52 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Antarpribadi Jarak Jauh antara Orangtua dan Anak (Studi pada Mahasiswa Universitas Riau yang Berasal dari Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)

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    Interpersonal communication between parentas and children is an important role in enhancing the self discipline of children as a person of character. When parents separate of distance with their children, thay have to communicate with their children whom is very difficult to controll them when children still lived with them. There are problems that caused by lack of parental supervision due to children cant control their deviant behavior. This research is done for determining the effectiveness of long dictances interpersonal communication between parents and children as well long distances communication media which used University of Riaus student whom are in Rokan Hulu.This research used qualitative methode with researchs location in Rokan Hulu. The subject of research is 10 parents and 10 University of Riaus students whom selected by purposive technique. In order to obtain the data, the researcher used three kinds of data collection techniques, such as participant observation, in-depth interview, and documentation.The result of research showed the first, that the effectiveness of long distances interpersonal communication between parents and children (study of University of Riaus students whom lives in Rokan Hulu), there is openess that shown by parents rather than children; then deeply empathy that felt by parents to children rather than children to parents; and being supportive (supportivennes) parents whom make children feel spirit and always remember their parentss advices; then a positive attitude (positivennes) of parents when giving the children confidence and showing affection to the children; and the last equality attitude to be fair among the children and give the freedom to the children in making a opinion. Second, this long distances interpersonal communication used the visual communication media such as cell phone. Then the media used audiio visuals media and social networks such as facebook and blackberry massanger or BBM.Keywords: interpersonal communication, effectiveness of interpersonal communication, long-distance relationships between parents and children, juvenile delinquenc

    Presentasi Diri Seorang Intel di Sat Intelkam Polres Kabupaten Rokan Hilir (Rohil) dalam Pengungkapan Kasus Pencurian

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    The Presentation of self is an activity undertaken by individuals to foster the impression to others suit the individual. Percentage themselves usually done by people with certain professions such as intelligence. Intelligence serves as a case investigator must present themselves well to the criminals and the people. This is done so in the disclosure of criminal cases such as theft is often the case in Rokan Hilir can be resolved quickly and appropriately. When performing themselves, an intelligence has the front stage as a member of an undercover police to investigate the case and the back stage as a person who is. Two of stage is contained in Dramaturgy theory popularized by Goffman. This study aims to determine the front stage and back stage an intelligence on Sat Intelkam Polres district Rokan Hilir in spy case of theft.This study used qualitative research methods. Subjects in this study were three members of the intelligence on Sat Intelkam Polres Rokan Hilir on social and cultural part that went to the field to catch the suspect. Data collection techniques are grouped through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. This study uses data analysis interactive model of Miles and Hubermen, using a technique that checks the validity of the data through the extension of participation and triangulation.These results indicate that an intelligence must manage impression by changing the font settings and personal while they are at the front stage this is done so that people are not suspicious of their presence when the disclosure of theft . Setting is setting a place , time and atmosphere of the time of the drama , while personal font is a tool that brought current and body language displayed during the staging of the drama . Each intelligence has its own role that has been prepared in the back of the stage , a role performed in accordance with karater they wish to show the time in front of the stage . On the back of the stage ( back stage ) remains a human intelligence that is in accordance with their personality when in the family and closest friends . Because in the back stage ( back stage ) intel interact with the environment created for the closest fit without intelligence as well as social beings .Keywords: Self-presentation, Intelligence, Dramaturgy, Front Stage, Back Stag

    Pola Komunikasi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Provinsi Riau dalam Mencegah dan Menanggulangi Bencana Asap di Riau

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    Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Riau Province is a government agency established to disaster areas. As a government organization is certainly very necessary implementing communication patterns. Patterns of communication necessary for communication and Opera delivered the leadership can be accepted and understood subordinates. Delivering a message intended synergy of communication with the good cooperation so terapai goal of disaster management smog. This study aims to determine patterns of communication Regional Disaster Management Agency of Riau Province in disaster prevention and responses smoke in Riau.This study used a qualitative method with descriptive approach. This research is located in the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Riau Province, the General Sudirman, Pekanbaru with the object of study of communication patterns Regional Disaster Management Agency of Riau Province in disaster prevention and responses smoke in Riau. While the subject of research is chief executive BPBDs Riau Province, Head of Prevention and Preparedness, Emergency Head, Head of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Task Force BPBDs Riau, Riau BPBDs Special Staff, Task Force for Disaster Resilient Village and BMKG Pekanbaru. Retrieving data using non-participant observation and interviews tersruktur and documentation.Results from this study indicate patterns of communication BPBDs Riau Province is a wheel pattern. Wheel pattern seen since the application of a structured communication and coordinated by BPBD Riau. At the time of the disaster prevents fumes, wheel pattern appears on the coordination done BPBDs Riau. At the time of tackling the disaster, the pattern wheel is used also in coordination and command and briefing at the command post BPBDs Riau. WhatApps strengthen the use of media usage patterns of the wheel. The whole stackholder can communicate with all the elements but still based on the existing structure

