52 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh External Shock Terhadap Pengeluaran Konsumsi Masyarakat Indonesia

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    Konsumsi rumah tangga dibedakan atas konsumsi makanan dan bukan  makanan yang memperhatikan asal barang dan terbatas pada pengeluaran dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah tangga , tidak termasuk pengeluaran konsumsi untuk keperluan usaha atau yang diberikan kepada pihak lain. Tingginya risiko external shock yang dialami oleh masyarakat Indonesia tidak diimbangi dengan sistem asuransi dan jaminan sosial yang memadai. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi data panel. Data yang digunakan adalah data Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) meliputi: IFLS 4 (2007) dan IFLS 5 (2014). Sampel penelitian mencakup 13 provinsi di Indonesia  (seluruh provinsi di Jawa, Bali, NTB, Sulawesi Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Sumatera Barat dan Sumatera Utara).   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh external shock  yang meliputi bencana alam, gagal panen terhadap tingkat konsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  ditemukan bukti empiris adanya pengaruh bencana alam terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia dan  ditemukan adanya bukti empiris pengaruh yang signifikan pada variabel gagal panen terhadap pengeluaran konsumsi pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia

    Determinants of Community Welfare in West Sulawesi Province Panel Data

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    The Human Development Index (HDI) is designated as one of the primary measures included in the basic pattern of regional development. This study aims to examine government spending on health, education, public facilities & housing on HDI. The data used is secondary data consisting of 2016-2020 in 6 districts/cities of West Sulawesi. This study aimed to examine the effect of health expenditure, education expenditure, housing, and public facilities on HDI in West Sulawesi. Fiscal indicators seen in this study include health expenditure, education expenditure, housing, and public facilities. The analysis method used data panel with specification model is Fixed Effect. The results showed that government spending in the education sector had a positive and significant effect on HDI, while government spending on housing and public facilities had a significant and negative effect

    review Determinants of Community Welfare in West Sulawesi Province Panel Data

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    Determinants of Local Original Income The Era of Special Autonomy for the Government of Aceh Province

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    Aceh's special autonomy status allows the province to be able to obtain a larger percentage of financial resources to finance its development. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of government spending, GRDP, and population in increasing Aceh's local revenue. This study uses a quantitative approach, the analysis tool used is panel data regression which is processed using Stata. The results of the study prove that government expenditure, GRDP, total population have a positive and significant effect on the local revenue of Aceh Province for the period 2011-2018

    HASIL CEK_Comparative Study of the Potential of the Halal Industry in Developed Countries vs Developing Countries

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the halal industry in developed countries with developing countries. By using research indicators of Muslim Tourist Visits, Halal Industry Market Area, Halal Certification, and Supply Chain Management. Countries that are the object of research are Japan and Singapore as developed countries, Indonesia and Thailand as developing countries. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with reference to secondary data and previous research related to the halal industry indeveloped and developing countries. Theresults of the study show that Japan and Singapore as objects of developed countries still have superior values in the development of the halal industry. Where in Muslim minority countries such as Japan and Singapore have considerable potential in the halal industry sector which is able to support halal tourism activities with the guarantee of adequate Islamic facilities, when compared to Indonesia and Thailand as developing countries. Even though Indonesia is a country with a Muslim majority population,this has not shown that the halal industry in Muslim countries cannot necessarily develop well. As for the results of the wide market, developing countries have superior results but the market value only covers the range of providing the halal industry inthe country, especially in halal food

    Buku Review

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    Determinants of Local Original Income The Era of Special Autonomy for the Government of Aceh Province

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    Aceh's special autonomy status allows the province to be able to obtain a larger percentage of financial resources to finance its development. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of government spending, GRDP, and population in increasing Aceh's local revenue. This study uses a quantitative approach, the analysis tool used is panel data regression which is processed using Stata. The results of the study prove that government expenditure, GRDP, total population have a positive and significant effect on the local revenue of Aceh Province for the period 2011-2018