12,013 research outputs found

    Global axisymmetric stability analysis for a composite system of two gravitationally coupled scale-free discs

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    In a composite system of gravitationally coupled stellar and gaseous discs, we perform linear stability analysis for axisymmetric coplanar perturbations using the two-fluid formalism. The background stellar and gaseous discs are taken to be scale-free with all physical variables varying as powers of cylindrical radius rr with compatible exponents. The unstable modes set in as neutral modes or stationary perturbation configurations with angular frequency ω=0\omega=0.Comment: 7 pages using AAS styl

    New variable separation approach: application to nonlinear diffusion equations

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    The concept of the derivative-dependent functional separable solution, as a generalization to the functional separable solution, is proposed. As an application, it is used to discuss the generalized nonlinear diffusion equations based on the generalized conditional symmetry approach. As a consequence, a complete list of canonical forms for such equations which admit the derivative-dependent functional separable solutions is obtained and some exact solutions to the resulting equations are described.Comment: 19 pages, 2 fig

    λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 model and Higgs mass in standard model calculated by Gaussian effective potential approach with a new regularization-renormalization method

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    Basing on new regularization-renormalization method, the λϕ4\lambda\phi^4 model used in standard model is studied both perturbatively and nonperturbatively (by Gaussian effective potential). The invariant property of two mass scales is stressed and the existence of a (Landau) pole is emphasized. Then after coupling with the SU(2)×\timesU(1) gauge fields, the Higgs mass in standard model (SM) can be calculated as mHm_H\approx138GeV. The critical temperature (TcT_c) for restoration of symmetry of Higgs field, the critical energy scale (μc\mu_c, the maximum energy scale under which the lower excitation sector of the GEP is valid) and the maximum energy scale (μmax\mu_{max}, at which the symmetry of the Higgs field is restored) in the standard model are TcT_c\approx476 GeV, μc0.547×1015\mu_c\approx 0.547\times 10^{15}GeV and μmax0.873×1015\mu_{\max}\approx 0.873 \times 10^{15} GeVv respectively.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figur

    Variational ground states of 2D antiferromagnets in the valence bond basis

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    We study a variational wave function for the ground state of the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet in the valence bond basis. The expansion coefficients are products of amplitudes h(x,y) for valence bonds connecting spins separated by (x,y) lattice spacings. In contrast to previous studies, in which a functional form for h(x,y) was assumed, we here optimize all the amplitudes for lattices with up to 32*32 spins. We use two different schemes for optimizing the amplitudes; a Newton/conjugate-gradient method and a stochastic method which requires only the signs of the first derivatives of the energy. The latter method performs significantly better. The energy for large systems deviates by only approx. 0.06% from its exact value (calculated using unbiased quantum Monte Carlo simulations). The spin correlations are also well reproduced, falling approx. 2% below the exact ones at long distances. The amplitudes h(r) for valence bonds of long length r decay as 1/r^3. We also discuss some results for small frustrated lattices.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 5 figures, significantly expanded, new optimization method, improved result

    MHD tidal waves on a spinning magnetic compact star

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    In an X-ray binary system, the companion star feeds the compact neutron star with plasma materials via accretions. The spinning neutron star is likely covered with a thin "magnetized ocean" and may support {\it magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) tidal waves}. While modulating the thermal properties of the ocean, MHD tidal waves periodically shake the base of the stellar magnetosphere that traps energetic particles, including radiating relativistic electrons. For a radio pulsar, MHD tidal waves in the stellar surface layer may modulate radio emission processes and leave indelible signatures on timescales different from the spin period. Accretion activities are capable of exciting these waves but may also obstruct or obscure their detections meanwhile. Under fortuitous conditions, MHD tidal waves might be detectable and offer valuable means to probe properties of the underlying neutron star. Similar situations may also occur for a cataclysmic variable -- an accretion binary system that contains a rotating magnetic white dwarf. This Letter presents the theory for MHD tidal waves in the magnetized ocean of a rotating degenerate star and emphasizes their potential diagnostics in X-ray and radio emissions.Comment: ApJ Letter paper already publishe

