10,650 research outputs found

    New thermocouple-based microwave/millimeter-wave power sensor MMIC techniques in GaAs

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    We describe a new RF and microwave power sensor monolithic microwave integrated circuit design. The circuit incorporates a number of advances over existing designs. These include a III–V epitaxial structure optimized for sensitivity, the figure-of-merit applicable to the optimization, a mechanism for in-built detection of load ageing and damage to extend calibration intervals, and a novel symmetrical structure to linearize the high-power end of the scale

    Towards a High Energy Theory for the Higgs Phase of Gravity

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    Spontaneous Lorentz violation due to a time-dependent expectation value for a massless scalar has been suggested as a method for dynamically generating dark energy. A natural candidate for the scalar is a Goldstone boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of a U(1) symmetry. We investigate the low-energy effective action for such a Goldstone boson in a general class of models involving only scalars, proving that if the scalars have standard kinetic terms then at the {\em classical} level the effective action does not have the required features for spontaneous Lorentz violation to occur asymptotically (t)(t \to \infty) in an expanding FRW universe. Then we study the large NN limit of a renormalizable field theory with a complex scalar coupled to massive fermions. In this model an effective action for the Goldstone boson with the properties required for spontaneous Lorentz violation can be generated. Although the model has shortcomings, we feel it represents progress towards finding a high energy completion for the Higgs phase of gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures;fixed typos and added reference

    Adolescent BMI trajectories with clusters of physical activity and sedentary behavior: An exploratory analysis

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify distinct body mass index (BMI) trajectories associated with weight classification, and to examine demographic characteristics and clusters of obesogenic behaviours in adolescents with these trajectories. Methods: Data were extracted from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (n = 1,006, Grades 5–8). The independent variables were physical activity (accelerometer and child report), sports participation, television/video watching time and recreational computer use. The dependent variable was raw BMI. Growth mixture modelling, mixture modelling and independent t-test analyses were used. Results: Two distinct BMI trajectories were identified – one with the mean BMI within the Overweight–Obese classification (≥85th percentile) and the other within the healthy weight classification (5th– 84th percentile). Two clusters of physical and sedentary behaviours were identified in adolescents with the Overweight–Obese BMI trajectory. These clusters differed in the type of sedentary behaviour (computer vs. television/video). Three clusters were identified in adolescents with the Healthy Weight BMI trajectory. These clusters differed in levels of physical activity and types of sedentary behaviour. Conclusion: This study contributes to the understanding of multi-dimensional obesogenic behavioural patterns and highlights the importance of understanding types of sedentary behaviour in adolescents

    Kinematics of women's sprint canoeing technique

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    Little is known about the biomechanics of sprint canoeing, especially for women’s canoeing, and a quantitative kinematic description of the motion would help coaches to develop valid technique coaching models. Five highly-trained female canoeists were filmed at 150 Hz while undertaking a 50 s maximal effort on a canoe ergometer, whose trolley motions were taken to represent those of the boat. Selected boat, body and paddle kinematics were evaluated at three key stroke cycle events (Contact, Paddle Vertical, and End of Drive) and their patterns monitored across the stroke cycle. While no clear trends between the kinematics and power output emerged, a range of strategies were identified and the data represent an initial step in the construction of detailed technique models that can be used to evaluate and monitor individual athletes

    Density, Velocity, and Magnetic Field Structure in Turbulent Molecular Cloud Models

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    We use 3D numerical MHD simulations to follow the evolution of cold, turbulent, gaseous systems with parameters representing GMC conditions. We study three cloud simulations with varying mean magnetic fields, but identical initial velocity fields. We show that turbulent energy is reduced by a factor two after 0.4-0.8 flow crossing times (2-4 Myr), and that the magnetically supercritical cloud models collapse after ~6 Myr, while the subcritical cloud does not collapse. We compare density, velocity, and magnetic field structure in three sets of snapshots with matched Mach numbers. The volume and column densities are both log-normally distributed, with mean volume density a factor 3-6 times the unperturbed value, but mean column density only a factor 1.1-1.4 times the unperturbed value. We use a binning algorithm to investigate the dependence of kinetic quantities on spatial scale for regions of column density contrast (ROCs). The average velocity dispersion for the ROCs is only weakly correlated with scale, similar to the mean size-linewidth relation for clumps within GMCs. ROCs are often superpositions of spatially unconnected regions that cannot easily be separated using velocity information; the same difficulty may affect observed GMC clumps. We analyze magnetic field structure, and show that in the high density regime, total magnetic field strengths increase with density with logarithmic slope 1/3 -2/3. Mean line-of-sight magnetic field strengths vary widely across a projected cloud, and do not correlate with column density. We compute simulated interstellar polarization maps at varying orientations, and determine that the Chandrasekhar-Fermi formula multiplied by a factor ~0.5 yields a good estimate of the plane-of sky magnetic field strength provided the dispersion in polarization angles is < 25 degrees.Comment: 56 pages, 25 figures; Ap.J., accepte

