23 research outputs found

    Serologic Evidence of Scrub Typhus in the Peruvian Amazon.

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    Using a large, passive, febrile surveillance program in Iquitos, Peru, we retrospectively tested human blood specimens for scrub typhus group orientiae by ELISA, immunofluorescence assay, and PCR. Of 1,124 participants, 60 (5.3%) were seropositive, and 1 showed evidence of recent active infection. Our serologic data indicate that scrub typhus is present in the Peruvian Amazon

    Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water Was Associated with Diarrheal Pathogen Carriage among Children Younger than 5 Years in Three Peruvian Rural Communities.

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    Drinking water contamination is a frequent problem in developing countries and could be associated with bacterial pathogen carriage in feces. We evaluated the association between the risk of drinking water and bacterial carrier status in children younger than 5 years in a cross-sectional study conducted in 199 households from three Peruvian rural communities. Fecal samples from children were screened for pathogenic Aeromonas, Campylobacter, and Vibrio species, as well as for Enterobacteriaceae, including pathogenic Escherichia coli. The drinking water risk was determined using E. coli as an indicator of contamination. Nineteen (9.5%) children were colonized with pathogens and classified as carriers, all without diarrhea symptoms. Of 199 drinking water samples, 38 (19.1%) were classified as very high risk because of high fecal contamination (> 100 E. coli/100 mL). Shared-use water sources, daily washing of containers, and washing using only water were associated with higher prevalence of bacterial carriage, whereas there was no association between households reporting boiling and chlorination of water and carrier status. The prevalence of carriage in children exposed to very high-risk water was 2.82 (95% CI: 1.21-6.59) times the prevalence of those who consumed less contaminated water, adjusted by the water source and daily washing. Our results suggest that household drinking water plays an important role in the generation of carriers with diarrheal pathogens. Our findings also highlight the importance of interventions to ensure the safety of drinking water. Further studies are needed to validate the observed association and determine its significance with respect to diarrhea in the community

    Tiempo de evaluaci贸n de proyectos y de ejecuci贸n de trabajos de investigaci贸n de estudiantes de una Facultad de Medicina de una universidad privada peruana

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    Objetivo: Describir el tiempo de evaluaci贸n y ejecuci贸n de proyectos y trabajos de investigaci贸n en una universidad privada peruana. Material y m茅todos: Estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. Se incluyeron proyectos de investigaci贸n registrados durante el 2008 en la Direcci贸n de Investigaci贸n de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, con seguimiento de 1,5 a 2,5 a帽os. La informaci贸n recolectada se enfoc贸 en los tiempos de duraci贸n y caracter铆sticas de los procesos asociados. Resultados: Se incluyeron 117 estudios, de los cuales el 58,13% fueron finalizados, con una tasa de finalizaci贸n de 44,25 por 100 estudios-a帽o. La mediana del tiempo de duraci贸n de estos es de 1 a帽o 2 meses, presentando una distribuci贸n no normal con una cola positiva importante que sugerir铆a un desarrollo no continuo de los estudios. El grupo con mayor presentaci贸n de proyectos fue el sexto a帽o de pregrado 48/117 (41,03%). Hubo un gran porcentaje de proyectos finalizados en los alumnos de residentado y de pregrado cl铆nico (6to y 7mo a帽o), pero no en el pregrado pre-cl铆nico (1ro a 5to a帽o). Se evidenci贸 una relaci贸n directa y estad铆sticamente significativa entre el n煤mero de asesores y la culminaci贸n de los trabajos (chi2, p=0,02). Conclusiones: El seguimiento de los estudios es importante porque brinda informaci贸n que permite mejorar los procesos asociados. Las normas institucionales afectan los procesos que regulan la finalizaci贸n de los estudios, por lo que es importante optimizarlas de forma continua