23 research outputs found

    ’n Kwalitatiewe studie na die rol van massa-toename in die vroeë-adolessente dogter se belewenis van die self (Afrikaans)

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    AFRIKAANS: In hierdie studie is die rol van massa-toename in die vroeë-adolessente dogter se belewenis van die self bestudeer. Aspekte uit die literatuur wat ’n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die grondslag van die studie gelê het, is die volgende: • die rol wat massa speel in die vroeë-adolessente dogter se belewenis van die self en die implikasies daarvan op haar kledinggedrag • die rol van ander in die vroeë-adolessente dogter se belewenis van die self en die implikasies daarvan op haar kledinggedrag • die strategieë wat die vroeë-adolessente dogter gebruik om die self in hierdie ontwikkelingsfase te kan handhaaf en die implikasies daarvan op haar kledinggedrag. Die steekproef is saamgestel uit 16 blanke vroeë-adolessente dogters tussen die ouderdom van 11 en 13 jaar, wat in ’n stedelike gebied woonagtig was. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is vir die studie gevolg met ongestruktureerde onderhoude, fokusgroepe en persoonlike dokumentasie wat ook verskeie stimulustegnieke ingesluit het. Verbatim transkripsies van die onderhoude sowel as bekrywings van die onderhoudsituasies is gebruik vir die bespreking en interpretasie van die resultate. Dit is gedoen met inagneming van die breë navorsingsvrae wat die studie gerig het. Vroeë-adolessente dogters ervaar massa-toename verskillend: • Die normale-massa vroeë-adolessente dogter ervaar dat sy deur die fase van ingrypende veranderinge, wat massa-toename insluit, eintlik vet word. Sy is konstant besig met selfmonitering; die self word ’n objek van evaluering. Sy ervaar die emosie van skaamte en poog om haar liggaam te bedek vir ander wat haar voortdurend dophou. • Aan die ander kant beleef die oormassa vroeë-adolessente dogter die ontwikkelingsfase meer ontspanne en is sy nie so bewus van haar liggaam en dit wat ander daarvan sê nie. Sy gee voor om nie so begaan te wees oor die oormassa nie, deur ander te blameer vir die situasie en vir haar voorkoms. Sy blameer selfs vir God dat Hy haar so geskep het. Sy ervaar die emosie van hartseer en deur voor te gee dat sy nie oor die situasie bekommerd is nie, hanteer sy slegs die emosie en nie die situasie nie. • Aan die einde blyk dit egter dat normale-massa en oormassa vroeë-adolessente dogters dieselfde belewenis van die self in die oorgangsfase het. Hulle voel hartseer oor die verlore kinderjare en ervaar dat hulle minder tyd het om te speel maar meer verantwoordelikhede moet dra. Die studie het die volgende bydrae gelewer: • ’n Lewensverloop- en simboliese interaksionistiese perspektief kan as geskik beskou word vir ’n studie waarin ’n ontwikkelingsfase soos vroeë adolessensie ter sprake kom. • Dit blyk dat die vroeë-adolessente dogter in die studie werklik bekommerd is oor haar voorkoms en dit wat ander van haar dink. • Dit blyk ook dat die vroeë-adolessente dogter in hierdie studie, kleding gebruik om haar voorkoms so te bestuur dat dit aan die norm van ideale liggaamsbou wat in die media voorgehou word, kan voldoen, en dat dit haar kan ondersteun in die aanneem van ‘n volwasse vroulike geslagsrol. • Dit blyk dat die normale-massa vroeë-adolessente dogter van probleem-gefokusde handhawingstrategieë gebruik maak soos bedek, wegsteek of self-manipulering van die liggaam. • Die oormassa vroeë-adolessente dogter daarenteë maak van meer emosioneel gefokusde handhawingstrategieë gebruik soos ontkenning, vermyding, kognitiewe her-ontwerp en godsdiens. Die volgende aanbevelings kan gemaak word: • Die kwalitatiewe navorsingstyl kan meer dikwels gebruik word in studies met jonger deelnemers. • Kledingkundiges behoort dit in gedagte te hou dat veral die pas van klere vir die vroeë-adolessente dogter belangrik is en dat kleding wat die liggaam ontbloot, of styf aan die liggaam pas, die liggaam benadruk en die dogter ongemaklik en skaam laat voel. • Daar behoort ook begrip te wees vir die feit dat dit vir die vroeë-adolessente dogter nou belangrik is om met verskillende voorkomsstyle te eksperimenteer ten einde ‘n voorkoms te vind wat nie net by haar veranderde liggaam pas nie, maar ook by die nuwe rol wat sy nou moet aanneem. Daar moet in gedagte gehou word dat die studie uitgevoer is met ’n beperkte aantal deelnemers en daarom kan die gevolgtrekking nie na die breë populasie veralgemeen word nie; dit het slegs betrekking op die 16 deelnemers wat met die toestemming van hul ouers aan die studie deelgeneem het. ENGLISH: In this study the role of weight gain in the early-adolescent girl’s experience of the self was studied. Aspects from the literature that were significant and formed the foundation of the study were: • the role that weight gain plays in the early adolescent girl’s perception of the self and the implication that it may have for her clothing behaviour • the role of others in the early adolescent girl’s perception of the self and the implications that it may have for her clothing behaviour • the strategies that the early-adolescent uses to cope with this development phase and the implications that it may have for her clothing behaviour The study comprises 16 white early-adolescent girls aged between 11 and 13 years who, according to acknowledged criteria, are staying in an urban environment. A qualitative research methodology was selected with unstructured interviews, focus groups, and personal documentation utilising various stimulus techniques. Verbatim transcriptions of the interviews as well as descriptions of the interview situation were used for the discussions and interpretations of the results, taking into account the broad research questions set for the study. The findings were the following: Early-adolescent girls experience weight gain differently: • The normal-weight early-adolescent girl experiences that by going through this phase of rapid change, which includes an increase in her weight, that she is actually becoming fat. She is constantly busy with self monitoring; her self is becoming an object to evaluate. She experiences the emotion of shame and wants to cover her body from people that are constantly looking at her. • On the other hand, the overweight early-adolescent girl’s experience of this phase is more relaxed; she is not so much aware of her body and what other people are saying about her. She pretends not to be worried about being overweight by blaming other people and situations for her appearance. She even blames God for creating her that way. She experiences the emotion of sadness and by pretending not to worry or by avoiding the situation, she only copes with the emotion – but the situation is not handled. • In the end it seems that normal-weight and overweight early-adolescent girls share the same experience of the self. They feel sad about losing their childhood years when they felt less ashamed and had fewer concerns about their body’s appearance. They feel the loss of having less time to play and more responsibilities. The study could make the following contribution to the theory of clothing: • The life course and symbolic interactions perspective would be suitable for studies into a developmental stage such as early adolescence. • It seems that the early-adolescent girl in this study was really concerned with her appearance and about what other people thought of her. • It seems that the early adolescent girl in this study used clothes in appearance management to manipulate her appearance in order to try and fit the ideal body that the mass media hold up as an example as well as for support in her adoption of an adult gender role. • The normal-weight early-adolescent girls in this study made use of problem-focused coping strategies such as hiding and self-manipulation of their bodies. • The overweight early-adolescent girl, on the other hand, made use of more emotionally focused coping strategies such as avoidance, re-appraisal, denial and religion. The following recommendations were made: • The qualitative research methodology could be used more often when studying younger participants. • The early adolescent girl is especially concerned about the fit of her clothes. Tight fitted clothes and clothes that expose her body make her feel uncomfortable and ashamed of herself. • An understanding of the early-adolescent girl’s need to experiment with new styles and various appearances is needed. One should keep in mind that this study was conducted with a limited number of participants and the conclusions reached therefore pertain only to the 16 participants who gave their valuable input willingly and with the consent of their parents.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Consumer Scienceunrestricte

