89 research outputs found

    Relationships between social stigma, stigma experience and self-stigma and impaired quality of life in schizophrenia accross three Latin-America countries

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    International audienceThe relationships between stigma and quality of life in schizophrenia (QoL) have been extensively explored but have mostly focused on self-stigma and self-esteem and have never been explored in Latin-America. The objective of this study was to determine which stigma dimensions were associated with QoL in a sample of community-dwelling SZ subjects of three Latin-American countries. Stabilized outpatients with SZ were recruited in three Mental Health Services in three Latin-American countries: Bolivia (N = 83), Chile (N = 85) and Peru (N = 85). Stigma and Qol-SZ were evaluated by self-administered questionnaires, the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness scale (ISMI-12) and the SQoL-18. 253 participants were included. In multivariate analyses, QoL has been associated with each stigma dimension (social stigma, stigma experience and self-stigma), independently of age, gender, education level, ethnicity, age at illness onset, illness symptomatology and mental health treatment. More specifically, social stigma was significantly associated with impaired psychological and physical well-being, self-esteem and friendship. Self-stigma was significantly associated with impaired psychological well-being, self-esteem and autonomy. The present results confirm the importance of stigma in QoL of SZ subjects and identify new targets to develop stigma-orientated programs. Most of the previous programs have focused on self-stigma while social stigma has shown to be associated with a wide range of impaired QoL areas. Stigma and QoL may have a bidirectional relationship and targeting some specific QoL areas (like autonomy through self-empowerment approaches) may also improve the effectiveness of these programs to reduce stigma impact on the quality of life of subjects with schizophrenia. Future studies should also explore differences across countries as subjects from Bolivia were more frequently Aymara and reported higher stigma and lower QoL than SZ subjects from other countries

    What makes you not a Buddhist? : a preliminary mapping of values

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    This study sets out to establish which Buddhist values contrasted with or were shared by adolescents from a non-Buddhist population. A survey of attitude toward a variety of Buddhist values was fielded in a sample of 352 non-Buddhist schoolchildren aged between 13 and 15 in London. Buddhist values where attitudes were least positive concerned the worth of being a monk/nun or meditating, offering candles & incense on the Buddhist shrine, friendship on Sangha Day, avoiding drinking alcohol, seeing the world as empty or impermanent and Nirvana as the ultimate peace. Buddhist values most closely shared by non-Buddhists concerned the Law of Karma, calming the mind, respecting those deserving of respect, subjectivity of happiness, welfare work, looking after parents in old age and compassion to cuddly animals. Further significant differences of attitude toward Buddhism were found in partial correlations with the independent variables of sex, age and religious affiliation. Correlation patterns paralleled those previously described in theistic religions. Findings are applied to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and for the teaching of religious to pupils of no faith adherence. The study recommends that quantitative psychometrics employed to conceptualize Buddhist values by discriminant validity in this study could be extended usefully to other aspects of the study of Buddhism, particularly in quest of validity in the conceptualization of Buddhist identity within specifically Buddhist populations

    Exciton Dynamics in Photosynthetic Complexes: Excitation by Coherent and Incoherent Light

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    In this paper we consider dynamics of a molecular system subjected to external pumping by a light source. Within a completely quantum mechanical treatment, we derive a general formula, which enables to asses effects of different light properties on the photo-induced dynamics of a molecular system. We show that once the properties of light are known in terms of certain two-point correlation function, the only information needed to reconstruct the system dynamics is the reduced evolution superoperator. The later quantity is in principle accessible through ultrafast non-linear spectroscopy. Considering a direct excitation of a small molecular antenna by incoherent light we find that excitation of coherences is possible due to overlap of homogeneous line shapes associated with different excitonic states. In Markov and secular approximations, the amount of coherence is significant only under fast relaxation, and both the populations and coherences between exciton states become static at long time. We also study the case when the excitation of a photosynthetic complex is mediated by a mesoscopic system. We find that such case can be treated by the same formalism with a special correlation function characterizing ultrafast fluctuations of the mesoscopic system. We discuss bacterial chlorosom as an example of such a mesoscopic mediator and propose that the properties of energy transferring chromophore-protein complexes might be specially tuned for the fluctuation properties of their associated antennae.Comment: 12 page

