87 research outputs found

    Cold heteronuclear atom-ion collisions

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    We study cold heteronuclear atom ion collisions by immersing a trapped single ion into an ultracold atomic cloud. Using ultracold atoms as reaction targets, our measurement is sensitive to elastic collisions with extremely small energy transfer. The observed energy-dependent elastic atom-ion scattering rate deviates significantly from the prediction of Langevin but is in full agreement with the quantum mechanical cross section. Additionally, we characterize inelastic collisions leading to chemical reactions at the single particle level and measure the energy-dependent reaction rate constants. The reaction products are identified by in-trap mass spectrometry, revealing the branching ratio between radiative and non-radiative charge exchange processes

    Hybrid quantum systems of atoms and ions

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    In recent years, ultracold atoms have emerged as an exceptionally controllable experimental system to investigate fundamental physics, ranging from quantum information science to simulations of condensed matter models. Here we go one step further and explore how cold atoms can be combined with other quantum systems to create new quantum hybrids with tailored properties. Coupling atomic quantum many-body states to an independently controllable single-particle gives access to a wealth of novel physics and to completely new detection and manipulation techniques. We report on recent experiments in which we have for the first time deterministically placed a single ion into an atomic Bose Einstein condensate. A trapped ion, which currently constitutes the most pristine single particle quantum system, can be observed and manipulated at the single particle level. In this single-particle/many-body composite quantum system we show sympathetic cooling of the ion and observe chemical reactions of single particles in situ.Comment: ICAP proceeding

    Laser spectroscopy and cooling of Yb+ ions on a deep-UV transition

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    We perform laser spectroscopy of Yb+ ions on the 4f14 6s 2S_{1/2} - 4f13 5d 6s 3D[3/2]_{1/2} transition at 297 nm. The frequency measurements for 170Yb+, 172Yb+, 174Yb+, and 176Yb+ reveal the specific mass shift as well as the field shifts. In addition, we demonstrate laser cooling of Yb+ ions using this transition and show that light at 297 nm can be used as the second step in the photoionization of neutral Yb atoms

    Kinetics of a single trapped ion in an ultracold buffer gas

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    The immersion of a single ion confined by a radiofrequency trap in an ultracold atomic gas extends the concept of buffer gas cooling to a new temperature regime. The steady state energy distribution of the ion is determined by its kinetics in the radiofrequency field rather than the temperature of the buffer gas. Moreover, the finite size of the ultracold gas facilitates the observation of back-action of the ion onto the buffer gas. We numerically investigate the system's properties depending on atom-ion mass ratio, trap geometry, differential cross-section, and non-uniform neutral atom density distribution. Experimental results are well reproduced by our model considering only elastic collisions. We identify excess micromotion to set the typical scale for the ion energy statistics and explore the applicability of the mobility collision cross-section to the ultracold regime.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalously old biotite <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar ages in the NW Himalaya

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    Biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages older than corresponding muscovite 40Ar/39Ar ages, contrary to the diffusion properties of these minerals, are common in the Himalaya and other metamorphic regions. In these cases, biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages are commonly dismissed as “too old” on account of “excess Ar.” We present 32 step-heating 40Ar/39Ar ages from 17 samples from central Himachal Pradesh Himalaya, India. In almost all cases, the biotite ages are older than predicted from cooling histories. We document host-rock lithology and chemical composition, mica microstructures, biotite chemical composition, and chlorite and muscovite components of biotite separates to demonstrate that these factors do not offer an explanation for the anomalously old biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages. We discuss possible mechanisms that may account for extraneous Ar (inherited or excess Ar) in these samples. The most likely cause for “too-old” biotite is excess Ar, i.e., 40Ar that is separated from its parent K. We suggest that this contamination resulted from one or several of the following mechanisms: (1) 40Ar was released during Cenozoic prograde metamorphism; (2) 40Ar transport was restricted due to a temporarily dry intergranular medium; (3) 40Ar was released from melt into a hydrous fluid phase during melt crystallization. Samples from the Main Central Thrust shear zone may be affected by a different mechanism of excess-Ar accumulation, possibly linked to later-stage fluid circulation within the shear zone and chloritization. Different Ar diffusivities and/or solubilities in biotite and muscovite may explain why biotite is more commonly affected by excess Ar than muscovite
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