    Faculty’s experience of a formal mentoring programme: the perfect fit

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    Background: The aging academic cohort in the faculty of health sciences necessitates transfer of knowledge and skills as a crucial component of sustainability. Formal mentoring programmes at higher education institutions aim to create a platform where experienced faculty can mentor newly appointed faculty to adjust to the context and gain knowledge and exposure. The formal mentoring programmes’ structure and outcomes can create challenges and prevent the perfect fit between the mentor and mentee.Purpose: The aim is to provide a description of the experiences of mentors and mentees of a formal mentoring programme in a higher education institution. This pilot study strives to provide recommendations to enhance mentorship experiences that facilitate adjustment and knowledge and skill transfer through the perfect fit.Methods: A qualitative, descriptive case study was conducted as a pilot study. The case used was the formal mentoring programme. The unit of analysis was three purposefully selected faculty and researchers who were intimately involved in the mentoring process. Guided narrative reports were used and analysed by Tesch’s content analysis.Results: Three themes emerged namely, knowledge and skills transfer, mentoring programme and mentoring process.Conclusion: The formal mentoring programme contributed positively to professional development, but posed challenges related to structural components. It is recommended that the structured mentoring programme be merged with informal mentoring to make it more authentic.Keywords: Formal mentoring programme, the perfect fit.

