12 research outputs found

    La giustizia del lavoro a Pesaro in età fascista. Primi lineamenti di una ricerca

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    none3P. PASCUCCI è autore del capitolo 1: pp. 159-169noneANGELINI L.; BONCI C.; PASCUCCI P.Angelini, Luciano; Bonci, C.; Pascucci, Paol

    Magnetic susceptibility and documentation of sediment cores from the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin

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    The effects of glaciation on sediment drifts is recognised from marked sedimentary facies variation in deep sea cores taken from the continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin. Nineteen sediment cores were visually described, logged for magnetic susceptibility, and X-radiographed. About 1000 analyses were performed for grain size, clay minerals and biostratigraphy (foraminifera, nannofossils and diatoms). Four sediment types associated with distinct sedimentary processes are recognised based on textural/compositional analysis. (1) Hemipelagic mud forms the bulk of the interglacial sediment, and accumulated from the pelagic settling of bioclasts and ice-rafted/windtransported detritus. (2) Terrigenous mud forms the bulk of the glacial sediment, and accumulated from a combination of sedimentary processes including turbidity currents, turbid plumes, and bottom current reworking of nepheloid layers. (3) Silty deposits occurring as laminated layers and lenses, represent the lateral spillout of lowdensity turbidity currents. (4) Lastly, glacial/interglacial gravelly mud layers derive from settling of ice-rafted detritus. Five depositional settings are interpreted within sediment Drift 7, each characterised by the dominance/interaction of one or several depositional processes. The repetitive succession of typical sedimentary facies is inferred to reflect a sequence of four climatic stages (glaciation, glacial, deglaciation, and interglacial), each one characterised by a distinctive clay mineral assemblage and bioclastic content. Variations in clay mineral assemblage within interglacial stage 5 (core SED-06) suggest minor colder climatic fluctuations, possibly correlatable with substages 5a to 5e

    Therapeutic MicroRNA Strategies in Human Cancer

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22 nucleotide long, noncoding, endogenous RNA molecules which exert their functions by base pairing with messenger RNAs (mRNAs), thereby regulate protein-coding gene expression. In eukaryotic cells, miRNAs play important roles in regulating biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and stem cell self-renewal. The human genome may contain as many as 1,000 miRNAs, and more than 700 of them have been identified. miRNAs are predicted to target up to one third of mRNAs. Each miRNA can target hundreds of transcripts directly or indirectly, while more than one miRNA can converge on a single transcript target. Therefore, the potential regulatory circuitry afforded by miRNA is enormous. Recently, mounting evidence implicates miRNAs as a new class of modulator for human tumor initiation and progression. Therefore, it has been proposed that manipulating miRNA activity and miRNA biogenesis may be a novel avenue for developing efficient therapies against cancer