7 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho trata do problema de se estabelecer um índice I que possibilite ordenar um conjunto de n objetos, segundo critério definido por um conjunto de m variáveis. De um modo geral, é necessário escolher o conjunto de variáveis adequadas, e também, os pesos atribuídos a cada variável. A Análise de Grupamento é usada para seleção de variáveis, e a Análise de Componentes Principais é usada para fornecer as ponderações. São apresentadas duas aplicações do procedimento proposto

    Diferenciação Regional da Geração de Empregos Formais no Brasil no Quadriênio 2003/2006

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    The main purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of formal employment generated in Brazil from 2003 to 2006. It develops a discussion about the labor market performance during the 90’s, when strong changes in Brazilian economy occurred. Then the generation of new jobs is analyzed in the 27 states as well as in 137 Brazilian sub-regions. It is proposed an index which ranks regions according to the quality of employment locally generated. Our results show that most registered employment occurs in the neighborhood of main state capitals, especially in the case of trade and services. Industry on the contrary is moving toward the interior of the country, confirming results already verified since the 90s. Industry movements however are directed to the more developed states, mainly in the south and southeast regions. It is also possible to verify a positive correlation between employment quantity and employment quality, which means that regions with larger labor markets usually generate employments of better quality.ou

    Les trajectoires récentes du marché du travail dans les métropoles du Brésil : changements et différenciations

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    This article analyzes the evolution of the labor market in the metropolitan regions of Brazil over the period 1995-2005. The employed population is characterized by variables relating to working conditions and belonging to different sectors of activity. The study is based on joint analysis of tables - STATIS method. It allows characterizing the evolution of trajectories of Brazilian metropolitan regions. The results highlight the different trajectories of metropolitan areas in the decade beyond the usual divide between North-Northeast and South-Southeast. Indeed, the trajectories of certain metropolitan areas deemed less developed show a significant improvement in the main indicators used, however, that those of metropolitan areas among the most developed are the opposite. This foreshadows a relative reduction of regional inequalities or even a questioning of some Brazilian metropolitan hierarchies.labour market, metropolis, Brazil, joint analysis of tables

    A população ocupada e a renda no Brasil: encontros e desencontros Population and income in Brazil: where do they go together?

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    O trabalho fornece uma análise do mercado de trabalho no Brasil, focalizando encontros entre a população ocupada e a renda, isto é, verifica em quais estados e/ou atividades ocorrem simultaneamente bons rendimentos e alta proporção de ocupação. A base de dados utilizada é a PNAD/2007, e os principais cortes utilizados são as Unidades da Federação, atividades econômicas, rendimentos mensais e população ocupada.<br>This paper presents an analysis of the labor market in Brazil focusing the relation of population and income. We examine in which Federal Units or economic activities good wages and high occupation occur at the same time. The data base is generated from PNAD/2007, considering Federal Units, economic activities, monthly income and employed labor