    Neurophobia : the inconvenient truth

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    Medical schools have implemented strategies in response to neurophobia to counteract the negative perception and improve neuroscience experiences for undergraduate medical students. In this study, we explored the attitudes, perceptions and preferred learning approaches of undergraduate and postgraduate medical students toward the teaching, facilitation, learning and assessment of neuroanatomy, as well as their perceptions on its relevance in the South African medical curriculum. A total of 299 undergraduate and five postgraduate students from the University of Pretoria participated in this study. We used a multi-method approach in which the undergraduate students completed an anonymous quantitative questionnaire, while the postgraduate students participated in a qualitative focus- group discussion. Undergraduate medical students preferred lecture notes to study from above any other type of literature and mainly used laptop computers as preferred electronic devices in preparation for their assessments. The favourite topic was cranial nerves, and the least popular was histology of the nervous system. Postgraduate students shared their undergraduate neuroanatomy experiences and provided constructive feedback and suggestions to undergraduate students and lecturing staff. Ineffective teaching methods and limited contact time remain factors that contribute to neurophobia in South Africa. Students perceive neuroanatomy as an interesting and important subject in their medical degree. However, changes are needed to modernize neuroanatomy and make it more accessible and student-friendly. The challenge then remains: how do we, as lecturers, modernize neuroanatomy in the medical curriculum to make it contemporary and clinically applicable?https://eurjanat.comam2024AnatomyEducation InnovationSDG-04:Quality Educatio

    Faculty’s experience of a formal mentoring programme : the perfect fit

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    BACKGROUND : The aging academic cohort in the faculty of health sciences necessitates transfer of knowledge and skills as a crucial component of sustainability. Formal mentoring programmes at higher education institutions aim to create a platform where experienced faculty can mentor newly appointed faculty to adjust to the context and gain knowledge and exposure. The formal mentoring programmes’ structure and outcomes can create challenges and prevent the perfect fit between the mentor and mentee. PURPOSE : The aim is to provide a description of the experiences of mentors and mentees of a formal mentoring programme in a higher education institution. This pilot study strives to provide recommendations to enhance mentorship experiences that facilitate adjustment and knowledge and skill transfer through the perfect fit. METHODS : A qualitative, descriptive case study was conducted as a pilot study. The case used was the formal mentoring programme. The unit of analysis was three purposefully selected faculty and researchers who were intimately involved in the mentoring process. Guided narrative reports were used and analysed by Tesch’s content analysis. RESULTS : Three themes emerged namely, knowledge and skills transfer, mentoring programme and mentoring process. CONCLUSION : The formal mentoring programme contributed positively to professional development, but posed challenges related to structural components. It is recommended that the structured mentoring programme be merged with informal mentoring to make it more authentic.http://www.bioline.org.br/hsam2020Education Innovatio

    Viral suppression following switch to second-line antiretroviral therapy: associations with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance and subtherapeutic drug concentrations prior to switch.

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    BACKGROUND: High rates of second-line antiretroviral treatment (ART) failure are reported. The association with resistance and nonadherence on switching to second-line ART requires clarification. METHODS: Using prospectively collected data from patients in South Africa, we constructed a cohort of patients switched to second-line ART (1 January 2003 through 31 December 2008). Genotyping and drug concentrations (lamivudine, nevirapine, and efavirenz) were measured on stored samples preswitch. Their association with viral load (VL) <400 copies/mL by 15 months was assessed using modified Poisson regression. RESULTS: One hundred twenty-two of 417 patients (49% male; median age, 36 years) had genotyping (n = 115) and/or drug concentrations (n = 80) measured. Median CD4 count and VL at switch were 177 cells/µL (interquartile range [IQR], 77-263) and 4.3 log10 copies/mL (IQR, 3.8-4.7), respectively. Fifty-five percent (n = 44/80) had subtherapeutic drug concentrations preswitch. More patients with therapeutic vs subtherapeutic ART had resistance (n = 73): no major mutations (3% vs 51%), nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (94% vs 44%), M184V/I (94% vs 26%), and ≥ 1 thymidine analogue mutations (47% vs 18%), all P = .01; and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) cross-resistance mutations (26% vs 13%, P = .23). Following switch, 68% (n = 83/122) achieved VL <400 copies/mL. Absence of NRTI mutations and subtherapeutic ART preswitch were associated with failure to achieve VL <400 copies/mL. CONCLUSIONS: Nonadherence, suggested by subtherapeutic ART with/without major resistance mutations, significantly contributed to failure when switching regimen. Unresolved nonadherence, not NRTI resistance, drives early second-line failure

