3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Pulmonary microRNA profiling: implications in upper lobe predominant lung disease

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    Exosomes/microvesiclescontaining microRNAs were isolated from Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Fluid. Agilent Bio-Analyzer was used to quantitate microRNA recovery. 1 μl per sample run on BioAnalyzer 2100 with the Small RNA Chip kit. MIcroRNA seen at 20–40 nt, additional peaks in electropherogram represent tRNA and other small RNAs. (RLL: right lower lobe; RUL: right upper lobe). (TIFF 563 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Pulmonary microRNA profiling: implications in upper lobe predominant lung disease

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    Correlation of NanoString nCounter microRNA assay technical replicates. Technical replicates of alveolar macrophage total RNA were run on the NanoString nCounter microRNA assay. Strong correlation was seen between replicates (rho = 0.987 P < 0.0001). (PDF 67 kb