    Hubungan Komunikasi Internal terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Kampar Internal Communication Relationship To The Employee Performance Of Population And Civil Registration District Kampar

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    The organization is a container from a group of people who held a collaboration to achieve common goals. The success of organization can be realized if every individual in the organization have the performance against organization. In addition in an organization of the communication also has an important role. A better communication in the structure of can give rise to a sense of the solidarity and loyalty between employees with an organization / the institution concerned. The aim of this research is to find out how significant a strong relationship between internal communication with the employee performance in conducting the duty of department population and civil registration in Kampar.Methods used in this research namely quantitative methods with explanation survey, researchers collected data using a questionnaire. The location of this research is in the population and civil registration district Kampar. The number of samples for this research as many as 56 respondents, the withdrawal of the sample use quotas sampling techniques. To know how much the relationship between both side variables, researchers used moment products correlation analysis. While the questionnaire to data processing conducted using the product of service solution statistic ( spss ) 20.0 version for windows.This research result indicates that the relationship between internal communication with the employee performance department of population and civil registration district Kampar , Obtained t value of 0.674 which means the amount included in a category strong interprets a correlation coefficient in accordance in the guidebooks. This shows that internal communication correlation with the employee performance run well on the office of population and civil registration district Kampar. This indicates that, vertical communication and communication horizontally synchronization in these agencies showed that the percentage is a good enough, so can increase the employee performance .Thus H0 were rejected and Ha accepted.Keywords: Internal Communication, Employee Performance, Population And Civil Registration District Kampa

    Efektivitas Komunikasi Akun Instagram @Sumbar_rancak Sebagai Media Informasi Online Pariwisata Sumatera Barat

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    Instagram is one of type socia media that is not only effective for communicating, but also effective when used as a online information providers either general information or special information. One of the users who use instagram as an online special information is @sumbar_rancak Account @sumbar_rancak is an instagram account that provides special information about tourism in West Sumatra. The theory used in this research is communication effectiveness theory as the main theory and new media theory as its supporting theory. The purpose of this research is to investigate how big the effectiveness of account instagram @sumbar_rancak as a tourism information online West Sumatra.This research uses quantitative research methods, with data collection techniques that is through the spread of online questionnaires using google docs to followers @sumbar_rancak account with 400 sample counts that are determined through random sampling technique. The analysis techniques data in this research using descriptive statistical techniques.The results of this research indicate that the level of Account Instagram Effectivity @sumbar_rancak As Tourism Online Information Media West Sumatra classified as very effective. This has been proven by the result of collected data that have been measured by six indicator, each indicator reaches a scale of 3.30 on the receiver or user indicator, scale of 3.29 on the content indicator, 3.40 scale on the channel indicator ( Media), 3.30 on the format indicator, 3.22 scale on the source indicator, and 3.06 on the timing indicator. The conclusion obtained by using the average formula of all indicators is 3.26 which is included in a very effective scale range. This indicates that Instagram Account @sumbar_rancak is a very effective as a tourism online information media in West Sumatra