    Binding of Basic Dyes by the Algae, Chara aspera

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    Non-living biomass of the algae Chara aspera is capable of binding two basic dyes, methylene blue and basic blue 3, from aqueous solution. Factors such as dye concentration, contact time, sorbent dosage and pH of solution were studied. Maximum sorption capacities of the algae for methylene blue and basic blue 3 are 139.4 and 17.8 mg/g, respectively, as determined from the Langmuir isothenns

    Age Dating of a High-Redshift QSO B1422+231 at Z=3.62 and its Cosmological Implications

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    The observed Fe II(UV+optical)/Mg II lambda lambda 2796,2804 flux ratio from a gravitationally lensed quasar B1422+231 at z=3.62 is interpreted in terms of detailed modeling of photoionization and chemical enrichment in the broad-line region (BLR) of the host galaxy. The delayed iron enrichment by Type Ia supernovae is used as a cosmic clock. Our standard model, which matches the Fe II/Mg II ratio, requires the age of 1.5 Gyr for B1422+231 with a lower bound of 1.3 Gyr, which exceeds the expansion age of the Einstein-de Sitter Omega_0=1 universe at a redshift of 3.62 for any value of the Hubble constant in the currently accepted range, H_0=60-80 km,s^{-1},Mpc^{-1}. This problem of an age discrepancy at z=3.62 can be unraveled in a low-density Omega_0<0.2 universe, either with or without a cosmological constant, depending on the allowable redshift range of galaxy formation. However, whether the cosmological constant is a required option in modern cosmology awaits a thorough understanding of line transfer processes in the BLRs.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    On the rate of black hole binary mergers in galactic nuclei due to dynamical hardening

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    We assess the contribution of dynamical hardening by direct three-body scattering interactions to the rate of stellar-mass black hole binary (BHB) mergers in galactic nuclei. We derive an analytic model for the single-binary encounter rate in a nucleus with spherical and disk components hosting a super-massive black hole (SMBH). We determine the total number of encounters NGWN_{\rm GW} needed to harden a BHB to the point that inspiral due to gravitational wave emission occurs before the next three-body scattering event. This is done independently for both the spherical and disk components. Using a Monte Carlo approach, we refine our calculations for NGWN_{\rm GW} to include gravitational wave emission between scattering events. For astrophysically plausible models we find that typically NGWN_{\rm GW} \lesssim 10. We find two separate regimes for the efficient dynamical hardening of BHBs: (1) spherical star clusters with high central densities, low velocity dispersions and no significant Keplerian component; and (2) migration traps in disks around SMBHs lacking any significant spherical stellar component in the vicinity of the migration trap, which is expected due to effective orbital inclination reduction of any spherical population by the disk. We also find a weak correlation between the ratio of the second-order velocity moment to velocity dispersion in galactic nuclei and the rate of BHB mergers, where this ratio is a proxy for the ratio between the rotation- and dispersion-supported components. Because disks enforce planar interactions that are efficient in hardening BHBs, particularly in migration traps, they have high merger rates that can contribute significantly to the rate of BHB mergers detected by the advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Kl3γ+K^+_{l3\gamma} decays revisited: branching ratios and T-odd momenta correlations

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    We calculate the branching ratios of the K+π0l+νlγ(l=e,μ)K^+ \to \pi^0 l^+ \nu_l\gamma (l = e, \mu) decays, and the T-odd triple momenta correlations ξ=q[pl×pπ]/MK3\xi=\vec{q}\cdot[\vec{p}_l \times \vec{p}_\pi]/M^3_K, due to the electromagnetic final state interaction, in these processes. The contributions on the order of ω1\omega^{-1} and ω0\omega^0 to the corresponding amplitudes are treated exactly. For the branching ratios, the corrections on the order of ω\omega are estimated and demonstrated to be small. We compare the results with those of other authors. In some cases our results differ considerably from the previous ones.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; references adde