42 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Autophagy Does Not Re-Sensitize Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Resistant to Cytarabine

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    Elevated activation of the autophagy pathway is currently thought to be one of the survival mechanisms allowing therapy-resistant cancer cells to escape elimination, including for cytarabine (AraC)-resistant acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Consequently, the use of autophagy inhibitors such as chloroquine (CQ) is being explored for the re-sensitization of AraC-resistant cells. In our study, no difference in the activity of the autophagy pathway was detected when comparing AraC-Res AML cell lines to parental AraC-sensitive AML cell lines. Furthermore, treatment with autophagy inhibitors CQ, 3-Methyladenine (3-MA), and bafilomycin A1 (BafA1) did not re-sensitize AraC-Res AML cell lines to AraC treatment. However, in parental AraC-sensitive AML cells, treatment with AraC did activate autophagy and, correspondingly, combination of AraC with autophagy inhibitors strongly reduced cell viability. Notably, the combination of these drugs also yielded the highest level of cell death in a panel of patient-derived AML samples even though not being additive. Furthermore, there was no difference in the cytotoxic effect of autophagy inhibition during AraC treatment in matched de novo and relapse samples with differential sensitivity to AraC. Thus, inhibition of autophagy may improve AraC efficacy in AML patients, but does not seem warranted for the treatment of AML patients that have relapsed with AraC-resistant disease

    A luminescence-based method to assess antigen presentation and antigen-specific T cell responses for in vitro screening of immunomodulatory checkpoints and therapeutics

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    Investigations into the strength of antigen-specific responses in vitro is becoming increasingly relevant for decision making in early-phase research of novel immunotherapeutic approaches, including adoptive cell but also immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-based therapies. In the latter, antigen-specific rapid and high throughput tools to investigate MHC/antigen-specific T cell receptor (TCR) activation haven't been implemented yet. Here, we present a simple and rapid luminescence-based approach using the human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) E7 11-20 peptide as model antigen and E7-TCR transgenic Jurkat.NFAT- luciferase reporter cells. Upon E7 peptide pulsing of HLA-A2 + cell lines and macrophages, an effector to target ratio dependent increase in luminescence compared to non-pulsed cells was observed after co-incubation with E7-TCR expressing Jurkat, but not with parental cells. Analogous experiments with cells expressing full-length HPV16 identified that E7-specific activation of Jurkat cells enabled detection of endogenous antigen processing and MHC-I presentation. As proof of concept, overexpression of established checkpoints/inhibitory molecules (e.g., PD-L1 or HLA-G) significantly reduced the E7-specific TCR-induced luminescence, an effect that could be restored after treatment with corresponding targeting antagonistic antibodies. Altogether, the luminescence-based method described here represents an alternative approach for the rapid evaluation of MHC-dependent antigen-specific T cell responses in vitro. It can be used as a rapid tool to evaluate the impact of the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment or novel ICI in triggering effective T cell responses, as well as speeding up the development of novel therapeutics within the immune-oncology field. </p

    Signal regulatory protein beta 2 is a novel positive regulator of innate anticancer immunity

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    In recent years, the therapeutic (re)activation of innate anticancer immunity has gained prominence, with therapeutic blocking of the interaction of Signal Regulatory Protein (SIRP)-α with its ligand CD47 yielding complete responses in refractory and relapsed B cell lymphoma patients. SIRP-α has as crucial inhibitory role on phagocytes, with e.g., its aberrant activation enabling the escape of cancer cells from immune surveillance. SIRP-α belongs to a family of paired receptors comprised of not only immune-inhibitory, but also putative immune-stimulatory receptors. Here, we report that an as yet uninvestigated SIRP family member, SIRP-beta 2 (SIRP-ß2), is strongly expressed under normal physiological conditions in macrophages and granulocytes at protein level. Endogenous expression of SIRP-ß2 on granulocytes correlated with trogocytosis of cancer cells. Further, ectopic expression of SIRP-ß2 stimulated macrophage adhesion, differentiation and cancer cell phagocytosis as well as potentiated macrophage-mediated activation of T cell Receptor-specific T cell activation. SIRP-ß2 recruited the immune activating adaptor protein DAP12 to positively regulate innate immunity, with the charged lysine 202 of SIRP-ß2 being responsible for interaction with DAP12. Mutation of lysine 202 to leucine lead to a complete loss of the increased adhesion and phagocytosis. In conclusion, SIRP-ß2 is a novel positive regulator of innate anticancer immunity and a potential costimulatory target for innate immunotherapy.</p

    Signal regulatory protein beta 2 is a novel positive regulator of innate anticancer immunity

