3,437 research outputs found


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    Risk perceptions about biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) foods drive the choices made by many consumers. In this paper, we address two important issues; namely, consumer preferences for mandatory labeling of products using biotechnology, as well as consumer response toward three different types of genetically modified processes (biotechnology applications to increase the nutritional content of potatoes, increase potato flavor, and a decrease in pesticide use). We identify socio-demographic characteristics that affect consumer preference for mandatory labeling as well as the support level that might be associated with biotechnology techniques that could improve upon potato characteristics identified as important by the consumer.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Demand for value-added products is highly segmented among different types of consumers. In this article, we assess consumer preferences for local, organic, and GMO-free potatoes in order to discover their potential niche markets. We identify sociodemographic characteristics that affect consumer preferences and compare the effects of different attributes on consumers' willingness to pay. Results suggest that the attribute "Colorado grown" carries a higher willingness to pay than organic and GMO-free attributes.Colorado grown, GMO-free, local product, niche market, organics, payment card, willingness to pay, Consumer/Household Economics, D12, Q13,


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    Demand for value-added products is highly segmented among different types of consumers. In this paper, we assess consumer preferences for local, organic, and GMO-free potatoes in order to discover their potential niche markets. We identify socio-demographic characteristics that affect consumer preferences and compare the effects of different attributes on consumers' willingness to pay. Results suggest that the attribute "Colorado-Grown" carries a higher premium than organic and GMO-free attributes.GMO-free, local product, organics, payment card, willingness to pay, Consumer/Household Economics,


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    Potato producers in Colorado (and nationwide) have been facing a continued downward trend in potato commodity prices. In an attempt to increase demand for potatoes, these growers had Colorado State University (CSU) researchers perform a market study regarding the viability of marketing a value-added potato. A survey was performed which asked consumers to identify important potato characteristics, their willingness to pay for these characteristics, and what might prompt them to purchase more fresh or processed potatoes in the future. This paper discusses the results and recommendations that CSU made to the Colorado potato producers.Marketing,

    Vertical Integration in Produce Markets: A Colorado Cooperative’s Strategic Response to Change

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    An evolving produce industry has placed vegetable growers in northern Colorado at a competitive disadvantage. The Colorado producers’ strategic response is to form a value-added, cold storage processing cooperative in the hopes of establishing a better position for marketing their vegetables on a year-round basis. This case study discusses the results of both a market demand and processing feasibility study conducted for these vegetable growers.cooperative, feasibility study, vegetable processing plant, Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,


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    Tomato trade between the U.S. and Mexico has grown significantly during the past decade. This increased trade, together with major structural changes in US produce marketing channels, has increased the complexity of conducting analysis of market integration and equilibrium. This study implements an Extended Parity Bounds Model (EPBM), following the work of Barrett and Li, to examine fresh tomato trade relationships between major shipping points and terminal markets for Mexican imported and Florida and California tomatoes. Findings suggest that, although markets seem relatively integrated and efficient, there exist some potential for claims of inefficient or overly competitive behavior. As is expected, the more complex the marketing channels between producer and wholesaler (distance or international boundaries), the more likely that markets operate suboptimally.International Relations/Trade,

    An Empirical Analysis of Market Integration and Efficiency for U.S. Fresh Tomato Markets

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    Fresh tomato trade between the United States and Mexico grew significantly during the 1990s. Moreover, major structural changes in U.S. produce marketing channels increase the complexity of conducting analyses to delineate the impact of liberalized trade. Following the work of Barrett, Li, and Bailey, this study implements a mixed distribution to examine spatial-price relationships between major shipping points and terminal markets for Mexican imported, and Florida and California tomatoes. Although markets are often efficiently integrated, results suggest strategic pricing and product shipments may exist and vary among terminal markets in Los Angeles, Boston, and Chicago.market integration, North American tomato trade, spatial analysis, tomato markets, Industrial Organization,

    Nickel induced endogenous dermatitis: two cases report

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    A sensibilização ao níquel representa uma das principais causas de dermatite de contacto alérgica. Um número significativo de doentes apresenta lesões cutâneas, em locais que não estão em contacto directo com este metal. Nos últimos anos a influência do conteúdo em níquel da dieta na evolução da dermatite ao níquel tem merecido particular atenção. Descrevem-se os casos de duas doentes com dermatite de contacto ao níquel em que, apesar da evicção total do contacto com este metal, persistiam lesões de dermatite eczematosa, predominando nas zonas de maior sudação. Com a exclusão da dieta de alimentos com alto teor em níquel observou-se uma redução progressiva da intensidade do eczema, conducente ao desaparecimento total das lesões. As doentes foram, então, submetidas a prova de provocação oral com sulfato de níquel. Na primeira doente estudada observou-se aparecimento de eritema, prurido e reacção eczematosa, generalizados, doze horas após a ingestão de 20 mg de sulfato de níquel. Concomitantemente verificou-se a ocorrência de eritema pruriginoso e pequenas vesículas, no local de aplicação do patch teste ao níquel. No segundo caso a reactivação da dermatite ocorreu seis horas após a ingestão de 10 mg de sulfato de níquel. A manutenção de dieta restritiva em alimentos com alto teor em níquel permitiu o desaparecimento total da dermatite e estabilização clínica que se mantém desde há 6 meses. O diagnóstico de dermatite endógena induzida pela ingestão de níquel foi demonstrado através da realização de prova de provocação oral. A excreção de níquel através do suor parece ser relevante. A redução da ingestão diária de níquel, permitindo a menor concentração deste elemento no suor poderá explicar a melhoria da dermatite, particularmente, nas zonas cutâneas de maior sudação

    Tendências de Foodservice e o estilo de vida dos turistas: novas tendências em turismo

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    Food and catering are an ever-changing industry that influences, and it is influenced by the lives of millions of people in the world. The products and services provided by this business are constantly adapting to the influencing variables that are on-growing. Actually, consumers create the tendencies and are incredibly demanding on what they want and do not want. Tourists as consumers seek products that can adapt to your lifestyle. Therefore, in the foodservice field, restaurants are required to adapt to different variables, such as specific diets and trendy new tastes, while keeping their own characteristics. In addition, the numerous social media platforms have changed this industry completely. Restaurants have to focus on the new technology-savvy generations. This study seeks to understand the impact that the lifestyle changes from the last years and the Web 2.0 had in the field. Who creates the tendencies? Why and how are restaurants and food distributors adapting to the new needs of the market? In order to answer these questions, the 2015 and 2016 tendencies for the foodservice fields are analyzed. Findings help destination and restaurants managers to adapt and change their products and service.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio