28 research outputs found


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    One of the behaviors that can cause ISPA is smoking. Smoking does not only threaten someone who smokes but also those around them or passive smokers. Houses where there are families who have smoking habits have the opportunity to increase the incidence of ARI by 7.83 times compared to houses where there are no smoking families in the house. The type of research used is quantitative research with a cross-sectional research design that aims to analyze differences in the incidence of ISPA under five in parents who smoke in the house and parents who don't smoke. The time of the research started from April to June 2023. The population in this study were all families who had toddlers in the working area of the Puskesmas Medan Denai, namely 325 families and based on the Slovin formula, a minimum sample size of 77 respondents was obtained. Based on research and discussion it is known that the majority of respondents have toddlers aged under five (> 2 years-3 years) and have toddlers with female sex, the majority of parents of toddlers have an intensity of smoking 11-20 cigarettes per day and the majority of toddlers who are respondents in the study This patient is not suffering from ISPA and there is a statistical relationship between the Intensity of Parental Smoking in the House and the Incidence of ISPA in Toddlers. As seen from the results of statistical tests conducted using Pearson Chi-Square, p-value = 0.026 (p <α). It is hoped that the Management of the Puskesmas Medan Denai can improve education or outreach programs for families who have smoking habits in the home regarding the health impacts that can be experienced by family members due to smoking behavior and the community in the working area of the Puskesmas Medan Denai, especially those with toddlers. smoking inside the house to avoid the health effects in the form of ISPA conditions in toddlers


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    Hospitals need to improve strategies to be able to increase outpatient satisfaction so that patients will make decisions to make repeat visits and have an impact on increasing the number of outpatient visits. The type of research used is quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach or research that aims to analyze the factors that cause low outpatient visits at dr. Fauziah Bireuen in 2021. Held at the dr. Fauziah Bireuen, from November 2021 to March 2022. The sample size is calculated by using the minimum sample formula from Lemeshow, from the calculation, the minimum sample size is 60 people. The sampling technique used is consecutive sampling, The results showed that there was a statistical relationship between registration services, doctor services, pharmacy services and the hospital environment with the low number of outpatient visits at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen and the most dominant variable is the registration service variable and based on the value of Exp(B) on the results of the Multivariate test it is known that the registration service has the largest value of 6.376 so it can be assumed that the registration service has a chance of 6.376 times causing low outpatient visits at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen. The need for adding politeness and friendliness indicators to the SOP for registration services, optimizing the use of electronic medical records (RME) to improve the performance of registration service officers and shorten registration waiting times, increasing the comfort of the pharmacy service waiting room by adding a TV unit, so that patients queuing and waiting for drugs become more comfortable and less bored. &nbsp


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    From the results of the study, it turns out that the prevalence of worm disease is still high, namely 60-70%. This parasite is found all over the world. The frequency of this worm disease in Jakarta is quite high. In Bekasi, 1083 school children show a frequency of 24.4%. The incidence rate in Indonesia is still very high, namely almost all children aged 1-10 years have Ascariasis infection, while in adults it is estimated that 60% (in Jakarta). Indonesia still thrives on worm disease, the reason is that the personal hygiene of the community is still lacking. There are still many people who defecate on the ground, in rivers, in ditches, and on rice fields. Worm eggs can also be attached to major vegetables, that is, if the major vegetables are not cleaned using ditch water, river water and water that has been contaminated by worm eggs. Various factors that support the high rate of stomach infection pain in Indonesia are Indonesia's geographical location in the tropics which has a hot but humid climate, which allows stomach worms to breed well


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    Personal hygiene comes from the Greek words meaning individual, and cleanliness, meaning health. Personal hygiene is taking care of your body to improve your physical and mental health. Clean and healthy living behavior is behavior done by the community to take care of their own health and play an active role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of the environment. Poor personal hygiene can cause various diseases such as diarrhea, tooth decay, and asthma. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of personal hygiene on school health services. The research design used is descriptive observation with a qualitative approach. Sampling is done using the probability sampling method. The survey method is a questionnaire. This data was analyzed using chi-square statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between knowledge and personal hygiene with a P value of 0.004. There is an Influence of Attitude with Personal Hygiee at SMK Ganda Husada Tebing Tinggi with a P value of 0.001. There is an influence of Educator Support with Personal Hygiene with P value of 0.003. There is an influence of family support with personal hygiene with a P value of 0.003. There is an influence of PHBS Facilities with Personal Hygiene with a P value of 0.004. In schools, it is recommended that personal hygiene education be taught more in accordance with the school curriculum. Schools can collaborate with local start-ups through the UKS program and conduct regular personal hygiene session

