44,098 research outputs found

    Exact Recovery for a Family of Community-Detection Generative Models

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    Generative models for networks with communities have been studied extensively for being a fertile ground to establish information-theoretic and computational thresholds. In this paper we propose a new toy model for planted generative models called planted Random Energy Model (REM), inspired by Derrida's REM. For this model we provide the asymptotic behaviour of the probability of error for the maximum likelihood estimator and hence the exact recovery threshold. As an application, we further consider the 2 non-equally sized community Weighted Stochastic Block Model (2-WSBM) on hh-uniform hypergraphs, that is equivalent to the P-REM on both sides of the spectrum, for high and low edge cardinality hh. We provide upper and lower bounds for the exact recoverability for any hh, mapping these problems to the aforementioned P-REM. To the best of our knowledge these are the first consistency results for the 2-WSBM on graphs and on hypergraphs with non-equally sized community

    Medical use of cannabis: italian and european legislation

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    This review illustrates some brief considerations of the medical use of cannabis recently issued in Italy. History and uses of cannabis throughout centuries and different countries are illustrated together with a description of botany and active phytocannabinoids. Then, medical use of cannabis anti-pain treatment for patients resistant to conventional therapies is described in case of chronic neuropathic pain, spasticity, for anticinetosic and antiemetic effect in nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, for appetite stimulating effect in cachexia, anorexia, loss of appetite in cancer patients or patients with AIDS and in anorexia nervosa, hypotensive effect in glaucoma resistant to conventional therapies and for reduction of involuntary body and facial movements in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Italian most recent legislation on medical cannabis is detailed with some law proposals, also showing the inconsistent legislation within European Union. Some final considerations of future studies are also reported

    X-ray ionization of the intergalactic medium by quasars

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    We investigate the impact of quasars on the ionization of the surrounding intergalactic medium (IGM) with the radiative transfer code \texttt{CRASH4}, now accounting for X-rays and secondary electrons. After comparing with analytic solutions, we post-process a cosmic volume (≈1.5×104 \approx 1.5\times 10^4 Mpc3h−3^3 h^{-3}) containing a ULAS J1120+0641-like quasar (QSO) hosted by a 5×1011M⊙h−15 \times 10^{11} {\rm M}_\odot h^{-1} dark matter (DM) halo. We find that: (i) the average HII region (R∼3.2R\sim3.2~pMpc in a lifetime tf=107t_f = 10^7~yrs) is mainly set by UV flux, in agreement with semi-analytic scaling relations; (ii) a largely neutral (xHII<0.001x_{\textrm{HII}} < 0.001), warm (T∼103T\sim 10^3~K) tail extends up to few Mpc beyond the ionization front, as a result of the X-ray flux; (iii) LyC-opaque inhomogeneities induce a line of sight (LOS) scatter in RR as high as few physical Mpc, consistent with the DLA scenario proposed to explain the anomalous size of the ULAS J1120+0641 ionized region. On the other hand, with an ionization rate N˙γ,0∼1057\dot{N}_{\gamma,0} \sim 10^{57}~s−1^{-1}, the assumed DLA clustering and gas opacity, only one LOS shows an HII region compatible with the observed one. We deduce that either the ionization rate of the QSO is at least one order of magnitude lower or the ULAS J1120+0641 bright phase is shorter than 10710^7~yrs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Main Journal, Accepted 2018 May 2

    Strengthening gold-gold bonds by complexing gold clusters with noble gases

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    We report an unexpectedly strong and complex chemical bonding of rare-gas atoms to neutral gold clusters. The bonding features are consistently reproduced at different levels of approximation within density-functional theory and beyond: from GGA, through hybrid and double-hybrid functionals, up to renormalized second-order perturbation theory. The main finding is that the adsorption of Ar, Kr, and Xe reduces electron-electron repulsion within gold dimer, causing strengthening of the Au-Au bond. Differently from the dimer, the rare-gas adsorption effects on the gold trimer's geometry and vibrational frequencies are mainly due to electron occupation of the trimer's lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. For the trimer, the theoretical results are also consistent with far-infrared multiple photon dissociation experiments.Comment: To be published in Inorganic Chemistry Communication

    On a problem of Pillai with k-generalized Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2

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    For an integer k≥2 k\geq 2 , let {Fn(k)}n≥0 \{F^{(k)}_{n} \}_{n\geq 0} be the k k--generalized Fibonacci sequence which starts with 0,…,0,1 0, \ldots, 0, 1 (k k terms) and each term afterwards is the sum of the kk preceding terms. In this paper, we find all integers cc having at least two presentations as a difference between a kk--generalized Fibonacci number and a powers of 2 for any fixed k⩾4k \geqslant 4. This paper extends previous work from [9] for the case k=2k=2 and [6] for the case k=3k=3

    Spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance in theories of conformally coupled matter and Weyl gravity

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    We study the theory of Weyl conformal gravity with matter degrees of freedom in a conformally invariant interaction. Specifically, we consider a triplet of scalar fields and SO(3) non-abelian gauge fields, i.e. the Georgi-Glashow model conformally coupled to Weyl gravity. We show that the equations of motion admit solutions spontaneously breaking the conformal symmetry and the gauge symmetry, providing a mechanism for supplying a scale in the theory. The vacuum solution corresponds to anti-de-Sitter space-time, while localized soliton solutions correspond to magnetic monopoles in asymptotically anti-de-Sitter space-time. The resulting effective action gives rise to Einstein gravity and the residual U(1) gauge theory. This mechanism strengthens the reasons for considering conformally invariant matter-gravity theory, which has shown promising indications concerning the problem of missing matter in galactic rotation curves.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, revised and added reference

    Universality of the Tearing Phase in Matrix Models

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    The spontaneous symmetry breaking associated to the tearing of a random surface, where large dynamical holes fill the surface, was recently analized obtaining a non-universal critical exponent on a border phase. Here the issue of universality is explained by an independent analysis. The one hole sector of the model is useful to manifest the origin of the (limited) non-universal behaviour, that is the existence of two inequivalent critical points.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure non include

    An LTL Semantics of Business Workflows with Recovery

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    We describe a business workflow case study with abnormal behavior management (i.e. recovery) and demonstrate how temporal logics and model checking can provide a methodology to iteratively revise the design and obtain a correct-by construction system. To do so we define a formal semantics by giving a compilation of generic workflow patterns into LTL and we use the bound model checker Zot to prove specific properties and requirements validity. The working assumption is that such a lightweight approach would easily fit into processes that are already in place without the need for a radical change of procedures, tools and people's attitudes. The complexity of formalisms and invasiveness of methods have been demonstrated to be one of the major drawback and obstacle for deployment of formal engineering techniques into mundane projects
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