    International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus recommendations: Hearing loss in the pediatric patient

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    OBJECTIVE To provide recommendations for the workup of hearing loss in the pediatric patient. METHODS Expert opinion by the members of the International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group. RESULTS Consensus recommendations include initial screening and diagnosis as well as the workup of sensorineural, conductive and mixed hearing loss in children. The consensus statement discusses the role of genetic testing and imaging and provides algorithms to guide the workup of children with hearing loss. CONCLUSION The workup of children with hearing loss can be guided by the recommendations provided herei

    DĂ©pistage et Ă©valuation des surditĂ©s de transmission chez l’enfant

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    Le dĂ©pistage de la surditĂ© en maternitĂ© est effectif en France depuis 2012. Ce dĂ©pistage conduit Ă  diagnostiquer de façon prĂ©coce les surditĂ©s moyennes Ă  profondes. Dans le cas de surditĂ©s moyennes de transmission, le diagnostic est rendu diffi cile par les facteurs transitoires intriquĂ©s liĂ©s au rĂ©trĂ©cissement du conduit auditif externe et aux Ă©panchements rĂ©trotympaniques. Il faut donc savoir faire la part du contexte et temporiser si nĂ©cessaire avant d’affi rmer qu’il existe une surditĂ© permanente moyenne mais sans retarder le diagnostic qui est Ă  faire dĂšs que possible. Les diffĂ©rents contextes et les stratĂ©gies sont dĂ©crits dans ce document

    Implantation cochléaire pédiatrique en situation d'audition résiduelle

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    LE KREMLIN-B.- PARIS 11-BU MĂ©d (940432101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Implant cochléaire pédiatrique et malformation d'oreille interne

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    L'implant cochlĂ©aire est dĂ©sormais proposĂ© chez les enfants sourds profonds atteints de malformation d'oreille interne. Afin d'Ă©valuer les risques et les rĂ©sultats de cette chirurgie, nous rĂ©alisons une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, portant sur 16 enfants sourds profonds et porteurs d'une malformation bilatĂ©rale d'oreille interne, parmis 260 patients implantĂ©s entre 1991 et 2003. L'intervention n'est pas dĂ©nuĂ©e de risques chirurgicaux et infectieux inhĂ©rents Ă  la malformation. Nous avons constatĂ© 7 cas de geysers per-opĂ©ratoires dont un cas avec liquorrhĂ© persistante et un cas de malposition du porte Ă©lectrode. Aucune autre complication n'a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Certaines prĂ©cautions sont essentielles pour optimiser la prise en charge de ces enfants et limiter les risques : un examen tomodensitomĂ©trique des rochers en coupes millimĂ©triques, la vaccination systĂ©matique et une prĂ©paration pĂ©ri-opĂ©ratoire, permettant de diminuer la pression intralabyrinthique. Les rĂ©sultats sur la perception et le dĂ©veloppement du langage sont bons. Une grande majoritĂ© des enfants (92 %) ont une amĂ©lioration de leur perception, Ă  un an de recul. La progression dĂ©pend de l'histoire de la surditĂ© et de l'Ăąge d'implantation. Parmi les enfants atteints de surditĂ© Ă©volutive, 87,5 % ont un score perceptif en liste ouverte supĂ©rieur ou Ă©gal Ă  50 % alors que dans le groupe des enfants sourds congĂ©nitaux, les rĂ©sultats sont de 20 % ceci un an aprĂšs l'implantation cochlĂ©aire. MalgrĂ© les risques possibles qu'il ne faut pas sous-Ă©stimer, les rĂ©sultats orthophoniques encourageant permettent de justifier l'indication opĂ©ratoire qui doit nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre pesĂ©e au cas par cas.PARIS7-Villemin (751102101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome

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    Channeling Radiation in Strained Layer Super lattices — A Quantum Mechanical Calculation

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