75,763 research outputs found

    Polarization Elements-A Group Theoretical Study

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    The Classification of Polarization elements, the polarization affecting optical devices which have a Jones matrix representation, according to the types of eigenvectors they possess, is given a new visit through the Group-theoretical connection of polarization elements. The diattenuators and retarders are recognized as the elements corresponding to boosts and rotations respectively. The structure of homogeneous elements other than diattenuators and retarders are identified by giving the quaternion corresponding to these elements. The set of degenerate polarization elements is identified with the so called `null' elements of the Lorentz Group. Singular polarization elements are examined in their more illustrative Mueller matrix representation and finally the eigenstructure of a special class of singular Mueller matrices is studied.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, submitted to `Optics Communications

    A nonplanar Peierls-Nabarro model and its applications to dislocation cross-slip

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    A novel semidiscrete Peierls-Nabarro model is introduced which can be used to study dislocation spreading at more than one slip planes, such as dislocation cross-slip and junctions. The strength of the model, when combined with ab initio calculations for the energetics, is that it produces essentiallyan atomistic simulation for dislocation core properties without suffering from the uncertainties associated with empirical potentials. Therefore, this method is particularly useful in providing insight into alloy design when empirical potentials are not available or not reliable for such multi-element systems. As an example, we study dislocation cross-slip and constriction process in two contrasting fcc metals, Al and Ag. We find that the screw dislocation in Al can cross-slip spontaneously in contrast with that in Ag, where the screw dislocation splits into two partials, which cannot cross-slip without first being constricted. The response of the dislocation to an external stress is examined in detail. The dislocation constriction energy and the critical stress for cross-slip are determined, and from the latter, we estimate the cross-slip energy barrier for straight screw dislocations.Comment: Submitted for the Proceedings of Multiscale Modelling of Materials (London, 2002

    Phenomenology of Goldstino Couplings

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    A general coupling of the Goldstino to the matter field and the weak gravitational field is constructed based on the standard and the nonlinear Volkov-Akulov realization of SUSY. The resulting Lagrangian, which is invariant under SUSY transformations, can give rise to explicit interactions which couple the helicity +-1/2 states of the gravitino with the gravitational field as well as the matter field.Comment: 7 pages; final version to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    From Competition to Complementarity: Comparative Influence Diffusion and Maximization

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    Influence maximization is a well-studied problem that asks for a small set of influential users from a social network, such that by targeting them as early adopters, the expected total adoption through influence cascades over the network is maximized. However, almost all prior work focuses on cascades of a single propagating entity or purely-competitive entities. In this work, we propose the Comparative Independent Cascade (Com-IC) model that covers the full spectrum of entity interactions from competition to complementarity. In Com-IC, users' adoption decisions depend not only on edge-level information propagation, but also on a node-level automaton whose behavior is governed by a set of model parameters, enabling our model to capture not only competition, but also complementarity, to any possible degree. We study two natural optimization problems, Self Influence Maximization and Complementary Influence Maximization, in a novel setting with complementary entities. Both problems are NP-hard, and we devise efficient and effective approximation algorithms via non-trivial techniques based on reverse-reachable sets and a novel "sandwich approximation". The applicability of both techniques extends beyond our model and problems. Our experiments show that the proposed algorithms consistently outperform intuitive baselines in four real-world social networks, often by a significant margin. In addition, we learn model parameters from real user action logs.Comment: An abridged of this work is to appear in the Proceedings of VLDB Endowment (PVDLB), Vol 9, No 2. Also, the paper will be presented in the VLDB 2016 conference in New Delhi, India. This update contains new theoretical and experimental results, and the paper is now in single-column format (44 pages

    From Topology to Generalised Dimensional Reduction

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    In the usual procedure for toroidal Kaluza-Klein reduction, all the higher-dimensional fields are taken to be independent of the coordinates on the internal space. It has recently been observed that a generalisation of this procedure is possible, which gives rise to lower-dimensional ``massive'' supergravities. The generalised reduction involves allowing gauge potentials in the higher dimension to have an additional linear dependence on the toroidal coordinates. In this paper, we show that a much wider class of generalised reductions is possible, in which higher-dimensional potentials have additional terms involving differential forms on the internal manifold whose exterior derivatives yield representatives of certain of its cohomology classes. We consider various examples, including the generalised reduction of M-theory and type II strings on K3, Calabi-Yau and 7-dimensional Joyce manifolds. The resulting massive supergravities support domain-wall solutions that arise by the vertical dimensional reduction of higher-dimensional solitonic p-branes and intersecting p-branes.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, no figures, typo corrected, reference added and discussion of duality extende

    Strangeness production in heavy ion collisions at SPS and RHIC within two-source statistical model

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    The experimental data on hadron yields and ratios in central Pb+Pb and Au+Au collisions at SPS and RHIC energies, respectively, are analysed within a two-source statistical model of an ideal hadron gas. These two sources represent the expanding system of colliding heavy ions, where the hot central fireball is embedded in a larger but cooler fireball. The volume of the central source increases with rising bombarding energy. Results of the two-source model fit to RHIC experimental data at midrapidity coincide with the results of the one-source thermal model fit, indicating the formation of an extended fireball, which is three times larger than the corresponding core at SPS.Comment: Talk at "Strange Quarks in Matter" Conference (Strangeness'2001), September 2001, Frankfurt a.M., German

    Multiple phase slips phenomena in mesoscopic superconducting rings

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    We investigate the behavior of a mesoscopic one-dimensional ring in an external magnetic field by simulating the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations with periodic boundary conditions. We analyze the stability and the different possible evolutions for the phase slip phenomena starting from a metastable state. We find a stability condition relating the winding number of the initial solution and the number of flux quanta penetrating the ring. The analysis of multiple phase slips solutions is based on analytical results and simulations. The role of the ratio of two characteristic times u is studied for the case of a multiple phase slips transition. We found out that if u>>1, consecutive multiple phase slips will be more favorable than simultaneous ones. If u>1 is often a necessary condition to reach the ground state. The influence of the Langevin noise on the kinetics of the phase transition is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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