57 research outputs found

    Synthesis, pharmacological and structural characterization of novel conopressins from Conus miliaris

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    Cone snails produce a fast-acting and often paralyzing venom, largely dominated by disulfide-rich conotoxins targeting ion channels. Although disulfide-poor conopeptides are usually minor components of cone snail venoms, their ability to target key membrane receptors such as GPCRs make them highly valuable as drug lead compounds. From the venom gland transcriptome of Conus miliaris, we report here on the discovery and characterization of two conopressins, which are nonapeptide ligands of the vasopressin/oxytocin receptor family. These novel sequence variants show unusual features, including a charge inversion at the critical position 8, with an aspartate instead of a highly conserved lysine or arginine residue. Both the amidated and acid C-terminal analogues were synthesized, followed by pharmacological characterization on human and zebrafish receptors and structural investigation by NMR. Whereas conopressin-M1 showed weak and only partial agonist activity at hV1bR (amidated form only) and ZFV1a1R (both amidated and acid form), both conopressin-M2 analogues acted as full agonists at the ZFV2 receptor with low micromolar a�nity. Together with the NMR structures of amidated conopressins-M1, -M2 and -G, this study provides novel structure-activity relationship information that may help in the design of more selective ligands

    The toxicological intersection between allergen and toxin: A structural comparison of the cat dander allergenic protein Fel d1 and the slow loris brachial gland secretion protein

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    Slow lorises are enigmatic animal that represent the only venomous primate lineage. Their defensive secretions have received little attention. In this study we determined the full length sequence of the protein secreted by their unique brachial glands. The full length sequences displayed homology to the main allergenic protein present in cat dander. We thus compared the molecular features of the slow loris brachial gland protein and the cat dander allergen protein, showing remarkable similarities between them. Thus we postulate that allergenic proteins play a role in the slow loris defensive arsenal. These results shed light on these neglected, novel animals

    The Tarantula Venom Peptide Eo1a Binds to the Domain II S3-S4 Extracellular Loop of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.8 to Enhance Activation

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    Venoms from cone snails and arachnids are a rich source of peptide modulators of voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels, however relatively few venom-derived peptides with activity at the mammalian NaV1.8 subtype have been isolated. Here, we describe the discovery and functional characterisation of β-theraphotoxin-Eo1a, a peptide from the venom of the Tanzanian black and olive baboon tarantula Encyocratella olivacea that modulates NaV1.8. Eo1a is a 37-residue peptide that increases NaV1.8 peak current (EC50 894 ± 146 nM) and causes a large hyperpolarising shift in both the voltage-dependence of activation (ΔV50-20.5 ± 1.2 mV) and steady-state fast inactivation (ΔV50-15.5 ± 1.8 mV). At a concentration of 10 μM, Eo1a has varying effects on the peak current and channel gating of NaV1.1-NaV1.7, although its activity is most pronounced at NaV1.8. Investigations into the binding site of Eo1a using NaV1.7/NaV1.8 chimeras revealed a critical contribution of the DII S3-S4 extracellular loop of NaV1.8 to toxin activity. Results from this work may form the basis for future studies that lead to the rational design of spider venom-derived peptides with improved potency and selectivity at NaV1.8

    Pain-causing stinging nettle toxins target TMEM233 to modulate NaV1.7 function

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    Voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels are critical regulators of neuronal excitability and are targeted by many toxins that directly interact with the pore-forming α subunit, typically via extracellular loops of the voltage-sensing domains, or residues forming part of the pore domain. Excelsatoxin A (ExTxA), a pain-causing knottin peptide from the Australian stinging tree Dendrocnide excelsa, is the first reported plant-derived NaV channel modulating peptide toxin. Here we show that TMEM233, a member of the dispanin family of transmembrane proteins expressed in sensory neurons, is essential for pharmacological activity of ExTxA at NaV channels, and that co-expression of TMEM233 modulates the gating properties of NaV1.7. These findings identify TMEM233 as a previously unknown NaV1.7-interacting protein, position TMEM233 and the dispanins as accessory proteins that are indispensable for toxin-mediated effects on NaV channel gating, and provide important insights into the function of NaV channels in sensory neurons

    Conantokin probes of NMDA receptors in mammalian CNS: Implications for Alzheimer's disease

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    Insight into T-type calcium channel structure, function and modulation

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    Low voltage-activated (LVA) T-type calcium channels are characterized by transient current and low threshold spikes (LTS), which in turn triggers neuronal firing and oscillatory behavior. Combined with their preferential localization in dendrites and their specific "window current", T-type calcium channels are considered to be key players in signal amplification and synaptic integration. Assisted by the developing pharmacological tools, the structural determinants in channel gating and kinetics, as well as novel physiological and pathological functions of T-type calcium channels are rapidly being uncovered. In this review, we provide an overview of structural determinants in T-type calcium channels, their involvement in disorders and diseases, the development of novel channel modulators, as well as structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies that lead to rational drug design

    Structure-function of the high affinity substrate binding site (S1) of human norepinephrine transporter

