3 research outputs found

    Implementasi Strategi Custumer Service Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Dan Literasi Nasabah Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP STABAT K.H ZAINUL ARIFIN

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    This study aims to determine customer service strategies in improving services to sharia principles, and to determine customer understanding of sharia banks. In this study the authors used a qualitative approach and type of research (field research), data collection techniques by means of interviews and documentation. Furthermore, data analysis uses the description method. The data source is Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Stabat K.H Zainul Arifin. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the strategy used by Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Stabat K.H Zainul Arifin customer service to improve service to customers at Indonesian Islamic banks KCP Stabat K.H Zainul Arifin is service customer service in providing services to its customers, namely using the basic strategy of being friendly, responsive, and always paying attention to name tags, while the main strategy is Responsiveness, Competence, Credibility, Contribution. , Honesty (honesty), Excellent Service (excellent service), Innovation (change)

    Urgensi Penerapan Good Corporate Governance pada Perusahaan Asuransi di Indonesia

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    Good Corporate Governance is very important for the industry to protect the interest of investors and policyholders. The crisis of public confidence illustrates the existence of doubt about the governance of insurance company. Complaints about cases related to the insurance industry are still often heard today. The share of the Islamic non-bank financial market is still below 5 percent when compared to conventional. The poor implementation of good corporate governance (GCG) is the culprit. By using a literature study, this research aims to analyze the importance of advancing the insurance industry by implementing a good corporate governance system. The results of the study show that it is true that in general cases of default and other complaints related to insurance are caused by the only management of the governance system at the insurance company so that it affects actions the violate the principle of good corporate governance, namely deviating from the provisions of the TARIF (Transparancy, Accountable, Responsibelty, Indenpendency, Fairness)

    Analisis Peran Audit Internal Terhadap Efektivitas Manajemen Resiko Pada Perbankan Syariah (Studi Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran audit internal terhadap efektivitas manajemen resiko pada perbankan syariah (studi pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berupa penelitian deskriptif untuk menganalisis peran audit internal Bank Syariah Indonesia Medan Aksara Kc dalam meminimalkan risiko. Data primer diperoleh langsung dari bank Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh berupa laporan-laporan yang tersedia dari bank Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara berupa data dari literature review, buku, jurnal dan media lainnya seperti website resmi dari Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara mengenai peran auditor internal dalam meminimalisir risiko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tingkat efektivitas internal audit dalam menilai manajemen risiko dapat dilihat dari capaian bank Syariah Indonesia Kc Medan Aksara dalam penurunan Non Performing Financing (NPF) gross dari tahun 2019 ke 2020, dari 5,12% menjadi 4,22%, dan NPF net mengalami penurunan dari 4,20% menjadi 3,15%. Selain itu, dari tahun 2020 ke 2021 kembali turun dari 4,22% menjadi 3,63%, NPF gross dan NPF net turun dari 3,15% menjadi 2,07%.