5,306 research outputs found

    What Do You Mean, ‘Social Policy Analysis’?

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    Summaries This article explores some of the methods used by donor agencies to undertake ‘social analysis’. The intention is to consider those activities which appear to come under this heading and the related materials and methods that are adopted for measurement and analysis. The article is concerned with both presentation and substance, attempting to assess both the stated concerns and related prescribed procedures of donors and the extent to which those concerns and procedures play an effective role in terms of actual decision?making and action

    Medieval Foundations of Western Civilization

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    "Compared with other works dealing with this period, this book is certainly better in diction and in mechanical workmanship.

    The Mingling of the Races

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    "Many passages reveal the sure touch of a skillful artist who knows how to decorate a story with telling phrase and the right kind of detail.

    Freedom Now!: Four Hard Bop and Avant-Garde Jazz Musicians\u27 Musical Commentary on the Civil Rights Movement, 1958-1964.

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    In this study, I examined musical recordings from the jazz idiom that relate to events or ideas involved in the Civil Rights Movement during the mid-1950s through the mid-1960s. The study focused on the four following musicians\u27 recordings: Charles Mingus, Fables of Faubus; Sonny Rollins, The Freedom Suite; Ornette Coleman, Free Jazz; and John Coltrane, A Love Supreme. The study relies primarily on the aforementioned recordings, critics analysis of those recordings, and events that took place during the Civil Right Movement. The study concludes that these recordings are not only commentary about ideas and events but historically representative of the movement as well

    Northern Midlatitude Ice Exposed in Craters on Mars

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    Mars potentially contains a vast reservoir of buried water ice resources. Understanding the distribution and origins of these resources has become increasingly important due to the plans for a future manned mission to Mars. The northern mid latitude region of Mars is a prime candidate for future landing sites and has a widespread presence of ice. In this study, two northern mid latitude craters are analyzed; one of the craters has a confirmed ice exposing scarp, while the other does not. Analysis of temperature, thermal inertia, multispectral imaging, and geologic features have led to the conclusion that the non-confirmed crater does have ice exposing scarps. In depth multispectral imaging from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer provides data for analysis that reveals exposed nearly pure water ice in Crater 1, and a mixture of water and carbon dioxide ice in Crater 2. Crater Size Frequency Distribution plots suggest that Crater 1 is about 100 million years old. This crater is interpreted to be much older due to active resurfacing from sublimation thermokarst features. The subsurface ice layer is believed to be much older than the craters exposing it. It is likely that the ice sheets were initially deposited from ancient snow that compacted to form glaciers. Recent Mars axis changes in obliquity have led to modifications of the ice sheets both laterally and horizontally

    Suppression of the fake lepton background in same-sign W-boson scattering with the ATLAS experiment

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    Same-sign W-boson scattering is a rare Standard Model process that is useful for probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Analysis is currently underway to measure the cross-section to a significance of 5σ or higher using √s = 13 TeV data from the ATLAS detector's Run 2. The two scattered W-bosons decay leptonically leaving a distinctive experimental signature of two same-sign leptons, two forward jets, and missing transverse energy carried away by two neutrinos. Non-prompt leptons are defined as leptons coming from the decay of hadrons. Such leptons, together with jets misreconstructed as leptons, contribute to the background processes in same-sign W-boson scattering; making up the so-called fake lepton background. In this thesis the fake lepton background is suppressed using two strategies: 1) implementing an optimised veto on events found to contain a b-jet; and 2) optimising the isolation requirements set on signal lepton candidates using the cumulative significance quantity. The approach using the cumulative significance is then extended to optimise additional analysis cuts on the lepton invariant mass mₗₗ, jet invariant mass mⱌⱌ , and the jet separation rapidity Δyⱌⱌ

    The effects of motivational climate on skill acquisition and motivation for physical activity in children with intellectual disabilities

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    Increasing physical activity participation among children with disabilities is critical for developing healthy lifestyles. Motivation can influence the amount of physical activity a person participates in. Establishing motivational climates that emphasize individual progress and outcomes can result in improvements of affective responses of engaging in an activity which, in turn, can increase the likelihood of continued participation. While the relationship between motivational climate and mood has been researched in children without disabilities, little research has been done on the impact of motivational climates for children with disabilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect that a motivational climate has on gross motor skills. Motivational climate the structure of the social environment with regard to the way that it influences individuals\u27 motivation and motivational processes. In achievement goal theories it is typically described in terms of the extent to which the environment is oriented towards promoting task mastery and learning goals or social comparison and performance goals (Lochbaum & Stevenson, 2014). is defined by has on a child with an intellectual disability as it relates to physical activity. Participants for this study will include five children with disabilities recruited from an adapted physical activity program. Participants will be prompted in either a skill acquisition or outcome orientation motivational climate by the researcher before being asked to perform a task in an ABA sequence. Child’s enjoyment of the task and successful completion will be assessed and compared between the two motivational climates using a visual analysi


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    Every Fourth Amendment analysis begins with the threshold inquiry of whether there has been a search or seizure. But answering what constitutes a “search” for the purposes of the Amendment has shown to be a difficult task. This is especially so in a world that is constantly changing by way of technology. Since the Amendment was written, both the capabilities of law enforcement as well as the private and commercial use of information have drastically transformed. For that reason, the doctrine has evolved substantially. Search criterion has shifted from physical trespass to reasonable expectations of privacy. Further, no such expectation exists in information that one knowingly reveals to a third party. But, in the Digital Age, these principles suffer from lack of clarity. Carpenter v. United States was the most recent confluence of the Fourth Amendment and technology, wherein the Supreme Court held that a search occurs when the Government obtains a user’s cell site location information. This note analyzes that case, as well as historic and contemporary search doctrine. Ultimately, this Note argues that search questions—even those implicating technology—are best answered by applying the Amendment as written
