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    De la minorité nationale à l'ethnicité périphérique: Les Magyarophones de la Transcarpathie (Ukraine)

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    En Europe centrale et orientale, les statistiques dĂ©mographiques, l'historiographie et l'ethnographie distinguent par le terme de " minoritĂ© nationale " des groupes ethniques, habitant souvent des zones frontaliĂšres qui possĂšdent des semblables - de mĂȘme ethnie et de mĂȘme langue - construits en États-nations, gĂ©nĂ©ralement limitrophes. Ces groupes sont pour la plupart issus des traitĂ©s de paix qui ont mis fin aux deux guerres mondiales et ont eu pour consĂ©quence de multiples dĂ©placements de population et un redĂ©coupage des frontiĂšres Ă©tatiques. Les Magyarophones de la Transcarpathie ukrainienne constituent l'exemple emblĂ©matique d'une telle collectivitĂ© ethnique dont la loyautĂ© politico-juridique (citoyennetĂ©) et la loyautĂ© nationale (ethno-culturelle) ne se recouvrent pas. Ce texte, issu d'une recherche anthropologique de terrain en cours, analyse dans son contexte historique et sociologique les recompositions identitaires dans ce groupe, liĂ©es aux transformations gĂ©opolitiques rĂ©centes, comme la fin du rĂ©gime communiste en Hongrie, concomitante Ă  l'indĂ©pendance de l'Ukraine et le nouveau statut de la frontiĂšre hungaro-ukrainienne, en tant que frontiĂšre de l'espace Schengen. Les alĂ©as des nouveaux rapports avec les deux États " tutĂ©laires ", portĂ©s par une nouvelle Ă©lite locale, reconfigurent les relations du groupe avec son territoire et son histoire. Loin de l'ancrer dans une identitĂ© de " minoritĂ© nationale ", nostalgique de son motherland, ces changements dessinent, au contraire, les contours d'une nouvelle ethnicitĂ© pĂ©riphĂ©rique

    Szinergista Ă©s antagonista immunmechanizmusok felnƑttkori akut sĂșlyos asthmĂĄban. KĂ­sĂ©rletes Ă©s klinikai vizsgĂĄlatok. = Acute exacerbations of asthma in adults. Experimental and clinical studies of synergistic and antagonistic immune mechanisms

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    TerhessĂ©g alatt asthma bronchialeban kulminĂĄlĂłdĂł T lymphocyta proliferĂĄciĂł alakul ki. A felszaporodĂł T sejtek fenotĂ­pus tekintetĂ©ben döntƑen IFNgamma termelƑk Ă©s ezek szĂĄma a perifĂ©riĂĄs vĂ©rben szignifikĂĄns inverz összefĂŒggĂ©st mutat a kilĂ©gzĂ©si csĂșcsĂĄramlĂĄssal Ă©s az ĂșjszĂŒlött szĂŒletĂ©si sĂșlyĂĄval. Endotoxin expozĂ­ciĂł hatĂĄsĂĄra a kĂ­sĂ©rletes allergiĂĄs lĂ©gĂști gyulladĂĄs sĂșlyosbodik Ă©s szisztĂ©mĂĄs szteroid kezelĂ©sre refrakterrĂ© vĂĄlik. LĂ©trehoztunk egy szteroid refrakter asthma modellt. Az Ășj, szelektĂ­v iNOS inhibitor 1400W blokkolja a lĂ©gĂști hyperreaktivitĂĄst akkor is, ha az szteroid refrakter. HistaminhiĂĄnyos egĂ©rtörzsben kĂ­sĂ©rletes allergiĂĄs asthma enyhĂ©bbĂ© vĂĄlik, kisebb a lĂ©gĂști hyperreaktivitĂĄs Ă©s a lĂ©gutak cellulĂĄris gyulladĂĄsa is. A histamin tehĂĄt nemcsak egyik mediĂĄtora a bronchoconstrictionak, hanem a pathogenezis korai lĂ©pĂ©seihez is hozzĂĄjĂĄrul. A lĂ©gĂștak allergizĂĄlĂĄsa nemcsak Th2-es tĂ­pusĂș cytokinek Ă©s chemokinek, hanem Th1-es tĂ­pusĂșak fokozott kĂ©pzƑdĂ©sĂ©t is maga utĂĄn vonta. MĂĄs kĂ­sĂ©rleteinkben a postischaemiĂĄs akut veseelĂ©gtelensĂ©g (shock-vese modell) kialakulĂĄsĂĄban a VEGF Ă©s az IL-6 szerepĂ©t vizsgĂĄltuk. Igazoltuk, hogy a postischaemiĂĄs vesĂ©ben fokozĂłdik a VEGF fehĂ©rjeszint anĂ©lkĂŒl, hogy a VEGF mRNS tartalom is növekedne. EgyĂșttal a renalis IL-6 szintĂ©zis is jelentƑsen növekedett Ă©s mivel az IL-6 elƑsegĂ­ti a VEGF posttranszkripciĂłs kĂ©pzƑdĂ©s fokozĂłdĂĄsĂĄt, e kĂ©t intrarenalis szignĂĄlnak kapcsolata lehet egymