7 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Modeling Based on Restructuring Activities

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    Knowledge Management deals with a multitude of tasks that range from the representation to the evolution of knowledge in its various forms. Understanding the way in which knowledge is used contributes to the improvement of the Knowledge Management Systems at the organizational level. This paper aims at investigating the risks that appear in the process of Knowledge Sharing when two or more distinct companies with different enterprise cultures collaborate, as in the form of a Virtual Enterprise or a recently-completed Merger or Acquisition. We consider the risks identified in the research literature that are linked to the Knowledge Sharing Process in Virtual Organizations and discuss to which extent these risks might appear during the integration process of both Mergers and Acquisitions. An Automatic Supervisor Module of a Knowledge Management System is subsequently presented, with the purpose of continuously monitoring these risks and promoting the sharing of knowledge within a collaborative context.Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Virtual Organizations, Mergers and Acquisitions

    Strategic Decision Models Cross-Validation by Use of Decision Reports Information Extraction

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    From all the events in the life of a business entity, the Mergers and Acquisitions transactions are one of the most challenging ones, as they drastically affect the life of the involved entities, but also their business stakeholders (like clients or suppliers). The Merger transaction can be seen as a growth crisis in the life of the buyer entity and a strive for survival in the life of the acquired company. Studying such transactions are being a constant preoccupation for both academia and practitioners, modeling mergers in order to predict them - one of the most ambitious task. In this paper, we present our technique of cross-validating the results of our model and use several boosting methods for improving the computed decisions scores

    Creating Virtual Communities by Means of Swarm Intelligence

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    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-top: 0in; margin-right: -1.75pt; margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-left: 0in; text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.3pt; line-height: normal;"><span style="mso-ansi-language: EN-US;">During centuries, observing the behavior of wild species has always been fascinating and full of mysteries. Modeling human interactions based on those revealed on the wilderness conducts to innovative solutions, but also poses unexpected issues. In this article, we describe our approach of creating communities of virtual entities by means of swarm intelligence. We discuss the algorithm of creating the virtual communities along with the issues that arise when modeling business entities as individuals of the swarm. </span></p&gt


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    Abstract. In recent years, a large amount of information has been placed in databases across the globe, and published through dynamically generated Web pages. The evolution of the so-called Invisible (or Hidden) Web constitutes both an opportunity and an issue for Web-based information extractors. This article describes the architecture of an Invisible-Web Extractor, whose primal goal is to enhance the value of the hidden Web data. We consider three main issues of the tool: how to access the Invisible Web information, how to extract information from the gathered data and how to create new knowledge from it. 1

    BRAIN Journal - Creating Virtual Communities by Means of Swarm Intelligence

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    <div><i>Abstract</i></div><div><br></div>During centuries, observing the behavior of wild species has always been fascinating and full of mysteries. Modeling human interactions based on those revealed on the wilderness conducts to innovative solutions, but also poses unexpected issues. In this article, we describe our approach of creating communities of virtual entities by means of swarm intelligence. We discuss the algorithm of creating the virtual communities along with the issues that arise when modeling business entities as individuals of the swarm.<div><br></div><div><b>Find more at:</b></div><div><b>https://www.edusoft.ro/brain/index.php/brain/article/view/129</b><br></div


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    This paper presents a multi-criteria decision making model used for supplier selection for software development outsourcing on e-marketplaces. This model can be used in auctions. The supplier selection process becomes complex and difficult on last twenty years since the Internet plays an important role in business management. Companies have to concentrate their efforts on their core activities and the others activities should be realized by outsourcing. They can achieve significant cost reduction by using e-marketplaces in their purchase process and by using decision support systems on supplier selection. In the literature were proposed many approaches for supplier evaluation and selection process. The performance of potential suppliers is evaluated using multi criteria decision making methods rather than considering a single factor cost