22 research outputs found


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    1^{1}D. Ray, K.G. Lubic, and R.J. Saykally, Molec, Phys., accepted for publication. ∗^{\ast}Supported by NSF Grant #CHE-8007042Pure rotational transitions have been measured for the HCℓ+HC\ell ^{+} molecular ion by the technique of far-infrared laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The ions were generated in an intracavity discharge through helium containing a trace of HCℓHC\ell at total pressures near 1 Torr. Measurements have been made for the H35Cℓ+,H37Cℓ+,D35Cℓ+H^{35}C\ell ^{+}, H^{37}C\ell ^{+}, D^{35}C\ell ^{+}, and D37Cℓ+D^{37}C\ell ^{+} isotopes at magnetic flux densities up to 20 kGauss. These spectra are being analyzed according to the 2Π^{2}\Pi Hamiltonian of Brown


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    1^{1} Saykally, R. J. and Evenson, K. M., ``The Far-Infrared Laser Magnetic Resonance Spectrum of CF,'' 34th Symposium of Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus, OH; June 1979; Paper TF-4. ∗^{*} Supported by NSF Grant #CHE−8007042.\#CHE-8007042.Author Institution:In 1979 Saykally and Evenson1Evenson^{1} described laser magnetic resonance spectra of five transitions of CF in the 2Π^{2}\Pi ground state. Here we report the analysis of both the π\pi and σ\sigma spectra of the J=9/2→11/2,Ω=3/2J = 9/2 \rightarrow 11/2, \Omega = 3/2 transition. These spectra were well-resolved and using nonlinear least squares analysis the following constants were determined: (MHz) \begin{eqnarray*} B_{0} &=& 42 192.74(38) \\ h &=& 665(11) \\ b &=& 240(30) \\ d &=& 586(420) \\ P_{0} &=& 367(28) \end{eqnarray*} From the hyperfine constants, the appropriate integrals over the unpaired electron distribution were determined. From there, a qualitative interpretation of the electronic structure of the ground state of CF can be obtained


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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of California; Zum Pfarrhag 2, 6238 Hofheim 6, West Germany; Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil; Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics, National Research Council, CanadaWe have recently measured the rotational spectrum of X2ΠHF+X^{2}\Pi HF^{+} by laser magnetic resonance; this measurement continues our study of the hydrogen halide ion series (HCl+,HBr+…)(HCl^{+}, HBr^{+}\ldots). Λ\Lambda-doubling and hyperfine structure from the halide nucleus was resolved in each case; for HF+HF^{+}, hydrogen hyperfine structure was observed as well. The magnetic resonance rotational transitions, augmented by combination differences from optical data, were analyzed using a Zeeman Hamiltonian in a single, weighted least squares fit. Eight molecular constants were determined. Current work is directed towards measuring the rotational spectrum of DF+DF^{+}

    A preclinical 188Re tumor therapeutic investigation using MORF/cMORF pretargeting and an antiTAG-72 antibody CC49

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    The utility of MORF/cMORF pretargeting for the radiotherapy of cancer requires further validation in tumored mice before clinical trials. We now report on a therapeutic study in mice pretargeted with MORF-CC49 (the anti-TAG-72 antibody CC49 conjugated with MORF, a phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer) and then targeted by 188Re-cMORF (a 188Re labeled complementary MORF). Before the dose-escalating therapeutic study, a pretargeting study in LS174T tumored mice was performed at tracer levels. By both necropsy and imaging, the tracer study showed that the whole body radioactivity was largely restricted to tumor in the mice pretargeted 48 h earlier with MORF-CC49 and the tumor radioactivity was retained over 90 h. After decay correction, a best-fit to the biodistribution provided the areas under the radioactivity curves (AUCs) used for the radiation dose estimates. The tumor to normal organ AUC ratios in all cases were greater than unity and ranged from 3 (kidneys) to 48 (muscle). Tumor growth was inhibited in the therapy study. At the highest 188Re dose of 1.40 mCi, a complete but temporary tumor remission was evident in three out of the five animals. Histological examination of tissues from these animals showed no evidence of cytotoxicity to normal tissues but obvious radiation damage to tumor. In conclusion, effective radiotherapy was achieved in a mouse model by MORF/cMORF pretargeting using 188Re as the therapeutic radionuclide and CC49 as the pretargeting antibody

    The Social Rights and Responsibilities of Pregnant Women: An Application of Parsons's Sick Role Model

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    A study sought to identify the role expectations ascribed to pregnancy, and to examine whether such expectations differed across categories of socioeconomic status, age, race, and gender. In particular, the adequacy of Parsons `s model of the sick role for describing social expectations for pregnant women was analyzed. For each of the four components of Parsons `s sick role, items were developed for a questionnaire administered to a sample of 329 adults in a metropolitan community. The results indicate that for the vast majority of the respondents, the behavior expected of pregnant women is similar to Parsons's sick role. A factor analysis of item responses, however, reveals that they are not unidimensional. Furthermore, significant variation occurred across categories of socioeconomic status, gender, race, and age in the extent to which respondents ascribed the four implications of these findings are discussed.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline