4 research outputs found

    Exotic atoms at extremely high magnetic fields: the case of neutron star atmosphere

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    The presence of exotic states of matter in neutron stars (NSs) is currently an open issue in physics. The appearance of muons, kaons, hyperons, and other exotic particles in the inner regions of the NS, favored by energetic considerations, is considered to be an effective mechanism to soften the equation of state (EoS). In the so-called two-families scenario, the softening of the EoS allows for NSs characterized by very small radii, which become unstable and convert into a quark stars (QSs). In the process of conversion of a NS into a QS material can be ablated by neutrinos from the surface of the star. Not only neutron-rich nuclei, but also more exotic material, such as hypernuclei or deconfined quarks, could be ejected into the atmosphere. In the NS atmosphere, atoms like H, He, and C should exist, and attempts to model the NS thermal emission taking into account their presence, with spectra modified by the extreme magnetic fields, have been done. However, exotic atoms, like muonic hydrogen (p μ−)(p\,\mu^-) or the so-called Sigmium (Σ+ e−)(\Sigma^+\,e^-), could also be present during the conversion process or in its immediate aftermath. At present, analytical expressions of the wave functions and eigenvalues for these atoms have been calculated only for H. In this work, we extend the existing solutions and parametrizations to the exotic atoms (p μ−)(p\,\mu^-) and (Σ+ e−)(\Sigma^+\,e^-), making some predictions on possible transitions. Their detection in the spectra of NS would provide experimental evidence for the existence of hyperons in the interior of these stars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the "International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics - EXA2017", Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria, September 11-15, 201

    Cytokine signatures in mucocutaneous and Ocular Behçet's disease

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is a multi-systemic inflammatory disorder consisting of recurrent oral aphthosis, genital ulcers, and chronic relapsing bilateral uveitis; however, many other organs may be affected. Several pro-inflammatory cytokines, mainly derived from Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes, seem to be involved in different pathogenic pathways leading to development of the clinical manifestations. On this basis, the primary aim of our study was to compare a core set of pro-inflammatory cytokines between patients with BD and healthy control (HC). The secondary goal was to evaluate potential correlations between these putative circulating biomarkers, the status of disease activity, and the specific organ involvement at the time of sample collection. Fifty-four serum samples were collected from 46 BD patients (17 males, 29 females, mean age 45.5 ± 11.3 years), and 19 HC (10 males, 9 females, mean age 43 ± 8.3 years). Twenty-five serum cytokines (APRIL/TNFS13, BAFF/TNFSF13B, sCD30/TNFRSF8, sCD163, Chitinase3-like1, gp130/sIL-6Rb, IFNb, sIL-6Ra, IL-10, IL-11, IL-19, IL-20, IL-26, IL-27 (p28), IL-28A/IFN-lambda2, IL-29/IFN-lambda1, IL-32, IL-34, IL-35, LIGHT/TNFSF-14, Pentraxin-3, sTNF-R1, sTNF-R2, TSLP, and TWEAK/TNFSF-12) were simultaneously quantified using a Bio-Rad cytokine bead arrays. Serum concentration of sTNF-R1 (p < 0.01) and sTNF-R2 (p < 0.01) resulted higher in both active and inactive BD than HC, while Chitinase3-like1 (p < 0.05) and gp130/sIL-6Rb (p < 0.01) serum levels were significantly higher in inactive BD, and IL-26 (p < 0.01) in active BD than HC. No differences were observed between inactive and active BD group. In addition, we observed that gp130/sIL-6Rb, sIL-6Ra, IL-35, and TSLP serum levels were significantly enhanced in patients with mucocutaneous manifestations plus ocular involvement (MO-BD) compared to subgroup with only mucocutaneous involvement (M-BD). Our findings may suggest a signature of IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a as well as of Th17 response in BD patients due to increased levels of gp130/sIL-6Rb, sTNF-R1, sTNF-R2, IL-26, respectively. This evidence could contribute to improve the knowledge regarding the role of these citokines in the induction of specific BD clinical features

    Rassegna storica salernitana. N.s. A.19, n.1(2002)

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    La Società Salernitana di Storia Patria aderisce al progetto EleA e autorizza la pubblicazione del fascicoloN.s. A.19, n.1(2002): Dell'Acqua, F., Tra Arechi II e Giorgio d'Antiochia: il gusto dei principi e il vetro nell'architettura italiana meridionale (secc. VIII-XII), P. 9 ; Lucherini, V., Note preliminari sugli affreschi nella cappella di Sant 'Antuono a Polla, P. 37 ; Zarra, C., Inediti di Teodoro d'Errico e presenza di pittura fiamminga e tardomanierista nell'agro nocerino-sarnese, P. 49 ; Amabile, D., Un inedito contributo alla storia della cattedrale di Salerno: l'altare della cappella de Ruggiero, P. 73 ; Francesco Volpe, Il Principato citeriore a fine Settecento. "Abbagli" presi da Giuseppe M. Galanti secondo un avvocato cilentano, P. 87 ; Placanica, A., Giuseppe Maria Galanti uomo del suo e del nostro tempo, P. 117 ; Caputo, V., Ambiguità di comportamento degli amministratori nella gestione del bosco "Licosa" di Castellabate, P. 141 ; D'Acunti, V., Guardia nazionale e brigantaggio postunitario, P. 175 ; Colangelo, G. A., La chiesa metodista wesleyiana di Salerno dalla sua nascita al 1920, P. 205 ; Colapietra, R., Considerazioni aggiuntive sull'identità storica, P. 243 ; Colitti, G., Le identità dei luoghi, P. 249 ; Vedovato, G., Cooperazione archeologica euro-mediterranea, P. 253 ; Ferraro, S., Nuovi studi su Velia e la medicina eleatica, P. 259 ; De Simone, V., La «nuova citta salernitana», P. 267 ; Amarotta, A., Le chiese di S. Maria de Domno e S. Maria delle donne nel Centro Storico di Salerno, P. 275 ; Trotta, M., La tradizione del comunismo napoletano, P. 279 ; Ferraro, S., Il contributo di Catello Salvati alla ricerca storica. Riflessioni su storia locale e storia nazionale, P. 285 ; Gallo, I., Marcello Gigante filologo classico, P. 291 ; D’Urso, D., Alberto Pironti, P. 303 ; Carlone, C., Una falsificazione medievale causa di una vertenza plurisecolare, P. 315 ; Pucci, M., Città, territorio e potere nel Mezzogiorno aragonese. I capitoli concessi a Salerno da Ferrante d'Aragona e Roberto Sanseverino nel 1462, P. 327 ; Recensioni e schede bibliografiche, P. 363-422.Sul recto del frontespizio: fasc. 37 della Nuova Serie (Annata LXII dalla fondazione

    Hyperon signatures in the PANDA experiment at FAIR

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    We present a detailed simulation study of the signatures from the sequential decays of the triple-strange pbar p -> Ω+Ω- -> K+ΛbarK- Λ -> K+pbarπ+K-pπ- process in the PANDA central tracking system with focus on hit patterns and precise time measurement. We present a systematic approach for studying physics channels at the detector level and develop input criteria for tracking algorithms and trigger lines. Finally, we study the beam momentum dependence on the reconstruction efficiency for the PANDA detector