    Pengaruh Instagram Sebagai Media Online Shopping Fashion Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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    Instagram as a social media today the function is no longer just a media facilitates its users to present themselves and socialize in cyberspace. Now social media has been used to trading some products to consumers, known as an online shop. Online shop on Instagram now emerging along the fashion updated and the increasing of needs. It can propel consumptive behavior when the individuals affected by exposure to the online shop on Instagram and can not control the excessive craving. This research starts on the Stimulus-Response theory. In this research Online Shop on Instagram is the stimulus provided by the media to the student so that the student response purchasing continuously. This research aimed to find out the influence of Instagram as media of online shopping fashion towards consumptive behavior among the students of Political Science and Social Science Faculty in University of Riau.The method used in this study is a quatitative methode of explanation, data collection techniques in this study using questionnaire. The number of samples for this study were 96 respondents. Sampling using Accidental Sampling. In this study, simple linear regression with SPSS 23 program was used to analyze the data.Based on the result, Instagram as the media of online shopping fashion with indicators (Participation, Openness, Conversation, Community, Interconnecting) influenced consumptive behavior (Impulsive Buying, Prodigality, Irrational Buying) among the students of Political Science and Social Science Faculty in University of Riau. It was obtained that regression coefficient values is Y = 0.998 + 0.341 X 0.000 with a significance level of less than α = 0.05. It means that there is the influence of Instagram as online shopping fashion media towards consumer behavior among students of Political Science and Social Science Faculty in University of Riau was 38.4% and in the category of influential weak, while the remaining 61.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this research

    Strategi Branding Portal Online Www.tripriau.com Dalam Membangun Brand Awareness Sebagai Portal Online Pariwisata Provinsi Riau

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    Online portal www.tripriau.com online portal is one of the online portal in Riau Province that has its own uniqueness. These portals contain local content and the potential of tourism in the province of Riau. Since its establishment, www.tripriau.com do branding strategy in order to build brand awareness or trust the reader to be known as a tourism-themed online portal. As the selection of brand name Trip Riau, Riau Guide My tagline, as well as the implementation of travel instagram photo contest. It aims to reinforce to the public if the company is a media focus on discussing about tourism in the province of Riau. However, along with development, other emerging online portal that also focuses the tourism content alone. This study aims to determine the branding strategy undertaken www.tripriau.com to build brand awareness as an online portal of tourism in the province of Riau.This study used qualitative methods to the theory of SOR (Stimulus-Organism-reponse). The object to be studied is the brand positioning, brand identity and brand communication. Subjects were 17 people consisting of the Director, General Director, Chairman of the Company, one journalist, Kasubbid marketing Disparekraf Riau, four followers facebook account, General Manager of Grand Elite Hotel Pekanbaru, two people Followers Instagram account, two speakers Trip Riau, two journalists from other media. Data collected by interview, documentation and observation. Mechanical analysis of data using interactive data analysis model of Miles and Huberman. Mechanical examination of the validity of data using techniques extension of participation and triangulation techniques. Mechanical determination informant used purposive technique.The results show if the brand positioning element consists of identifying excellence in a way to segment the audience, presenting news in the form feauture and using high-resolution images. Then select the appropriate competitive advantage by focusing bring many visitors and promote articles through social media. And communicate and deliver the chosen position by means of presentations and exhibitions. Brand identity elements that form the brand name selection, use the tagline, and the use of corporate identity. While elements of brand communication in the form of sponsorship activities, media partners and implementation of the event. Ways considered effective to build brand awareness with levels Top Mind minds of audiences is to segment the audience, brand name selection that the content is appropriate, direct presentation of activities and implementation of the event instagram photo contest

    Pesan Sosial dan Bentuk Pesan pada Komik “Hai,miiko!” (Studi Analisis Isi)

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    Circulating in Indonesia is dominated by Japanese comics (manga) and translated and repackaged in Indonesia. The power of comics is in words and pictures. The comic "Hi, Miiko!" is one of the most popular comics in Indonesia that tells the daily social life of children. The content of social reality that becomes a social message will be a variable in this research namely social values, social deviations, and social control. Each variable will be put into 2 categories, according to the power of the comic (words & picture) and the message form (verbal & nonverbal). There are two categories of social messages that are told (written words) and social message categories that are showed (picture). The theory used in this research is Paul Ricoeur's theory of manuscripts / messages. The purpose of this research is to know how to describe the characteristic of social message and form of message on comic "Hi, Miiko!" With identification problem how big percentage of social message content and message form each variable per category.This research uses descriptive quantitative descriptive research method, with data accumulation technique is coding sheet that given to 2 coder, with 140 scene sample or 28 theme through stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis techniques in this study is descriptive statistical techniques by using frequency tables and percentages.The results of this study indicate that the message of social values as much as 73.58% for the written words category and 60.8% for the picture category. Then social deviation messages in sub-variables, form deviations of 32.5% for written words and 24.7% for pictures, sub-variable types of deviant behavior as much as 37.9% for written words and 30% for pictures. Lastly, for messages of social control each of 27.2% for written words and also picture category. This shows that the greatest social message content in the comic "Hi, Miiko!" is the message of its social values