4,537 research outputs found

    The Trust of the Medics

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    No. 30: Zimbabwe’s Exodus to Australia

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    This paper focuses on emigration of Zimbabwe-born migrants to Australia, partly because Australia is largely omitted from the important text, Zimbabwe’s Exodus even though it has become an important destination, and partly because the data is better for Australia, and for New Zealand, than for other major destination countries. This profile discusses the characteristics of persons born in Zimbabwe and of Zimbabwean ancestry, by undertaking primary analysis of the 2011 Australian Census using the TableBuilder software of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, together with the settlement reporting facility of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)

    La médiation pour promouvoir la santé : L’exemple de la maladie d’Alzheimer

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    Cet article s’intéresse aux potentiels de la médiation en matière de promotion de la santé. La médiation santé en Europe est encore circonscrite à la gestion des conflits. Pourtant, en se basant sur le cas de la prise en charge des personnes dépendantes (care), l’auteure soutient que la médiation peut permettre une participation des individus à la définition de leurs besoins et un ajustement des attentes mutuelles, ce que la focalisation actuelle sur la cure contribue à occulter. Toutefois, les situations de perte d’autonomie – comme l’illustre le cas extrême de la maladie d’Alzheimer – posent au médiateur des défis cruciaux.This article explores the potentials of mediation for promoting health. Healthcare mediation in Europe is still centred on conflict management. The author argues, however, based on cases involving care for dependent individuals, that mediation can enable individuals’ to participate in defining their needs and in adjusting mutual expectations – aspects that the current focus on course of treatment tends to overshadow. Situations of declining autonomy, as illustrated in the extreme case of Alzheimer’s disease, nonetheless pose critical challenges for a mediator

    The Powder Train

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    The December day was fading into a mist varying in shades of gray as the leaden skies hovered over the snowblanketed ground. The tint of the cloudy air was deepened now and then, as an exhausted locomotive plowed along the unseen trails of the railroad yard. The black smoke hung densely around the scattered little red buildings which formed the nerve center of the railroad\u27s activity

    Truth And Dare

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    The June sun beat steadily down upon the gravel school yard as the children ran out to play for the last time before vacation. The little girls with their hair flying dashed helter-skelter over the playground, and the boys brought out their baseballs. On one side of the yard in the shade of the library building stood a row of ten-year-old girls. They were members of The Gang, an elite club composed of Republicans only and those who could stand to have their thumb bent backwards without flinching. In front of this rank stood the leader with her hands on her hips. She adopted this position in an effort to compensate for her short stature. Tenshen! she snapped, and the wash dress army stiffened

    Studies on some vectors associated with the epidemiology of soybean mosaic virus

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    Zimbabwe's Emigrants: Growth and Change in Australia

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    Prior to 2006 the Zimbabwe-born in Australia were largely ignored or subsumed within broader geographical “Africa” categories. However between 2001 and 2006 their numbers almost doubled to become the second most numerous birthplace group from sub-Saharan Africa. This prompted Lucas, Jamali and Edgar (2011) to analyse their basic characteristics, one finding being that they were increasingly of non-European ancestry. This article builds upon this work by analysing 2011 Australian census data with a particular focus on European and African components of the Zimbabwe-born. It examines the age/sex structures, occupations, industries, and Australian citizenship take-up rates of each subgroup, identified by their ancestries and languages. Both components are strongly represented in managerial/professional occupations. Unlike the situation in the United Kingdom, mentioned below, there is no strong evidence of deskilling. Although the ethnic composition has changed, the high socioeconomic status of Zimbabwean immigrants is indicated by the predominance of skilled migrants among settler arrivals since 1991. This is contrasted with immigrants from refugee source countries in Africa, who have often experienced interrupted schooling. Another finding is that the majority of both English speakers and African language speakers have taken up Australian citizenship, suggesting that return migration is unlikely to be significant in the immediate future. The substantial flows from Zimbabwe to Australia since 2000 are shown to reflect government policies and the state of the economy in both countries

    Should Donors Support the Solomon Islands National University

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    The question this In Brief addresses is: now that SINU has been established, should donors support it and how?AusAI

    The Sudan-born in Australia: a Statistical Profile

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    Le non-recours aux prestations sociales et sanitaires : quelles implications pour la citoyenneté sociale?