    Emotional and behavioural barriers to learning and development in the inclusive education classrooms in South Africa : developing a training programme for teachers

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    OBJECTIVE: The interaction between teachers, classroom strategies and learners experiencing emotional and behavioural barriers to learning and development in a system of inclusive education results in multiple dynamics on different levels. Many teachers in mainstream education lack training to deal with learners experiencing emotional and behavioural barriers. Resistance towards inclusive education is therefore evident. This paper describes the process of developing an in-service training programme for teachers who deal with learners with emotional and behavioural barriers in their classrooms. METHOD: A process of action research was used to allow the researcher, in collaboration with 47 teachers from 2 primary schools, to develop a training programme to address the specific needs of teachers in dealing with learners experiencing emotional and behavioural barriers in their classes. Qualitative feedback from teachers and observations by the researcher and external observers were used to evaluate the appropriateness of the training. FINDINGS: Teachers experienced that appropriate classroom management strategies made a significant difference in the behaviour of learners experiencing emotional and behavioural barriers. The training affected teachers’ attitudes, teacher–learner interaction, learner behaviour and school organisation. CONCLUSION: In-service training for teachers can affect the effective implementation of inclusive education. This programme can be adapted to address the needs of teachers in other areas.http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcmh20gv201

    Defining the causes of sporadic Parkinson's disease in the global Parkinson's genetics program (GP2)

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    The Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2) will genotype over 150,000 participants from around the world, and integrate genetic and clinical data for use in large-scale analyses to dramatically expand our understanding of the genetic architecture of PD. This report details the workflow for cohort integration into the complex arm of GP2, and together with our outline of the monogenic hub in a companion paper, provides a generalizable blueprint for establishing large scale collaborative research consortia

    Multi-ancestry genome-wide association meta-analysis of Parkinson?s disease

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    Although over 90 independent risk variants have been identified for Parkinson’s disease using genome-wide association studies, most studies have been performed in just one population at a time. Here we performed a large-scale multi-ancestry meta-analysis of Parkinson’s disease with 49,049 cases, 18,785 proxy cases and 2,458,063 controls including individuals of European, East Asian, Latin American and African ancestry. In a meta-analysis, we identified 78 independent genome-wide significant loci, including 12 potentially novel loci (MTF2, PIK3CA, ADD1, SYBU, IRS2, USP8, PIGL, FASN, MYLK2, USP25, EP300 and PPP6R2) and fine-mapped 6 putative causal variants at 6 known PD loci. By combining our results with publicly available eQTL data, we identified 25 putative risk genes in these novel loci whose expression is associated with PD risk. This work lays the groundwork for future efforts aimed at identifying PD loci in non-European populations

    Die rol van estetika in die beoordeling van kledingprodukkwaliteit (Afrikaans)

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    Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this documentDissertation (MSc (Consumer Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005.Consumer Scienceunrestricte

    Implementation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses strategy: challenges and recommendations in Botswana

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    Background: Under-five mortality has been a major public health challenge from time immemorial. In response to this challenge, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund developed the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy and presented it to the whole world as a key approach to reduce child morbidity and mortality. Botswana started to implement the IMCI strategy in 1998. Reductions in the under-five mortality rate (U5MR) have been documented, although the reduction is not on par with the expected Millennium Development Goal 4 predictions. Design: A quantitative study was done to identify the problems IMCI implementers face when tending children under 5 years in the Gaborone Health District of Botswana. The study population was made up of all the IMCI-trained and registered nurses, and systematic sampling was used to randomly select study participants. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Results: The study findings indicated challenges related to low training coverage, health systems, and the unique features of the IMCI strategy. Conclusions: The comprehensive implementation of the IMCI strategy has the potential to significantly influence the U5MR in Botswana