    Efektivitas Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Sisik Naga Terhadap Penyembuhan Diare Pada Anak di Desa Penen, Kecamatan Biru-Biru Tahun 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Walaupun persentase diare sebagai penyebab kematian pada anak di Indonesia cenderung menurun, namun angka kesakitan dan kematiannya masih tinggi. Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) memprediksikan pada tahun 2025 masih terdapat lima juta kematian pada anak usia kurang dari 5 tahun, dimana 97% diantaranya terjadi di negara berkembang dengan penyakit infeksi sebagai penyebab utamanya, salah satunya diare. Pemanfaatan jamu berbasis kearifan lokal merupakan salah satu alternatif pengobatan diare yang diharapkan dapat menjadi terapi rasional yang dapat diterapkan oleh setiap keluarga. Sisik naga atau yang sering disebut ribuan di wilayah sumatera bisa dijadikan alternatif pengobatan herbal diare. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun sisik naga terhadap penyembuhan diare pada anak di Desa Penen Kecamatan Biru-Biru. Metode: Eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan sampel satu kelompok pada 95 anak usia 12 sampai 24 bulan. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dari 95 anak yang mengalami diare, 41 anak masih mengalami diare setelah diberikan ekstrak daun sisik naga dan sisanya 54 orang tidak lagi mengalami diare setelah diberikan ekstrak daun sisik naga. . Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik dengan menggunakan uji Mc Nemar diketahui nilai sig. 000. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan kejadian diare pada anak yang menjadi responden sebelum dan sesudah pemberian ekstrak daun sisik naga

    Perbedaan Pertumbuhan Fisik dan Perkembangan Motorik Anak Lahir Normal dan Sectiocaesarea (Studi Kasus Anak Usia Toodler 1-3 Tahun) di Kecamatan Biru-Biru Tahun 2019

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    Latar Belakang: Pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan motorik anak dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor salah satunya adalah proses persalinan. Proses persalinan dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu proses persalinan spontan dan sectio caesarea. Perkembangan awal maturasi otak pada bayi dipengaruhi oleh mekanisme reflek diantaranya reflek primitif dalam kandungan, reflek lahir, reflek primitif setelah lahir dan reflek natural. Proses persalinan spontan menyebabkan bayi secara aktif mengalami reflek lahir, sedangkan bayi yang dilahirkan secara sectio caesarea tidak mengalami reflek lahir. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan motorik anak lahir normal dan sectio caesarea. Metode: Quasi Experiment dengan desain kasus kontrol terhadap 45 anak usia toodler, pada kelompok kasus dan 45 anak usia toodler. Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney  diketahui bahwa hasil nilai Z hitung variabel Perkembangan -1,627 dengan nilai sig. 0,104 dan pada variabel Pertumbuhan menunjukkan nilai Z hitung -2,852 dengan nilai sig. 0,003. Simpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan Perkembangan Motorik Anak Lahir Normal dan Sectiocaesarea dan ada perbedaan pertumbuhan Fisik Anak Lahir Normal dan Sectiocaesare

    Pengaruh Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 Terhadap Penurunan Gejala Computer Vision Syndrome Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada

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    Diberlakukannya kuliah online pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 secara otomatis meningkatkan intensitas penggunaan perangkat gadget, baik itu ponsel, laptop, komputer, TV dan sejenisnya. Salah satu yang sering terjadi akibat penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan yaitu Computer vision syndrome (CVS) merupakan salah satu masalah pada mata yang menyebabkan gangguan mata yang serius.. Rancangan penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah quasi eksperiment dengan pendekatan one group sample terhadap 74 mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 terhadap Penurunan Gejala Computer Vision Syndrome. Pada Computer Vision Syndrome variabel gejala okular setelah mendapatkan Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 terdapat 65 orang responden yang mengalami penurunan gejala okular , tidak ada responden yang mengalami kenaikan gejala okular, 5 orang responden tidak mengalami perubahan gejala okular. Pada Computer Vision Syndrome variabel gejala visual setelah mendapatkan Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 terdapat 18 orang responden yang mengalami penurunan gejala visual, tidak ada responden yang mengalami kenaikan gejala visual, 56 orang mahasiswa yang menjadi responden tidak mengalami perubahan gejala visual. Pada Computer Vision Syndrome variabel gejala Muskuloskeletal setelah mendapatkan Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 terdapat 65 orang responden yang mengalami penurunan gejala Muskuloskeletal, 1 orang responden yang mengalami kenaikan gejala Muskuloskeletal, 8 orang mahasiswa yang menjadi responden tidak mengalami perubahan gejala Muskuloskeletal. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan nilai sig. 0,00 0,05 pada semua variabel sehingga dapat diasumsikan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian Intervensi Trik 20-20-20 terhadap Computer Vision Syndrome pada variabel gejala okular, gejala visual dan gejala Muskuloskeleta