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    In recent years, the therapeutic (re)activation of innate anticancer immunity has gained prominence, with therapeutic blocking of the interaction of Signal Regulatory Protein (SIRP)-α with its ligand CD47 yielding complete responses in refractory and relapsed B cell lymphoma patients. SIRP-α has as crucial inhibitory role on phagocytes, with e.g., its aberrant activation enabling the escape of cancer cells from immune surveillance. SIRP-α belongs to a family of paired receptors comprised of not only immune-inhibitory, but also putative immune-stimulatory receptors. Here, we report that an as yet uninvestigated SIRP family member, SIRP-beta 2 (SIRP-ß2), is strongly expressed under normal physiological conditions in macrophages and granulocytes at protein level. Endogenous expression of SIRP-ß2 on granulocytes correlated with trogocytosis of cancer cells. Further, ectopic expression of SIRP-ß2 stimulated macrophage adhesion, differentiation and cancer cell phagocytosis as well as potentiated macrophage-mediated activation of T cell Receptor-specific T cell activation. SIRP-ß2 recruited the immune activating adaptor protein DAP12 to positively regulate innate immunity, with the charged lysine 202 of SIRP-ß2 being responsible for interaction with DAP12. Mutation of lysine 202 to leucine lead to a complete loss of the increased adhesion and phagocytosis. In conclusion, SIRP-ß2 is a novel positive regulator of innate anticancer immunity and a potential costimulatory target for innate immunotherapy.</p

    CD24 Is a Potential Immunotherapeutic Target for Mantle Cell Lymphoma

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    CD24 and its ligand Siglec-10 were described as an innate immune checkpoint in carcinoma. Here, we investigated this axis in B-cell lymphoma by assessing CD24 expression and evaluating pro-phagocytic effects of CD24 antibody treatment in comparison to hallmark immune checkpoint CD47. In mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and follicular lymphoma patients, high mRNA expression of CD24 correlated with poor overall survival, whereas CD47 expression did not. Conversely, CD24 expression did not correlate with survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), whereas CD47 did. CD24 was also highly expressed on MCL cell lines, where treatment with CD24 antibody clones SN3 or ML5 potently induced phagocytosis, with SN3 yielding >90% removal of MCL cells and triggering phagocytosis of primary patient-derived MCL cells by autologous macrophages. Treatment with CD24 mAb was superior to CD47 mAb in MCL and was comparable in magnitude to the effect observed in carcinoma lines. Reversely, CD24 mAb treatment was less effective than CD47 mAb treatment in DLBCL. Finally, phagocytic activity of clone SN3 appeared at least partly independent of antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), suggesting CD24/Siglec-10 checkpoint activity, whereas clone ML5 solely induced ADCP. In conclusion, CD24 is an immunotherapeutic target of potential clinical relevance for MCL, but not DLBCL

    EGFR-selective activation of CD27 co-stimulatory signaling by a bispecific antibody enhances anti-tumor activity of T cells

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    A higher density of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in the tumor microenvironment, particularly cytotoxic CD8 + T cells, is associated with improved clinical outcome in various cancers. However, local inhibitory factors can suppress T cell activity and hinder anti-tumor immunity. Notably, TILs from various cancer types express the co-stimulatory Tumor Necrosis Factor receptor CD27, making it a potential target for co-stimulation and re-activation of tumor-infiltrated and tumor-reactive T cells. Anti-cancer therapeutics based on exploiting CD27-mediated T cell co-stimulation have proven safe, but clinical responses remain limited. This is likely because current monoclonal antibodies fail to effectively activate CD27 signaling, as this receptor requires higher-order receptor cross-linking. Here, we report on a bispecific antibody, CD27xEGFR, that targets both CD27 and the tumor antigen, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). By targeting EGFR, which is commonly expressed on carcinomas, CD27xEGFR induced cancer cell-localized crosslinking and activation of CD27. The design of CD27xEGFR includes an Fc-silent domain, which is designed to minimize potential toxicity by reducing Fc gamma receptor-mediated binding and activation of immune cells. CD27xEGFR bound to both of its targets simultaneously and triggered EGFR-restricted co-stimulation of T cells as measured by T cell proliferation, T cell activation markers, cytotoxicity and IFN-γ release. Further, CD27xEGFR augmented T cell cytotoxicity in a panel of artificial antigen-presenting carcinoma cell line models, leading to Effector-to-Target ratio-dependent elimination of cancer cells. Taken together, we present the in vitro characterization of a novel bispecific antibody that re-activates T cell immunity in EGFR-expressing cancers through targeted co-stimulation of CD27. </p

    CD20 positive CD8 T cells are a unique and transcriptionally-distinct subset of T cells with distinct transmigration properties

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    Abstract The presence of T cells that are dimly positive for the B cell marker CD20 is well-established in autoimmunity and correlates with disease severity in various diseases. Further, we previously identified that the level of CD20-positive T cells was three–fourfold elevated in ascites fluid of ovarian carcinoma patients, together suggesting a role in both autoimmunity and cancer. In this respect, treatment of autoimmune patients with the CD20-targeting antibody Rituximab has also been shown to target and deplete CD20-positive T cells, previously identified as IFN-gamma producing, low proliferative, CD8 cytotoxic T cells with an effector memory (EM) differentiation state. However, the exact phenotype and relevance of CD20-positive T cells remains unclear. Here, we set out to identify the transcriptomic profile of CD20-positive T cells using RNA sequencing. Further, to gain insight into potential functional properties of CD20 expression in T cells, CD20 was ectopically expressed on healthy human T cells and phenotypic, functional, migratory and adhesive properties were determined in vitro and in vivo. Together, these assays revealed a reduced transmigration and an enhanced adhesive profile combined with an enhanced activation status for CD20-positive T cells