46 research outputs found

    Characterization of bacterial strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae isolated from pepper leaf spot in Macedonia

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    A new bacterial leaf spot disease on pepper seedlings (Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Kurtovska kapija’) was observed in 1995 in Macedonia. Pseudomonas bacteria were isolated, belonging to LOPAT group Ia. Symptoms similar to natural symptoms were reproduced following inoculation on pepper seedlings. Some isolates produced syringomycin and none of them were pathogenic to lilac. In a numerical taxonomic study of five pepper isolates in comparison with 58 pathovars of P. syringae and 10 related species, the five pepper isolates clustered in one phenon. Considering phenotypic characteristics, serology, DNA relatedness and pathogenicity tests, it was concluded that the pepper strains belong to P. syringae pv. syringae. Key words: Pseudomonas syringae, phenotypy, serology, DNA-DNA hybridization, pathogenicity, numerical taxonomy

    La tùche bactérienne due à un pseudomonas sp.

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    National audienc

    Etude de l’implantation Ă©piphylle de Xanthomonas campestris pv. corylina, X. campestris pv. juglandis, Erwinia herbicola et Pseudomonas paucimobilis sur feuilles de noisetier

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    Sur noisetier, l’étude expĂ©rimentale de la vie Ă©piphylle d’une bactĂ©rie pathogĂšne homologue X. c. pv. corylina, d’une bactĂ©rie pathogĂšne hĂ©tĂ©rologue X. c. pv. juglandis et de deux bactĂ©ries saprophytes E. herbicola et P. paucimobilis a montrĂ© que seul X. c. pv. corylina se multipliait intensĂ©ment et se maintenait Ă  haut niveau (106-107 c.f.u./feuille) alors que pour les autres on ne dĂ©nombre que 103-105 c.f.u./feuille. Les observations en microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage montrent que les bactĂ©ries d’abord rĂ©parties de façon alĂ©atoire sur la feuille, se localisent ensuite dans les dĂ©pressions des nervures et Ă  moindre degrĂ© du limbe. Les Xanthomonas s’agglutinent dans un mucus qui se rĂ©tracte.Experimental study of the epiphyllous survival of a pathogenic homologous bacterium (X. c. pv. corylina), of a pathogenic heterologous bacterium (X. c. pv. juglandis) and of two saprophytic bacteria (E. herbicola et P. paucimobilis) on hazelnut showed that only X. c. pv. corylina multiplied intensively and stayed between 106 and 107 c.f.u./leaf. The other bacteria only reached 103 to 105 c.f.u./leaf. Observations with a scanning electron microscope showed that the bacteria first spread at random over the leaf and were then located in the hollows, on veins and sometimes on the lamina. The xanthomonads agglutinated in a mucus, which later cracks

    Description and identification of the new phytopathogenic bacterium causing bacterial black spots on Corn salad (Valerianella locusta), as Acidovorax valerianellae

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    Description and identification of the new phytopathogenic bacterium causing bacterial black spots on Corn salad ([i]Valerianella locusta[/i]), as[i] Acidovorax valerianellae[/i]. 10. International Conference of Plant Pathogenic Bacteri

    Effect of extraction methods on recovery and affinity of immunoglobulin of bacterium Xanthomonas corylina

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    Effect of extraction methods on recovery and affinity of immunoglobulin of bacterium [i]Xanthomonas corylina[/i

    Black spot of lamb's lettuce, a new bacterial disease.

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    International audienc

    Genetic diversity of Pseudomonas syringae pathovars and related species assessed by DNA heteroduplex mobility assay

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    Genetic diversity of [i]Pseudomonas syringae[/i] pathovars and related species assessed by DNA heteroduplex mobility assay. 10. Internationl Conference of Plant Pathogenic Bacteri