1,321 research outputs found

    Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequalities for arbitrary domains

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    We prove a Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality for arbitrary domains \Omega\subset\R^N with a constant depending only on the dimension N\geq 3. In particular, for convex domains this settles a conjecture by Filippas, Maz'ya and Tertikas. As an application we derive Hardy-Lieb-Thirring inequalities for eigenvalues of Schr\"odinger operators on domains.Comment: 19 page

    Structure factor of interacting one-dimensional helical systems

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    We calculate the dynamical structure factor S(q, {\omega}) of a weakly interacting helical edge state in the presence of a magnetic field B. The latter opens a gap of width 2B in the single-particle spectrum, which becomes strongly nonlinear near the Dirac point. For chemical potentials |{\mu}| > B, the system then behaves as a nonlinear helical Luttinger liquid, and a mobile-impurity analysis reveals interaction-dependent power-law singularities in S(q,{\omega}). For |{\mu}| < B, the low-energy excitations are gapped, and we determine S(q,{\omega}) by using an analogy to exciton physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum memory coupled to cavity modes

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    Inspired by spin-electric couplings in molecular magnets, we introduce in the Kitaev honeycomb model a linear modification of the Ising interactions due to the presence of quantized cavity fields. This allows to control the properties of the low-energy toric code Hamiltonian, which can serve as a quantum memory, by tuning the physical parameters of the cavity modes, like frequencies, photon occupations, and coupling strengths. We study the properties of the model perturbatively by making use of the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation and show that, depending on the specific setup, the cavity modes can be useful in several ways. They allow to detect the presence of anyons through frequency shifts and to prolong the lifetime of the memory by enhancing the anyon excitation energy or mediating long-range anyon-anyon interactions with tunable sign. We consider both resonant and largely detuned cavity modes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Long-Range Interaction of Spin-Qubits via Ferromagnets

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    We propose a mechanism of coherent coupling between distant spin qubits interacting dipolarly with a ferromagnet. We derive an effective two-spin interaction Hamiltonian and estimate the coupling strength. We discuss the mechanisms of decoherence induced solely by the coupling to the ferromagnet and show that there is a regime where it is negligible. Finally, we present a sequence for the implementation of the entangling CNOT gate and estimate the corresponding operation time to be a few tens of nanoseconds. A particularly promising application of our proposal is to atomistic spin-qubits such as silicon-based qubits and NV-centers in diamond to which existing coupling schemes do not apply.Comment: 6 pages, 7 pages of appendi

    Physical solutions of the Kitaev honeycomb model

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    We investigate the exact solution of the honeycomb model proposed by Kitaev and derive an explicit formula for the projector onto the physical subspace. The physical states are simply characterized by the parity of the total occupation of the fermionic eigenmodes. We consider a general lattice on a torus and show that the physical fermion parity depends in a nontrivial way on the vortex configuration and the choice of boundary conditions. In the vortex-free case with a constant gauge field we are able to obtain an analytical expression of the parity. For a general configuration of the gauge field the parity can be easily evaluated numerically, which allows the exact diagonalization of large spin models. We consider physically relevant quantities, as in particular the vortex energies, and show that their true value and associated states can be substantially different from the one calculated in the unprojected space, even in the thermodynamic limit

    Spin susceptibility of interacting two-dimensional electrons in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

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    A long-range interaction via virtual particle-hole pairs between Fermi-liquid quasiparticles leads to a nonanalytic behavior of the spin susceptibility χ\chi as a function of the temperature (TT), magnetic field (B\mathbf{B}), and wavenumber. In this paper, we study the effect of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) on the nonanalytic behavior of χ\chi for a two-dimensional electron liquid. Although the SOI breaks the SU(2) symmetry, it does not eliminate nonanalyticity but rather makes it anisotropic: while the linear scaling of χzz\chi_{zz} with TT and ∣B∣|\mathbf{B}| saturates at the energy scale set by the SOI, that of χxx\chi_{xx} (=χyy=\chi_{yy}) continues through this energy scale, until renormalization of the electron-electron interaction in the Cooper channel becomes important. We show that the Renormalization Group flow in the Cooper channel has a non-trivial fixed point, and study the consequences of this fixed point for the nonanalytic behavior of χ\chi. An immediate consequence of SOI-induced anisotropy in the nonanalytic behavior of χ\chi is a possible instability of a second-order ferromagnetic quantum phase transition with respect to a first-order transition to an XY ferromagnetic state.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    The sharp constant in the Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality in the three dimensional upper half-space

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    It is shown that the sharp constant in the Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya inequality on the three dimensional upper half space is given by the Sobolev constant. This is achieved by a duality argument relating the problem to a Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev type inequality whose sharp constant is determined as well.Comment: 9 page

    Ferromagnetic order of nuclear spins coupled to conduction electrons: a combined effect of the electron-electron and spin-orbit interactions

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    We analyze the ordered state of nuclear spins embedded in an interacting two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). Stability of the ferromagnetic nuclear-spin phase is governed by nonanalytic dependences of the electron spin susceptibility χij\chi^{ij} on the momentum (q~\tilde{\mathbf{q}}) and on the SOI coupling constant (α\alpha). The uniform (\tq=0) spin susceptibility is anisotropic (with the out-of-plane component, χzz\chi^{zz}, being larger than the in-plane one, χxx\chi^{xx}, by a term proportional to U2(2kF)∣α∣U^2(2k_F)|\alpha|, where U(q)U(q) is the electron-electron interaction). For \tq \leq 2m^*|\alpha|, corrections to the leading, U2(2kF)∣α∣U^2(2k_F)|\alpha|, term scale linearly with \tq for χxx\chi^{xx} and are absent for χzz\chi^{zz}. This anisotropy has important consequences for the ferromagnetic nuclear-spin phase: (i)(i) the ordered state--if achieved--is of an Ising type and (ii)(ii) the spin-wave dispersion is gapped at \tq=0. To second order in U(q)U(q), the dispersion a decreasing function of \tq, and anisotropy is not sufficient to stabilize long-range order. However, renormalization in the Cooper channel for \tq\ll2m^*|\alpha| is capable of reversing the sign of the \tq-dependence of χxx\chi^{xx} and thus stabilizing the ordered state. We also show that a combination of the electron-electron and SO interactions leads to a new effect: long-wavelength Friedel oscillations in the spin (but not charge) electron density induced by local magnetic moments. The period of these oscillations is given by the SO length π/m∗∣α∣\pi/m^*|\alpha|.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure

    Majorana states in inhomogeneous spin ladders

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    We propose an inhomogeneous open spin ladder, related to the Kitaev honeycomb model, which can be tuned between topological and nontopological phases. In extension of Lieb's theorem, we show numerically that the ground state of the spin ladder is either vortex free or vortex full. We study the robustness of Majorana end states (MES) which emerge at the boundary between sections in different topological phases and show that while the MES in the homogeneous ladder are destroyed by single-body perturbations, in the presence of inhomogeneities at least two-body perturbations are required to destabilize MES. Furthermore, we prove that x, y, or z inhomogeneous magnetic fields are not able to destroy the topological degeneracy. Finally, we present a trijunction setup where MES can be braided. A network of such spin ladders provides thus a promising platform for realization and manipulation of MES
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