    Exact Solutions of the Klein-Gordon Equation in the Presence of a Dyon, Magnetic Flux and Scalar Potential in the Specetime of Gravitational Defects

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    In this paper we analyse the relativistic quantum motion of a charged spin-0 particle in the presence of a dyon, Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field and scalar potential, in the spacetimes produced by an idealized cosmic string and global monopole. In order to develop this analysis, we assume that the dyon and the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field are superposed to both gravitational defects. Two distinct configurations for the scalar potential, S(r)S(r), are considered: i)i) the potential proportional to the inverse of the radial distance, i.e., S1/rS\propto1/r, and ii)ii) the potential proportional to this distance, i.e., SrS\propto r. For both cases the center of the potentials coincide with the dyon's position. In the case of the cosmic string the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic field is considered along the defect, and for the global monopole this magnetic field pierces the defect. The energy spectra are computed for both cases and explicitly shown their dependence on the electrostatic and scalar coupling constants. Also we analyse scattering states of the Klein-Gordon equations, and show how the phase shifts depend on the geometry of the spacetime and on the coupling constants parameter.Comment: To be published in CQG. Minor comments adde

    Beam Orientation Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy using Adaptive l1 Minimization

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    Beam orientation optimization (BOO) is a key component in the process of IMRT treatment planning. It determines to what degree one can achieve a good treatment plan quality in the subsequent plan optimization process. In this paper, we have developed a BOO algorithm via adaptive l_1 minimization. Specifically, we introduce a sparsity energy function term into our model which contains weighting factors for each beam angle adaptively adjusted during the optimization process. Such an energy term favors small number of beam angles. By optimizing a total energy function containing a dosimetric term and the sparsity term, we are able to identify the unimportant beam angles and gradually remove them without largely sacrificing the dosimetric objective. In one typical prostate case, the convergence property of our algorithm, as well as the how the beam angles are selected during the optimization process, is demonstrated. Fluence map optimization (FMO) is then performed based on the optimized beam angles. The resulted plan quality is presented and found to be better than that obtained from unoptimized (equiangular) beam orientations. We have further systematically validated our algorithm in the contexts of 5-9 coplanar beams for 5 prostate cases and 1 head and neck case. For each case, the final FMO objective function value is used to compare the optimized beam orientations and the equiangular ones. It is found that, our BOO algorithm can lead to beam configurations which attain lower FMO objective function values than corresponding equiangular cases, indicating the effectiveness of our BOO algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 2 tables, and 5 figure

    Dynamic Evolution Model of Isothermal Voids and Shocks

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    We explore self-similar hydrodynamic evolution of central voids embedded in an isothermal gas of spherical symmetry under the self-gravity. More specifically, we study voids expanding at constant radial speeds in an isothermal gas and construct all types of possible void solutions without or with shocks in surrounding envelopes. We examine properties of void boundaries and outer envelopes. Voids without shocks are all bounded by overdense shells and either inflows or outflows in the outer envelope may occur. These solutions, referred to as type X\mathcal{X} void solutions, are further divided into subtypes XI\mathcal{X}_{\rm I} and XII\mathcal{X}_{\rm II} according to their characteristic behaviours across the sonic critical line (SCL). Void solutions with shocks in envelopes are referred to as type Z\mathcal{Z} voids and can have both dense and quasi-smooth edges. Asymptotically, outflows, breezes, inflows, accretions and static outer envelopes may all surround such type Z\mathcal{Z} voids. Both cases of constant and varying temperatures across isothermal shock fronts are analyzed; they are referred to as types ZI\mathcal{Z}_{\rm I} and ZII\mathcal{Z}_{\rm II} void shock solutions. We apply the `phase net matching procedure' to construct various self-similar void solutions. We also present analysis on void generation mechanisms and describe several astrophysical applications. By including self-gravity, gas pressure and shocks, our isothermal self-similar void (ISSV) model is adaptable to various astrophysical systems such as planetary nebulae, hot bubbles and superbubbles in the interstellar medium as well as supernova remnants.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figuers, accepted by ApS