21 research outputs found

    Anomalous Kinetics of a Multi-Species Reaction-Diffusion System: Effect of Random Velocity Fluctuations

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    Reaction-diffusion systems, which consist of the reacting particles subject to diffusion process, constitute one of the common examples of non-linear statistical systems. In low space dimensions d2d \leq 2 the usual description by means of kinetic rate equations is not sufficient and the effect of density fluctuations has to be properly taken into account. Our aim here is to analyze a particular multi-species reaction-diffusion system characterized by reactions A+A(,A),\textit{A} +\textit{A} \rightarrow (\emptyset, A), A+BA\textit{A} +\textit{B} \rightarrow \textit{A} at and below its critical dimension dc=2d_c = 2. In particular, we investigate effect of thermal fluctuations on the reaction kinetics, which are generated by means of random velocity field modelled by a stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. Main theoretical tool employed is field-theoretic perturbative renormalization group. The analysis is performed to the first order of the perturbation scheme (one-loop approximation).Comment: Some misprints in text and notation have been fixed compared to the original versio

    Symmetry Breaking in Stochastic Dynamics and Turbulence

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    Symmetries play paramount roles in dynamics of physical systems. All theories of quantum physics and microworld including the fundamental Standard Model are constructed on the basis of symmetry principles. In classical physics, the importance and weight of these principles are the same as in quantum physics: dynamics of complex nonlinear statistical systems is straightforwardly dictated by their symmetry or its breaking, as we demonstrate on the example of developed (magneto)hydrodynamic turbulence and the related theoretical models. To simplify the problem, unbounded models are commonly used. However, turbulence is a mesoscopic phenomenon and the size of the system must be taken into account. It turns out that influence of outer length of turbulence is significant and can lead to intermittency. More precisely, we analyze the connection of phenomena such as behavior of statistical correlations of observable quantities, anomalous scaling, and generation of magnetic field by hydrodynamic fluctuations with symmetries such as Galilean symmetry, isotropy, spatial parity and their violation and finite size of the system

    Two-loop calculation of anomalous kinetics of the reaction A + A → Ø in randomly stirred fluid

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    The single-species annihilation reaction A + A → Ø is studied in the presence of a random velocity field generated by the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation. The renormalization group is used to analyze the combined influence of the density and velocity fluctuations on the long-time behavior of the system. The direct effect of velocity fluctuations on the reaction constant appears only from the two-loop order, therefore, all stable fixed points of the renormalization group and their regions of stability are calculated in the two-loop approximation in the two-parameter (ε, Δ) expansion. A renormalized integro-differential equation for the number density is put forward which takes into account the effect of density and velocity fluctuations at next-to-leading order. Solution of this equation in perturbation theory is calculated in a homogeneous system

    Two-Species Reaction-Diffusion System: the Effect of Long-Range Spreading

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    We study fluctuation effects in the two-species reaction-diffusion system A + B → Ø and A + A → (Ø, A). In contrast to the usually assumed ordinary short-range diffusion spreading of the reactants we consider anomalous diffusion due to microscopic long-range hops. In order to describe the latter, we employ the Lévy stochastic ensemble. The probability distribution for the Lévy flights decays in d dimensions with the distance r according to a power-law r−d−σ. For anomalous diffusion (including Lévy flights) the critical dimension dc = σ depends on the control parameter σ, 0 < σ ≤ 2. The model is studied in terms of the field theoretic approach based on the Feynman diagrammatic technique and perturbative renormalization group method. We demonstrate the ideas behind the B particle density calculation

    Two-species reaction-diffusion system in the presence of random velocity fluctuations

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    We study random velocity effects on a two-species reaction-diffusion system consisting of three reaction processes A+A(,A),A+BAA + A \rightarrow (\varnothing, A),A+B \rightarrow A. Using the field-theoretic perturbative renormalization group we analyze this system in the vicinity of its upper critical dimension dc=2d_c = 2. Velocity ensemble is generated by means of stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. In particular, we investigate the effect of thermal fluctuations on reaction kinetics. The overall analysis is performed to the one-loop approximation and possible macroscopic regimes are identified.Comment: Accepted for publication in Theor. Math. Phy