Micronutrient Powders (MMP) called TABURIA was to evaluate its effectiveness in improving the nutritional status of under-fives under programmatic setting. Together with execution of the final step, it was also necessary to conduct the subject's perception, satisfaction, and expectation toward TABURIA.Objectives: To find-out the acceptability of under-fives' mothers toward TABURIA.Methods: We assessed the acceptability of TABURIA for under-fives of poor families in North Jakarta. This under-fives beneficiaries of the MMP project participating in "the Effectiveness of TABURIA on Growth and Hemoglobin Concentration Study" were surveyed about the acceptability of TABURIA (n = 464). Acceptability of the MMP was evaluated based on mothers' perceptions and experiences with organoleptic qualities, ease of use, perceived satisfaction, and expectation. The median Likert scale ranking of organoleptic and use qualities for TABURIA was "I liked it" (3 on a scale of 1-5). However, responses to openended survey questions and semi-structured interviews showed decided preferences.Results: TABURIA was strongly preferred by under-fives. In interviews, most of mothers expressed like of the texture, color, odor, and taste of TABURIA; they found it practical to get, store and prepare, and reported the satisfaction and expectation with it.Conclusions: Most of under-fives' mothers were very like TABURIA product. They stated TABURIA was simple to use, more preferred it than the other consumed supplement products, willing to pay if it will be sold to the free market; they preferred to pay it maximum Rp 500 per sachet. They required TABURIA, especially for generating their children appetite

    Pengembangan Pesan-pesan Gizi Seimbang Dalam Pugs Yang Lebih Praktis Digunakan Petugas Gizi Lapangan

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    DEVELOPMENT OF NUTRITIONAL MESSAGES IN THE DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR INDONESIANS THAT MORE PRACTICAL TO BE USED BY FIELD NUTRITION STAFFS.Background: Nutritional messages in the Dietary Guidelines should be simple and relatively few in numbers to obtain maximum awareness and understanding among the users. Some observational studies indicated that nutritional messages of the Dietary Guidelines for Indonesians (PUGS) were considered complex so they were difficult for 'field' nutrition staffs to understand them.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore and modify the nutritional messages that are considered complex by 'field' nutrition staffs to become the understandable and practical nutritional messages.Methods: A capacity building method has been developed to explore and modify the nutritional messages that are considered complex. This process involved seven participants: four 'field' nutrition staffs (two PUSKESMAS nutrition staffs from Medan City and two from Deli Serdang District) and three nutrition staffs from the Health Office of Medan City and Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera Province. Nutritional messages were modified based on the inputs of capacity building forum.Results: The nutritional messages of number 2-3-4 in PUGS were difficult messages to be understood by nutrition staffs. The modified 2-3-4 messages by nutrition staffs were still somewhat difficult for them. The final result was the ten modified nutritional messages which were, according to nutrition staffs, more understandable and practical