38 research outputs found

    Attentive and Pre-Attentive Processes in Change Detection and Identification

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    In studies of change blindness, observers often have the phenomenological impression that the blindness is overcome all at once, so that change detection, localization and identification apparently occur together. Three experiments are described that explore dissociations between these processes using a discrete trial procedure in which 2 visual frames are presented sequentially with no intervening inter-frame-interval. The results reveal that change detection and localization are essentially perfect under these conditions regardless of the number of elements in the display, which is consistent with the idea that change detection and localization are mediated by pre-attentive parallel processes. In contrast, identification accuracy for an item before it changes is generally poor, and is heavily dependent on the number of items displayed. Identification accuracy after a change is substantially better, but depends on the new item’s duration. This suggests that the change captures attention, which substantially enhances the likelihood of correctly identifying the new item. However, the results also reveal a limited capacity to identify unattended items. Specifically, we provide evidence that strongly suggests that, at least under these conditions, observers were able to identify two items without focused attention. Our results further suggest that spatial pre-cues that attract attention to an item before the change occurs simply ensure that the cued item is one of the two whose identity is encoded

    Mindfulness-Based Programs: Why, When, and How to Adapt?

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    This paper provides a framework for understanding why, when and how to adapt mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) to specific populations and contexts, based on research that developed and adapted multiple MBPs. In doing so, we hope to support teachers, researchers and innovators who are considering adapting an MBP to ensure that changes made are necessary, acceptable, effective, cost-effective, and implementable. Specific questions for reflection are provided such as (1) Why is an adaptation needed? (2) Does the theoretical premise underpinning mainstream MBPs extend to the population you are considering? (3) Do the benefits of the proposed adaptation outweigh the time and costs involved to all in research and implementation? (4) Is there already an evidenced-based approach to address this issue in the population or context? Fundamental knowledge that is important for the adaptation team to have includes the following: (1) essential ingredients of MBPs, (2) etiology of the target health outcome, (3) existing interventions that work for the health outcome, population, and context, (4) delivery systems and settings, and (5) culture, values, and communication patterns of the target population. A series of steps to follow for adaptations is provided, as are case examples. Adapting MBPs happens not only by researchers, but also by MBP teachers and developers, who endeavor to best serve the populations and contexts they work within. We hope that these recommendations for best practice provide a practical framework for skilfully understanding why, when, and how to adapt MBPs; and that this careful approach to adaptation maximizes MBP safety and efficacy

    Identification accuracy in

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042851#s3" target="_blank"><b>Experiment 2.</b></a> Accuracy rates (averaged across observers) are plotted as a function of stimulus set size (3, 6, 12 and 18 items) and exposure duration (100 or 500 ms). Error bars indicate 1 SEM.</p

    Frame 1 Identification accuracy in

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042851#s4" target="_blank"><b>Experiment 3</b></a><b> on Invalid trials.</b> Accuracy is a function of distance between the cued location and the location of the change. The gradient of attention is the same for the 3 and 12 item displays.</p

    Obtained Frame 1 accuracy rates compared to predictions from the 2-items encoded hypothesis.

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    <p>Predictions are compared with the data from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042851#s2" target="_blank">Experiment 1</a> (large squares) and those in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042851#s4" target="_blank">Experiment 3</a> (small squares) for all cuing conditions and display sizes.</p

    Frame 2 identification accuracy in

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    <p><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042851#s2" target="_blank"><b>Experiment 1.</b></a> The percent correct identifications, averaged across subjects, are illustrated for each of the 3 Frame 2 durations (50, 100 and 500 ms) and each type of change (color, shape or color and shape). Error bars indicate +/−1 SEM.</p