5 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the patient cohort with CD and follow-up biopsies.

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    <p>(Excludes patients with a diagnosis of IHD prior to follow-up biopsy, n = 208).</p><p>CD, celiac disease</p><p>IHD. Ischemic heart disease</p><p>MI, Myocardial infarction</p><p>*The sum of IHD subtypes is greater than the total number of patients with IHD because of patients who had more than one type of IHD event</p><p>†Among patients without a history of AF at the time of follow-up biopsy (n = 7,530).</p><p>Characteristics of the patient cohort with CD and follow-up biopsies.</p

    Association of persistent villous atrophy with IHD overall, and stratified by time after follow-up biopsy.

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    <p>HR, Hazard Ratio</p><p>†Adjusted for patient age at follow-up biopsy, gender, calendar period of follow-up biopsy, education, and duration of celiac disease at the time of follow-up biopsy</p><p>Association of persistent villous atrophy with IHD overall, and stratified by time after follow-up biopsy.</p

    Risk of atrial fibrillation in patients with CD according to follow-up histology.

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    <p>CD, celiac disease; HR, Hazard ratio; NC Not calculated.</p><p>†Adjusted for patient age at follow-up biopsy, gender, calendar period of follow-up biopsy, education, and duration of celiac disease at the time of follow-up biopsy</p><p>Risk of atrial fibrillation in patients with CD according to follow-up histology.</p

    Association of persistent villous atrophy with IHD, stratified by gender, age, and year of CD diagnosis.

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    <p>HR, Hazard ratio</p><p>IHD. Ischemic heart disease</p><p>†Adjusted for patient age at follow-up biopsy, gender, calendar period of follow-up biopsy, education, and duration of celiac disease at the time of follow-up biopsy.</p><p>Association of persistent villous atrophy with IHD, stratified by gender, age, and year of CD diagnosis.</p

    Risk of IHD type (myocardial infarction, stable angina, and unstable angina), and risk of death due to IHD in patients with CD who have persistent villous atrophy on follow-up biopsy, compared to those with mucosal healing.

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    <p>CD, celiac disease</p><p>HR, Hazard ratio</p><p>IHD. Ischemic heart disease</p><p>MI, Myocardial infarction</p><p>†Adjusted for patient age at follow-up biopsy, gender, calendar period of follow-up biopsy, education, and duration of celiac disease at the time of follow-up biopsy</p><p>Risk of IHD type (myocardial infarction, stable angina, and unstable angina), and risk of death due to IHD in patients with CD who have persistent villous atrophy on follow-up biopsy, compared to those with mucosal healing.</p