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    Work discipline is defined as an attitude or behavior of an employee in an organization to always obey, respect, and respect various rules and norms that have been set by the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. The type of research used is quantitative research with a survey method that aims to analyze the factors related to the work discipline of non-civil servants at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen in 2021. This research will be carried out at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen from November 2021 to March 2022. The sample selection in this study was carried out using the Slovin formula, based on this formula the number of samples was 90 non-civil servants. The sampling method used is consecutive sampling. Variables of Supervision System, Provision of Sanctions, Rewards/Reward Services and Leadership Exemplary related to Work Discipline of Non-PNS Employees At RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen 2021. The most dominant variable with non-civil servant employee work discipline is the supervisory system and has 5,859 times the opportunity to improve work discipline for non-civil servant employees at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen. It is necessary to establish a supervisory system to monitor and evaluate the work discipline of Non-PNS employees, Imposing sanctions on employees who violate the rules, especially those related to work discipline and Adjusting the provision of rewards/services to the workload conditions and work discipline of non-PNS employees at RSUD dr. Fauziah Bireuen


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    Penanganan virus COVID-19 belum berakhir, dan kini perawat ruang gawat darurat harus berhadapan dengan munculnya varian baru virus COVID-19. Menurut Kementerian Kesehatan RI, kasus baru varian virus COVID-19 kini telah tiba di Sumatera Utara. Sejauh ini, delapan orang di Kota Medan dipastikan terinfeksi virus Omnicron varian baru COVID-19. Hal ini tentu saja menyebabkan peningkatan respon psikologis berupa stres dan kecemasan pada perawat ruang gawat darurat RSU. menirukan. Desain penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional terhadap analisis 28 perawat ruang gawat darurat RSUD Sembiring Deli Tua, untuk menganalisis perbedaan respon psikologis perawat ruang gawat darurat RSUD Sembiring dalam menghadapi dengan mengatasi penyakit. virus covid 19 dan varian baru coronavirus beradaptasi dengan zaman kebiasaan baru. Penelitian dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Deli Tuasan Merrill Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Untuk menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Grandmed Lubuk Pakam. Dikarenakan jumlah Populasi yang kecil, makan besar sampel penelitian diambil dari keseluruhan populasi yaitu sebanyak 28 orang perawat IGD di RSU Sembiring, Deli Tua. Data primer Data yang di peroleh langsung dari responden wawancara dengan menggunakan instrumen (kuesioner). Data sekunder berupa data kepegawaian dari RSU Sembiring, Deli Tua. Mayoritas perawat yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini mengalami reaksi psikologis berupa kecemasan berat dan stres ringan dalam menghadapi Covid-19, mengalami reaksi psikologis berupa kecemasan sedang dalam menghadapi varian baru Covid-19. -19, dan mengalami reaksi psikologis berupa stres ringan dalam menghadapi varian baru virus Covid-1


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    School Health Efforts (UKS) are also health education efforts that are carried out in an integrated, conscious, planned, directed and responsible manner in instilling, growing, developing, and guiding to live, enjoy and implement the principles of healthy living in the daily lives of students. With the enactment of Law Number 32 of 2004, the various UKS implementation programs in each region are basically left entirely to the UKS Guidance Team in their respective regions to determine program priorities. Based on the observations of the central UKS Guidance Team, it turns out that the implementation of UKS so far is still not as expected. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to empower the UKS structure at every level in order to strengthen the implementation of UKS programs. As we know, UKS is a vehicle to improve the ability to live a healthy life and the health status of students as early as possible. With the program from the government about the UKS strata level. One of UKS activities is health services for school residents. With the existence of health services at SMP Yapim Deli Tua, UKS equipment in elementary schools must be adequate and meet the standards set by the government. As well as the UKS facilities and infrastructure must be considered by every school. With the School Operational Assistance (BOS) fund, schools should be able to allocate funds to complete UKS facilities and infrastructure, but sometimes problems related to UKS facilities and infrastructure are often ignored by the school. In addition to funding problems that affect the fulfillment of UKS facilities and infrastructure needs, there is also limited knowledge of teachers about the strata level in UKS. This will also affect the fulfillment of UKS infrastructure facilities. In addition to the knowledge that teachers lack, socialization about strata in UKS by related parties is also lacking. Therefore, there are many factors that cause the lack of facilities and infrastructure at SMP Yapim Deli Tua. The hope is that schools in fulfilling UKS facilities and infrastructure can be fulfilled in their entirety. The reality in schools is that many schools do not meet the adequate UKS infrastructure and in accordance with the recommendations of the government