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    Since the 1960s, a specific stream of literature in the field of social welfare has been concerned with the phenomenon of non-take-up, i.e. people who are entitled to social benefits but do not receive them. This issue of non-take-up is becoming increasingly salient and reaching policy agendas, including in Switzerland. It questions both the conditions of access to social benefits and their adequacy or even legitimacy when some people prefer not to claim their rights. What does non-take-up say about the aims of social policies and the way they are perceived by concerned people? What does it say about the underlying norms of those policies and the ways these norms are incorporated or contested by (potential) beneficiaries? What does it say about the public service and its capacity to reach its communities and support them? This special issue starts with an introduction to the topic of non-take-up of health and social benefits, focusing more specifically on the case of Switzerland. Building on this state of the art, the agenda is further developed to explore what non-take-up of social benefits says about the reconfiguration of the relationship between citizens and the state. The five authors of the special issues contribute to this new research agenda in three different ways: by emphasizing the temporal dimension of non-take-up; by supporting a view of recipients as capable and critical actors; and by arguing for a systemic and relational approach to non-take-up.Seit den 1960er Jahren befasst sich eine spezifische Literaturströmung der Soziologie des Wohlfahrtsstaates mit dem Phänomen des Nichtbezuges, d.h. mit Menschen, die Anspruch auf Sozialleistungen haben, diese aber nicht erhalten. In den letzten Jahren gewann diese Thematik zunehmend an Aufmerksamkeit und erreicht die politische Agenda, auch in der Schweiz. Wenn einige Menschen es vorziehen, ihre Rechte nicht in Anspruch zu nehmen, stellt es sowohl die Bedingungen für den Zugang zu Sozialleistungen als auch deren angemessene Ausgestaltung oder gar deren Legitimität in Frage. Was sagt der Nichtbezug über die vorherrschende Sozialpolitik aus? Können wir daraus etwas über die zugrunde liegenden Normen dieser Politik lernen? Wie kann der Nichtbezug aus der Perspektive von Betroffenen verstanden werden? Übernehmen die (potenziell) Anspruchsberechtigten die vorherrschenden Normen oder ist er ein Ausdruck des Widerstandes? Können öffentliche Dienste ihren Auftrag der Grundversorgung von vulnerablen Gruppen überhaupt erfüllen, wenn diese den Angeboten fernbleiben? Diese Sonderausgabe beginnt mit einer Einführung in das Thema des Nichtbezuges von Gesundheits- und Sozialleistungen und konzentriert sich dabei besonders auf den Forschungsstand in der Schweiz. Auf dieser Auslegeordnung aufbauend wird das Thema anschliessend analytisch weiterentwickelt. Damit wird eine Einordnung des Nichtbezuges möglich, die zur Analyse der Beziehung von BürgerInnen und Wohlfahrtsstaat genutzt werden kann. Die fünf Autoren des Sonderhefts tragen auf drei verschiedene Arten zu dieser neuen Forschungsagenda bei: indem sie die zeitliche Dimension des Nichtbezuges betonen; indem sie eine Sichtweise der Betroffenen als fähige und kritische Akteure unterstützen; und indem sie für einen systemischen und relationalen Ansatz des Nichtbezuges plädieren.Que nous apprend le non-recours sur les objectifs des politiques sociales et la manière dont ceux-ci sont perçus par les populations concernées ? Que nous dit-il des normes qui sous-tendent ces politiques, de leur approbation ou de leur rejet par les publics concernés? Que nous apprend-il sur le fonctionnement des services publics et leur capacité à atteindre et soutenir les populations précarisées ? Ce numéro spécial s'ouvre sur une introduction à la question du non-recours aux prestations sociales et de santé. Celle-ci dresse un bref état des savoirs, y compris en Suisse; sur cette base, elle propose de mobiliser l'analyse du non-recours pour éclairer la reconfiguration des relations entre l'Etat et les citoyen.e.s. Les cinq contributions qui suivent participent à ce nouvel agenda de recherche de trois manières: en mettant en évidence la dimension temporelle du non-recours; en considérant les publics des politiques sociales en tant qu'acteurs capables et critiques et en plaidant pour une approche systémique et relationnelle du non-recours
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