21 research outputs found

    Religion and Political Pluralism

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    Symposium on Religion, Religious Pluralism, and the Rule of La

    Religion and Politics in America: Constitution, Culture, and Theology

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     The legal status of religion everywhere reflects the development ofreligious traditions and institutions, shared cultural experiences, andprevailing ideas about law, government, and individual freedom. Whilethe United States is often presented as a guide to reconciling the demandsof democracy, diversity, and religious commitment, it is not a universalideal, or even a model for all developed democracies. The Americanexperience is a unique combination of Enlightenment politics, ProtestantChristianity, and constitutional democracy that is unlikely to be repeated.The historical interaction of those elements, however, offers importantinsights into contemporary American politics and may suggest realisticways to understand the relationship between religion, law, and society inother contexts

    Kirche und Staat in Deutschland, Frankreich und den USA

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    Es gehört zu den Errungenschaften der Neuzeit, einer Vermischung von Kirche und Staat zu wehren. Weder soll die Kirche theokratisch das politische Gemeinwesen bestimmen noch der Staat totalitär über die Kirche herrschen. Kirche und Staat sollen getrennt sein. Deutschland, Frankreich und die USA versuchen auf je andere Weise, diese notwendige Trennung von Kirche und Staat zu realisieren. Was war der Grund für die unterschiedlichen Modelle? Worin liegen die Stärken, worin die Schwächen des jeweiligen Modells? In jüngster Zeit stellen sich diese Fragen neu, nicht nur angesichts der Verortung der islamischen Religion in den westlichen Gesellschaften.Für einen sinnvollen Vergleich der drei Länder nimmt der Band eine doppelte Perspektive ein: Auf der einen Seite wird historisch danach gefragt, wie es zu der spezifischen Form des jeweiligen Staat-Kirche-Verhältnisses gekommen ist. Auf der anderen Seite werden Probleme und Chancen des jeweiligen Modells diskutiert, wobei Veränderungen und Herausforderungen der jüngsten Zeit besonders ins Gewicht fallen.Der Band dokumentiert die Vorträge der XIV. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Vorlesung 2010 in Mainz

    Christian Faith And Public Choices : The Social Ethics of Barth, Brunner, And Bonhoeffer

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    Philadelphiaviii, 183 p.; 23 c

    Religious Freedom and Public Argument: John Courtney Murray on “The American Proposition”

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    In his classic essays in We Hold These Truths, John Courtney Murray developed an understanding of “the American proposition” that integrated a theological account of human good with the search for public consensus in a constitutional democracy. While this understanding of the relationship between religious freedom and political life was incorporated into Catholic social teaching at the Second Vatican Council, subsequent developments in both political theory and theology call Murray’s understanding of public discourse into question. This essay examines these challenges and argues that Murray’s reconciliation of moral truth and political choice is still an important resource for discussion of religious freedom and other moral issues in today’s polarized politics

    Religious Freedom and Public Argument: John Courtney Murray on “The American Proposition”

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    In his classic essays in We Hold These Truths, John Courtney Murray developed an understanding of “the American proposition” that integrated a theological account of human good with the search for public consensus in a constitutional democracy. While this understanding of the relationship between religious freedom and political life was incorporated into Catholic social teaching at the Second Vatican Council, subsequent developments in both political theory and theology call Murray’s understanding of public discourse into question. This essay examines these challenges and argues that Murray’s reconciliation of moral truth and political choice is still an important resource for discussion of religious freedom and other moral issues in today’s polarized politics

    Religion and American public life : Interpretations and explorations

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    Mahwahvi, 181p.; 20 c