13,702 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Realization of Supersymmetric AdS Space Isometries

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    The isometries of AdS5AdS_5 space and supersymmetric AdS5⊗S1AdS_5\otimes S_1 space are nonlinearly realized on four dimensional Minkowski space. The resultant effective actions in terms of the Nambu-Goldstone modes are constructed. The dilatonic mode governing the motion of the Minkowski space probe brane into the covolume of supersymmetric AdS5AdS_5 space is found to be unstable and the bulk of the AdS5AdS_5 space is unable to sustain the brane. No such instablility appears in the non-supersymmetric case.Comment: 18 page

    Nonlinear Realization of Supersymmetry and Superconformal Symmetry

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    Nonlinear realizations describing the spontaneous breakown of supersymmetry and R symmetry are constructed using the Goldstino and R axion fields. The associated R current, supersymmetry current and energy-momentum tensor are shown to be related under the nonlinear supersymmetry transformations. Nonlinear realizations of the superconformal algebra carried by these degrees of freedom are also displayed. The divergences of the R and dilatation currents are related to the divergence of the superconformal currents through nonlinear supersymmetry transformations which in turn relates the explicit breakings of these symmetries.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    The Supercurrent In Supersymmetric Field Theories

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    A supercurrent superfield whose components include a conserved energy-momentum tensor and supersymmetry current as well as a (generally broken) R-symmetry current is constructed for a generic effective N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory. The general form of the R-symmetry breaking is isolated. Included within the various special cases considered is the identification of those models which exhibit an unbroken R-symmetry. One such example corresponds to a non-linearly realized gauge symmetry where the chiral field R-weight is required to vanish.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    On Local Dilatation Invariance

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    The relationship between local Weyl scaling invariant models and local dilatation invariant actions is critically scrutinized. While actions invariant under local Weyl scalings can be constructed in a straightforward manner, actions invariant under local dilatation transformations can only be achieved in a very restrictive case. The invariant couplings of matter fields to an Abelian vector field carrying a non-trivial scaling weight can be easily built, but an invariant Abelian vector kinetic term can only be realized when the local scale symmetry is spontaneously broken.Comment: 3 page

    Supersymmetric multi-Higgs doublet model with non-linear electroweak symmetry breaking

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    The electroweak symmetry is nonlinearly realized in an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) through an additional pair of constrained Higgs doublet superfields. The superpotential couplings of this constrained Higgs doublet pair to the MSSM Higgs doublet pair catalyze their vacuum expectation values. The Higgs and Higgsino-gaugino mass spectrum is presented for several choices of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking and Higgs superpotential mass parameters. The additional vacuum expectation values provided by the constrained fields can produce a phenomenology quite different than that of the MSSM .Comment: 41 pages, 16 figure

    Twisted Boundary Conditions and Matching to the Effective Four Dimensional Theory

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    Nontrivial twisted boundary conditions associated with extra compact dimensions produce an ambiguity in the value of the four dimensional coupling constants of the renormalizable interactions of the twisted fields' zero modes. Resolving this indeterminancy would require a knowledge of the exact form of the higher dimensional action including the coefficients of higher dimensional operators. For the case of moderately sized extra dimensions, the uncertainty in the coupling constants can be of order one and may lead to modifications in the stability of the model.Comment: 8 pages, REVTe

    Global Capital Flows and Financing Constraints

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    Firms often cite financing constraints as one of their primary obstacles to investment. Global capital flows, by bringing in scarce capital, may ease host-country firms' financing constraints. However, if incoming foreign investors borrow heavily from domestic basnks, direct foreign investment (DFI) may exacerbate financing constraints by crowding host country firms out of domestic capital markets. Combininb a unique cross-country firm-level panel with time-series data on restrictions on international transactions and capital flows, we find that different measures of global flows are associated with a reduction in firm-level financing constraints. First, we show that one type of capital inflow--DFI--is associated with a reduction in financing constraints. Second, we test whether restrictions on international transactions affect firms' financing constraints. Our results suggest that only one type of restriction--those on capital account transactions--negatively affect firms' financing constraints. We also show that multinational firms are not financially constrained and do not appear to be sensitive to the level of DFI. This implies that DFI eases financing constraints for non-multinational firms. Finally, we show that DFI only eases financing constraints in the non-G7 countries.

    Global capital flows and financing constraints

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    Firms often cite financing constraints as one of their primary obstacles to investment. Global capital flows, by bringing in scarce capital, may ease the financing constraints of host country firms. But if incoming foreign investors borrow heavily from domestic banks, foreign direct investment may exacerbate financing constraints by crowding host country firms out of domestic capital markets. Combining a unique cross-country firm-level panel with time-series data on restrictions on international transactions and capital flows, Harrison, Love, and McMillan find that different measures of global flows are associated with a reduction in firm-level financing constraints. First, the authors show that one type of capital inflow-foreign direct investment-is associated with a reduction in financing constraints. Second, they test whether restrictions on international transactions affects the financing constraints of firms. The results suggest that only one type of restriction-those on capital account transactions-negatively affects firms'financing constraints. The authors also show that multinational firms are not financially constrained and do not appear to be sensitive to the level of foreign directinvestment. This implies that foreign direct investment eases financing constraints for non-multinational firms. Finally, the authors show that (1) foreign direct investment only eases financing constraints in the non-G7 countries, and (2) other kinds of flows, such as portfolio investment, have no impact on financing constraints.International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Intermediation,Economic Theory&Research,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Economic Theory&Research,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Financial Intermediation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform
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