126 research outputs found

    Faktor Nyamuk Culex dan Babi dalam Penyebaran Virus Japanese Encephalitis (J.e.) di Pontianak dan Solo

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    A sero-epidemiological study was conducted in Solo (Central Java) and Pontianak (West Kaliman­tan) to compare the role of culex mosquitoes and pigs in transmitting the Japanese Encephalitis (J.E.) virus in the community. Data were obtained from 898 children at 6—7 y.o. using C.F. test, while light traps and mosquito larval collection gained from 235 houses in endemic and silent areas, and from 416 pigs collected from farmers, using H.I. test. The high infection rate against J.E. among children in Pontianak (44.4%) compared with in Solo (6.8%) was correlated with the higher infection rate (100.0%) and higher geometric mean of antibody titer (> 80) among pigs population rather than with the Culex density which was found high in both cities. Cx. gelidus was found only in Pontianak , but its role in transmission was not studied yet

    Penyakit Japanese Encephalitis (J.e.) Pada Anak-anak Di Dua Rumah Sakit Di Jakarta Dalam Tahun 1981

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    From April 1981 to March 1982, 118 suspected clinically Japanese Encephalitis cases among chil­dren were admitted to two hospitals in Jakarta. Serological confirmation with H.I. and IAHA tests showed a 4-time increase against JE antigen in 25.4% cases and against Dengue antigen in 17% cases. Both diseases afflicted mainly children in the age group of 0-5 years. More severe symptoms and sequalae were found among JE cases then among Dengue Encephalitic Syndrome (DES) cases. The differential diagnosis for DES can be easily made if rash is present. The diagnosis of JE with WHO criteria were for 75% confirmed by the serological test. Out of 144 spinal fluid collected, four had CPE in LLCMK2 and two in PMK cell lines, further passages failed to demonstrate more CPE

    Larvasidasi Masal dalam Rangka Penanggulangan D.h.f. di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, 1983 - 1984

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    A serological based study was conducted in Sidoardjo, East Jawa, to evaluate the effecti­veness of mass larvaciding of Aedes mosquitoes. Seven hundreds and fourty four children (7 y.o.) from endemic areas and another 742 children from non-endemic DHF areas were randomly selected to measure the difference of transmission rate at one month interval, before and after mass larvaciding was excecuted. Abate SG at 1 ppm were used for mass larvaciding in an endemic area only with total coverage 93.4%. Thirthy seven percent of reduction in transmission rate was achieved by mass larvaciding compared with 110% of increase in transmission occuring in the control areas. A level of 2,9% transmission rate in a population with a 100% infection rate will still result in DHF occurance although in a very small number

    Hubungan Perilaku Petani dengan Sistem Pelaksanaan Teknoloogi pada Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Sri Agung Kecamatan Batang Asam Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sampling simple random dan pemilihan daerah penelitian secara purposive. Sampel terdiri dari 60 orang yang terbagi menjadi 20 kelompok tani yaitu pada kelas kemampuan lanjut dan pemula. Analisis data perilaku petani dan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi pada USAhatani padi sawah dilakukan secara deskriptif sedangkan analisis hubungan perilaku petani dengan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi pada USAhatani padi sawah menggunakan uji Chi Square dengankontingensi 2 x 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 65 persen petani memiliki perilaku positif dan 35 persen berperilaku negatif 66,67 persen sistem pelaksanaan teknologi pada USAhatani padi sawah tergolong tinggi dan perilaku petani berhubungan nyatadengan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi yang diamati melalui pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan petani dalam berusahatani padi sawah. Perbedaan perilaku petani menyebabkan perbedaan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi pada USAhatani padi sawah didaerah penelitian. Perilaku petani dengan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi memiliki hubungan kuat. Keeratan hubungan sebesar 0,650, artinya 65 persen tinggi rendahnya sistem pelaksanaan teknologi padi sawah disebabkan oleh positif negatifnya perilaku petani terhadap USAhatani padi sawah di daerah penelitian. Terdapat hubungan yang nyata antara perilaku petani dengan sistem pelaksanaan teknologi USAhatani sawah didaerah penelitian. Hal ini berarti semakin positif perilaku petani (pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan) maka akan menunjang sistem pelaksanaan teknologi pada USAhatani padi sawa

