4 research outputs found

    Original Article Serum Ferritin and Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Angiographic Correlation

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    Summary Objective: To verify the possible association between the levels of serum ferritin and the degree of obstructive coronary artery disease. Methods: 115 patients with coronary arteriography and concomitant evaluation of serum ferritin were studied. The adopted cut-off values were 80 ng/ml for women and 120 ng/ml for men. Results: The mean ferritin levels for males and females were 133.9±133.8 ng/ml and 214.6±217.2 ng/ml, respectively (p=0.047). It was observed that 44.1% of the women had normal serum ferritin levels in comparison to 30.9% of the men (p=0.254). In the patients without obstructive coronary artery disease or with less severe obstructions (group A) the serum ferritin level was 222.3±325 ng/ml. On the other hand, for those with moderate (group B) and severe obstructions (group C) the levels were 145.6+-83.7 ng/ml and 188.9±150.6 ng/ml, respectively. There was no correlation between the degree of coronary artery disease and the mean level of serum ferritin. Regarding the cut-off value, the number of women with serum ferritin level > 80 ng/ml in groups B+C or only C was significantly higher than the number of women in group A (ODDS RATIO 9.71 with 95%CI from 1.63 to 57.72). For males there was no significant difference between the number of cases above or below the cut-off values (ODDS RATIO 0.92 with 95%CI from 0.28 to 2.95). Conclusion: It was verified that women with serum ferritin levels > 80 ng/mL presented more severe obstructive coronary artery disease than women with lower levels. In men, the serum ferritin level was not a predictor element of the degree of obstruction

    Influence of temperature on comparative nerve conduction techniques for carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis Influência da temperatura nas técnicas comparativas de condução nervosa para diagnóstico de síndrome do túnel do carpo

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    In this study we compared the effect of temperature variation (>32ºC to O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o efeito da variação de temperatura da mão (>32ºC e <27ºC) no estudo das técnicas de diferenças de latências entre o nervo mediano e ulnar (MU4), mediano e radial (MR1), mediano e ulnar palmar (MUP) e índice sensitivo combinado (ISC) em 15 controles normais e 12 pacientes com síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC). Após resfriamento da mão, MU4 foi a técnica mais confiável com menor variação de latência tanto em controles como em pacientes; MR1 diminuiu dramaticamente nos controles e atingiu até valores normais em pacientes; MUP aumentou apenas em pacientes; ISC diminuiu significantemente em controles com leve aumento nos pacientes, porém sem perda da acurácia eletrodiagnóstica. O acentuado aumento de MUP em pacientes e a acentuada redução de MR1 em controles após o resfriamento não pôde ser explicado apenas pelo calibre das fibras nervosas nos diferentes troncos. Concluímos que mesmo quando se utilizam técnicas de comparação de latências entre dois nervos na mesma pessoa e no mesmo segmento, a redução da temperatura pode modificar de maneira significativa os resultados, dado não previamente relatado na literatura

    Ferritina sérica e coronariopatia obstrutiva: correlação angiográfica Serum ferritin and obstructive coronary artery disease: angiographic correlation

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar a possível associação entre os valores séricos de ferritina e o grau de coronariopatia obstrutiva. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 115 pacientes com cinecoronariografia e concomitante dosagem sérica de ferritina. Os valores de corte adotados foram 80 ng/ml para mulheres, e 120 ng/ml para homens. RESULTADOS: As ferritinemias médias nos sexos masculino e feminino foram, respectivamente, 133,9&plusmn;133,8 ng/ml 214,6&plusmn;217,2 ng/ml (p=0,047). Observou-se que 44,1% das mulheres se apresentavam com ferritinemia normal, contra 30,9% dos homens (p=0,254). Nos pacientes sem coronariopatia obstrutivas ou com obstruções discretas (grupo A), a ferritinemia foi de 222,3&plusmn;325 ng/ml. Já para as obstruções moderadas (grupo B) e graves (grupo C), os níveis foram, respectivamente, 145,6&plusmn;83,7 ng/ml e 188,9&plusmn;150,6 ng/ml. Não houve correlação entre o grau de coronariopatia e o nível de ferritina sérica quanto à ferritinemia média. Em relação ao valor de corte, a quantidade de mulheres com ferritina acima de 80 ng/ml que se encontravam nos grupos B+C ou somente C foi significativamente maior que a quantidade de mulheres no grupo A (Odds Ratio 9,71 com IC95% de 1,63 a 57,72). Já no sexo masculino, constataram-se graus similares de coronariopatia tanto acima como abaixo de valor de corte (Odds Ratio 0,92 com IC95% de 0,28 a 2,95). CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que mulheres com níveis de ferritinemia acima de 80 ng/ml apresentaram significativamente mais coronariopatia obstrutiva de grau importante que mulheres com taxas abaixo daquele valor. Em homens, a ferritinemia não foi elemento preditor do grau de obstrução.<br>OBJECTIVE: To verify the possible association between the levels of serum ferritin and the degree of obstructive coronary artery disease. METHODS: 115 patients with coronary arteriography and concomitant evaluation of serum ferritin were studied. The adopted cut-off values were 80 ng/ml for women and 120 ng/ml for men. RESULTS: The mean ferritin levels for males and females were 133.9&plusmn;133.8 ng/ml and 214.6&plusmn;217.2 ng/ml, respectively (p=0.047). It was observed that 44.1% of the women had normal serum ferritin levels in comparison to 30.9% of the men (p=0.254). In the patients without obstructive coronary artery disease or with less severe obstructions (group A) the serum ferritin level was 222.3&plusmn;325 ng/ml. On the other hand, for those with moderate (group B) and severe obstructions (group C) the levels were 145.6+-83.7 ng/ml and 188.9&plusmn;150.6 ng/ml, respectively. There was no correlation between the degree of coronary artery disease and the mean level of serum ferritin. Regarding the cut-off value, the number of women with serum ferritin level > 80 ng/ml in groups B+C or only C was significantly higher than the number of women in group A (ODDS RATIO 9.71 with 95%CI from 1.63 to 57.72). For males there was no significant difference between the number of cases above or below the cut-off values (ODDS RATIO 0.92 with 95%CI from 0.28 to 2.95). CONCLUSION: It was verified that women with serum ferritin levels > 80 ng/mL presented more severe obstructive coronary artery disease than women with lower levels. In men, the serum ferritin level was not a predictor element of the degree of obstruction