18 research outputs found

    Prediction equations for fat and fat-free body mass in adolescents, based on body circumferences

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    Fat mass (FM) and fat-free body mass (FFB) are important parameters for assessing nutritional status, since they are associated with higher prevalence of excess body fat and malnutrition worldwide. To develop prediction equations for fat and fat-free body mass in adolescents using body circumferences. This cross-sectional study included 218 adolescents (10-16 years) with normal weight as defined by body mass index. FM(Pred) and FFB(Pred) were estimated using stepwise multiple linear regression, considering age and body circumferences. Response variables, FM(BIA) and FFB(BIA) were estimated using bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA). The accuracy of the prediction equations was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R(2)) and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). The best prediction equations for males were FM(Pred) = -7.114 - 0.592(age) - 0.958(wrist)+0.191(hip)+0.295(abdomen); R(2) = 0.552; AIC = 416.04 and FFB(Pred) = - 52.180+1.913(age)+1.954(wrist)+1.635(forearm); R(2) = 0.869; AIC = 578.24. For females, the best equations were FM(Pred) = -17.580 - 0.678(wrist)+0.221(abdomen)+0.241(hip)+0.202(proximal thigh) - 0.228(calf); R(2) = 0.838; AIC = 415.36 and FFB(Pred) = -31.066+0.90(age)+1.090(wrist) - 0.139(abdomen)+0.326(hip)+0.632(calf); R(2) = 0.878; AIC = 512.48. The equations developed to estimate fat body mass in females and fat-free body mass in both genders had high adjusted coefficients of determination and are therefore preferable to those derived using BIA

    Carotenoides totais em resíduos do camarão Litopenaeus vannamei

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    Considerando-se o possível aproveitamento dos resíduos, provenientes do beneficiamento do camarão, realizouse, neste trabalho, a determinação da concentração de carotenoides totais dos resíduos do camarão Litopenaeus vannamei e da farinha obtida após secagem. As análises foram realizadas nos resíduos in natura e na farinha recémprocessada (dia 0) e aos 60, 120 e 180 dias de armazenamento sob congelamento. Os resíduos frescos apresentaram, no dia 0, teores de 42,74 µg/g de carotenoides totais e, a farinha recém-processada, de 98,51 µg/g. Após 180 dias de armazenamento, sob congelamento, os teores de carotenoides totais diminuíram significativamente, quando comparados com os do dia 0 (p < 0,05)

    Instruments for evaluation of motivations for weight loss in individuals with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.

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    This systematic review aims to identify instruments used to assess motivations for weight loss in individuals with overweight and obesity from different age groups, such as children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. The virtual search was carried out using the PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, and ADOLEC databases, and by manual search. The following descriptors were used: questionnaire, scale, instrument, evaluation, motivation, motive, reason, "lose weight," "losing weight," "weight loss," and slimming. Methodological quality was assessed according to the criteria of the COSMIN checklist. The search yielded 3,524 results, seven of which were included in the review. Six questionnaires assessing motivations for weight loss, which could be applied to various age groups, were identified. All the questionnaires presented items related to appearance and health as the main motivation for weight loss. In addition to these motivations, the questionnaires also included items related to improved sports performance, self-confidence, participation in important social events, family and social pressure, and fitting into different clothes. The most evaluated measurement properties in the studies were internal consistency, reliability, content validity, and construct validity. Regarding internal consistency, one was rated as excellent, one as fair, and three as poor. For reliability, two were rated as being of fair quality, and one as of poor quality. Two studies analyzed the content validity and the questionnaires were rated as being of poor methodological quality. Regarding structural validity, one was rated as excellent, another as fair, and another as poor quality. Only the Weight Loss Motivation Questionnaire presented excellent methodological quality for most of the analyzed criteria. There is a need to develop questionnaires that are of better methodological quality to assess motivations for weight loss. Instruments targeting the adolescent population should also be developed

    Motivations for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Adolescents with overweight and obesity report various motivations for weight loss other than the desire for better health. However, there is little evidence regarding the main motivations for weight loss in adolescents. The present systematic review aimed to identify the motivations for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity. Methods A systematic search for original articles published up to December 2016 was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, and ADOLEC databases. The terms used in the search were: motivation, motive, reason, “weight loss,” “lose weight,” and adolescent. Results Six studies (all cross-sectional) met the selection criteria and were included in the review. The instruments used to assess the participants’ motivations for weight loss were interviews and questionnaires with open questions. Seventeen motivations for weight loss were identified, the main ones being better health, esthetic/cosmetic reasons, improvements in self-esteem, and avoidance of provocation/bullying. Conclusions The results of the present review show the need for validated instruments to assess the motivations for weight loss in adolescents with overweight and obesity. Moreover, the high frequency of motivations for weight loss related to appearance and social acceptance evidences the need for multidisciplinary weight loss interventions that consider not only the biological factors, but also the psychological and social aspects

    Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Histopathological and Biochemical Parameters in the Kidney and Pancreas of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a worldwide health concern, and projections state that cases will reach 578 million by 2030. Adjuvant therapies that can help the standard treatment and mitigate DM effects are necessary, especially those using nutritional supplements to improve glycemic control. Previous studies suggest creatine supplementation as a possible adjuvant therapy for DM, but they lack the evaluation of potential morphological parameters alterations and tissue injury caused by this compound. The present study aimed to elucidate clinical, histomorphometric, and histopathological consequences and the cellular oxidative alterations of creatine supplementation in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 1 DM rats. We could estimate whether the findings are due to DM or the supplementation from a factorial experimental design. Although creatine supplementation attenuated some biochemical parameters, the morphological analyses of pancreatic and renal tissues made clear that the supplementation did not improve the STZ-induced DM1 injuries. Moreover, creatine-supplemented non-diabetic animals were diagnosed with pancreatitis and showed renal tubular necrosis. Therefore, even in the absence of clinical symptoms and unaltered biochemical parameters, creatine supplementation as adjuvant therapy for DM should be carefully evaluated