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Sargassum Polycystum Dari Industri Farmasi Sebagai Pupuk Cair Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah Ultisol Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi

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    The aim of this research to know the effect of seaweed liquid fertilizer (Sargassum polycystum) made ​​from waste materials on the growth and production of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) on ultisol. This research was held in gauze house, Chemistry/Soil Fertility Laboratory and Research Laboratory, Agricultural Faculty, University of North Sumatra, Medan in June-September 2012. The sample of soil to used is ultisol. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Non Factorial with nine treatments and three replications that are twenty-seven experimental units. Treatment consists of P0 (Control), Pa2 (EM-4 20 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 2 days), Pa3 (EM-4 20 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 3 days), Pa4 (EM-4 20 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 4 days), Pa5 (EM-4 20 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 5 days), Pb2 (EM-4 40 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 2 days), Pb3 (EM-4 40 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 3 days), Pb4 (EM-4 40 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 4 days), Pb5 (EM-4 40 cc with liquid seaweed fertilizer every 5 days). The result of experiments showed that seaweed liquid fertilizer different is not real to pH of soil, C-organic of soil, N soil, K-exchange, C/N of soil. But, real different to the P-available of soil, fresh weight of plants, fresh weight of root, dry weight of plant and dry weight of root

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung Atas Kualitas Pelayanan Minimarket Baru Bumiayu

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    Developments and competition in the retail business or minimarket increasingly sharp. Each minimarket promising satisfaction. Since the creation of satisfaction will benefit the company. Based on this formulation of the problem in research is still the detection of these complaints as an indication of dissatisfaction with the performance of services visitors BARU minimarket Bumiayu. This study aims to determine the level of compatibility between visitors' expectations and the performance of the services provided and to determine the level of visitor satisfaction BARU minimarket Bumiayu the quality of services provided by the BARU minimarket Bumiayu. This type of research is descriptive by using primary data. The data was collected using data collection instruments such as guiding question for obtaining data from the company, while to obtain data from 100 respondents using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is incidental sampling. Furthermore, the data obtained in the field is processed in the form of tabulations that are then analyzed. Data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. From the calculation of the level of visitor satisfaction, the performance of the minimarket at 3.68 to 4.62 deduced visitors' expectations in general, visitors were satisfied with the performance of services in the BARU minimarket Bumiayu. From the calculation, it can be concluded the level of compatibility between the expectations of visitors and overall implementation performance minimarket at 79.91% can be categorized according to the expected visitors. Although the dimensions of direct evidence such as the condition of air conditioning was considered quite appropriate 64.86%, condition of toilets 57.05% considered less appropriate and assessed the condition of the parking lot does not conform 42.56%. The suggestions can be given in this study include the company can use the types of lights that are brighter that the products look more obvious, improve the toilets and provide clues and symbols toilet, increasing the number of air conditioning to keep the room cooler, maximizing the suggestion box because the company suggestion box can find weaknesses so that they can take appropriate action for the development of the minimarket

    Evaluasi Hasil Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Berkala terhadap Kesehatan Pekerja Penyemprot Pestisida di PT. Langkat Nusantara Kepong Desa Bukit Lawang

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    The research was conducted on pesticide spraying workers at PT.LNK Kebun Bukit Lawang, Bahorok Subdistrict, in 2014, in order to evaluate their working condition. The researh was descriptive with cross sectional design. The population was 16 workers, and all of them were used as the samples, using total sampling technique. The data were gathered by using data obtained from the company such as the number of workers and the history of the company. Clinical data of the company were viewed from assessment form in the company clinic, based on the history of the previous illness and smoking. When the workers were intoxicated seriously, they had to be checked in the laboratory for examining the cholinesterase enzyme. Based on the distribution frequency, it was found that 12 respondents (75%) were women, 9 respondents (56,3%) were >50 years old with (62,5%) of them had length of service of less than 30 years, 12 respondents (75%) did not smoke, and 16 respondents (100%) had abnormal cholinesterase enzyme with 12 of them (75%) suffered from seriously acute intoxication, two of them (12,5%) suffered from mild intoxication, two of them (12,5%) suffered from chronic intoxication, and 10 respondents (62,5%) had the most history of illness. It is recommended that the workers in the pesticide spraying avoid contact with pesticides or move to non-chemical department temporarily until they are free from cholinesterase enzyme and return to norma
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