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    The human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) is a member of the neurotransmitter/sodium symporter family, which also includes the neuronal monoamine transporters for serotonin (SERT) and dopamine (DAT). Its involvement in chronic pain and many neurological disorders underlies its pharmaceutical importance. Using the X-ray crystal structures of the human serotonin transporter (hSERT) (PDB 5I6X) and Drosophila melanogaster dopamine transporter (dDAT) (PDB 4M48 and PDB 4XPA) as templates, we developed molecular models for norepinephrine (NE) bound to its high affinity binding site (S1) in the hNET. Our model suggests that the S1 site for NE is deeply buried between transmembrane helices (TMHs) 1, 3, 6, and 8 and overlaps the binding site for leucine in the bacterial leucine transporter (LeuT) and dopamine (DA) in dDAT. Mutational studies identified the functional binding pocket for NE comprised residues A73, A77, N78, V148, N153, I156, G320, F329, N350, S420, G423, and M424, which all influenced NE affinity and/or transport. These effects support a NE-hNET docking model where A73, A77, G320, S420, G423, and M424 form H-bond interactions with NE, V148, I156, and F329 form hydrophobic interactions with NE, whereas N78 affects NE transport and N350 affects NE affinity and transport via an influence on the octahedral co-ordination of the Na ion. Consistent with a conserved structure-function amongst sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters, S1 residues A73, A77 (G100 in hSERT), N78, V148 (I150 in hSERT), N153, G320, F329 (Y331 in d DAT), N350, and G423 are conserved in DAT and SERT, indicating they likely play conserved functional roles

    Escherichia coli protein expression system for Acetylcholine Binding Proteins (AChBPs)

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    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are ligand gated ion channels, identified as therapeutic targets for a range of human diseases. Drug design for nAChR related disorders is increasingly using structure-based approaches. Many of these structural insights for therapeutic lead development have been obtained from co-crystal structures of nAChR agonists and antagonists with the acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP). AChBP is a water soluble, structural and functional homolog of the extracellular, ligand-binding domain of nAChRs. Currently, AChBPs are recombinantly expressed in eukaryotic expression systems for structural and biophysical studies. Here, we report the establishment of an Escherichia coli (E. coli) expression system that significantly reduces the cost and time of production compared to the existing expression systems. E. coli can efficiently express unglycosylated AChBP for crystallography and makes the expression of isotopically labelled forms feasible for NMR. We used a pHUE vector containing an N-terminal His-tagged ubiquitin fusion protein to facilitate AChBP expression in the soluble fractions, and thus avoid the need to recover protein from inclusion bodies. The purified protein yield obtained from the E. coli expression system is comparable to that obtained from existing AChBP expression systems. E. coli expressed AChBP bound nAChR agonists and antagonists with affinities matching those previously reported. Thus, the E. coli expression system significantly simplifies the expression and purification of functional AChBP for structural and biophysical studies

    Extracellular surface residues of theα1b-adrenoceptor critical for g protein -coupled receptor functions

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    Ligand binding and conformational changes that accompany signaling from G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have mostly focused on the role of transmembrane helices and intracellular loop regions. However, recent studies, including several GPCRs cocrystallized with bound ligands, suggest that the extracellular surface (ECS) of GPCRs plays an important role in ligand recognition, selectivity, and binding, as well as potentially contributing to receptor activation and signaling. This study applied alanine-scanning mutagenesis to investigate the role of the complete ECS of the a1B-adrenoreceptor on norepinephrine (NE) potency, affinity, and efficacy. Half (24 of 48) of the ECS mutations significantly decreased NE potency in an inositol 1-phosphate assay. Most mutations reduced NE affinity (17) determined from [3H]prazosin displacement studies, whereas four mutations at the entrance to the NE binding pocket enhanced NE affinity. Removing the influence of NE affinity and receptor expression levels on NE potency gave a measure of NE efficacy, which was significantly decreased for 11 of 48 ECSmutants. These different effects tended to cluster to different regions of the ECS, which is consistent with different regions of the ECS playing discrete functional roles. Exposed ECS residues at the entrance to the NE binding pocket mostly affected NE affinity, whereas buried or structurally significant residues mostly affected NE efficacy. The broad potential for ECS mutations to affect GPCR function has relevance for the increasing number of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms now being identified in GPCRs

    Transfection methods for high-throughput cellular assays of voltage-gated calcium and sodium channels involved in pain.

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    Chemical transfection is broadly used to transiently transfect mammalian cells, although often associated with cellular stress and membrane instability, which imposes challenges for most cellular assays, including high-throughput (HT) assays. In the current study, we compared the effectiveness of calcium phosphate, FuGENE and Lipofectamine 3000 to transiently express two key voltage-gated ion channels critical in pain pathways, CaV2.2 and NaV1.7. The expression and function of these channels were validated using two HT platforms, the Fluorescence Imaging Plate Reader FLIPRTetra and the automated patch clamp QPatch 16X. We found that all transfection methods tested demonstrated similar effectiveness when applied to FLIPRTetra assays. Lipofectamine 3000-mediated transfection produced the largest peak currents for automated patch clamp QPatch assays. However, the FuGENE-mediated transfection was the most effective for QPatch assays as indicated by the superior number of cells displaying GΩ seal formation in whole-cell patch clamp configuration, medium to large peak currents, and higher rates of accomplished assays for both CaV2.2 and NaV1.7 channels. Our findings can facilitate the development of HT automated patch clamp assays for the discovery and characterization of novel analgesics and modulators of pain pathways, as well as assisting studies examining the pharmacology of mutated channels