10,247 research outputs found

    How to Host a Data Competition: Statistical Advice for Design and Analysis of a Data Competition

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    Data competitions rely on real-time leaderboards to rank competitor entries and stimulate algorithm improvement. While such competitions have become quite popular and prevalent, particularly in supervised learning formats, their implementations by the host are highly variable. Without careful planning, a supervised learning competition is vulnerable to overfitting, where the winning solutions are so closely tuned to the particular set of provided data that they cannot generalize to the underlying problem of interest to the host. This paper outlines some important considerations for strategically designing relevant and informative data sets to maximize the learning outcome from hosting a competition based on our experience. It also describes a post-competition analysis that enables robust and efficient assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of solutions from different competitors, as well as greater understanding of the regions of the input space that are well-solved. The post-competition analysis, which complements the leaderboard, uses exploratory data analysis and generalized linear models (GLMs). The GLMs not only expand the range of results we can explore, they also provide more detailed analysis of individual sub-questions including similarities and differences between algorithms across different types of scenarios, universally easy or hard regions of the input space, and different learning objectives. When coupled with a strategically planned data generation approach, the methods provide richer and more informative summaries to enhance the interpretation of results beyond just the rankings on the leaderboard. The methods are illustrated with a recently completed competition to evaluate algorithms capable of detecting, identifying, and locating radioactive materials in an urban environment.Comment: 36 page

    Structural basis of template-boundary definition in Tetrahymena telomerase.

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    Telomerase is required to maintain repetitive G-rich telomeric DNA sequences at chromosome ends. To do so, the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) subunit reiteratively uses a small region of the integral telomerase RNA (TER) as a template. An essential feature of telomerase catalysis is the strict definition of the template boundary to determine the precise TER nucleotides to be reverse transcribed by TERT. We report the 3-Ã… crystal structure of the Tetrahymena TERT RNA-binding domain (tTRBD) bound to the template boundary element (TBE) of TER. tTRBD is wedged into the base of the TBE RNA stem-loop, and each of the flanking RNA strands wraps around opposite sides of the protein domain. The structure illustrates how the tTRBD establishes the template boundary by positioning the TBE at the correct distance from the TERT active site to prohibit copying of nontemplate nucleotides

    Production of multipartite entanglement for electron spins in quantum dots

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    We propose how to generate genuine multipartite entanglement of electron spin qubits in a chain of quantum dots using the naturally available single-qubit rotations and two-qubit Heisenberg exchange interaction in the system. We show that the minimum number of required operations to generate entangled states of the GHZ-, cluster and W-type scales linearly with the number of qubits and estimate the fidelities of the generated entangled cluster states. As the required single and two-qubit operations have recently been realized, our proposed scheme opens the way for experimental investigation of multipartite entanglement with electron spin qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 2 Figure

    Nascent RNA sequencing reveals mechanisms of gene regulation in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

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    Gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is tightly regulated to ensure successful propagation of the parasite throughout its complex life cycle. The earliest transcriptomics studies in P. falciparum suggested a cascade of transcriptional activity over the course of the 48-hour intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC); however, the just-in-time transcriptional model has recently been challenged by findings that show the importance of post-transcriptional regulation. To further explore the role of transcriptional regulation, we performed the first genome-wide nascent RNA profiling in P. falciparum. Our findings indicate that the majority of genes are transcribed simultaneously during the trophozoite stage of the IDC and that only a small subset of genes is subject to differential transcriptional timing. RNA polymerase II is engaged with promoter regions prior to this transcriptional burst, suggesting that Pol II pausing plays a dominant role in gene regulation. In addition, we found that the overall transcriptional program during gametocyte differentiation is surprisingly similar to the IDC, with the exception of relatively small subsets of genes. Results from this study suggest that further characterization of the molecular players that regulate stage-specific gene expression and Pol II pausing will contribute to our continuous search for novel antimalarial drug targets

    Cost Benefit of Azanza garckeana (Goron Tula) Seed Meal at Different Inclusion Levels in the Diet of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Juveniles

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    Five diets of different inclusion levels of Azanza garckeana seed meal 0%- Diet 1 (control),5%-Diet 11, 10%- Diet 111, 15%-Diet 1V and 20%-Diet V were fed to five triplicate groups of ‘Clarias gariepinus’ juveniles to determine the cost benefit of the  seed meal. The juveniles of mean weight 5.1g were stocked in fifteen plastic bowls of 300L for 56 days.Mean water quality parameters range between (25.4-25.73oC) temperature, (5.96-6.15) pH, (5.50-5.88mg/l) DO2, and (31.02-34.10uscm-1) conductivity, (2.71-3.13mg/l)Carbon dioxide, (30.20-31.94mg/l) Alkalinity. The growth performance, survival rate and cost benefit ratio were estimated from the study. Fish fed Diet V has the best growth performance of 76.1%-RGR, 0.44%-SGR, 1.15-FCR. Fish fed Diet1had the least growth performance of RGR(24.7%), SGR(0.17%/day) and FCR(2.52). Although fish fed Diet 5 had the best profit index of 0.42 but fish fed Diet 3 had the highest Benefit:Cost ratio of 0.33, which is better than the remaining diets. Since the cost benefit analysis reveals that ‘Clarias gariepinus’ juveniles fed Diet 5 (20% Azanza garckeana seed meal Diet) had comparatively lower incidence of cost (N191.9/g) than those fed the control diet 1 (N514.0/g). Hence , the inclusion of Azanza garckeana in the feed of Clarias gariepinus to about 20% gave both better growth performance and cost effectiveness,this is recommended to fish farmers for sustainable yield and profit. Keywords: Azanza garckeana, Cost benefit, Growth performance, Clarias juveniles

    Seismic Robustness and Resilience of Structures in the Framework of the JCSS

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    Probable Donor-Derived Human Adenovirus Type 34 Infection in 2 Kidney Transplant Recipients From the Same Donor.

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    Human adenovirus type 34 (HAdV-34) infection is a recognized cause of transplant-associated hemorrhagic cystitis and, in rare cases, tubulointerstitial nephritis. The source of such infections is often difficult to assess, that is, whether acquired as a primary infection, exposure to a pathogen in the transplanted organ, or reactivation of an endogenous latent infection. We present here 2 cases of likely transplant-acquired HAdV-34 infection from the same organ donor, manifesting as tubulointerstitial nephritis in 1

    Interaction and thermodynamics of spinons in the XX chain

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    The mapping between the fermion and spinon compositions of eigenstates in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XX model on a lattice with N sites is used to describe the spinon interaction from two different perspectives: (i) For finite N the energy of all eigenstates is expressed as a function of spinon momenta and spinon spins, which, in turn, are solutions of a set of Bethe ansatz equations. The latter are the basis of an exact thermodynamic analysis in the spinon representation of the XX model. (ii) For N -> infinity the energy per site of spinon configurations involving any number of spinon orbitals is expressed as a function of reduced variables representing momentum, filling, and magnetization of each orbital. The spins of spinons in a single orbital are found to be coupled in a manner well described by an Ising-like equivalent-neighbor interaction, switching from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic as the filling exceeds a critical level. Comparisons are made with results for the Haldane-Shastry model.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
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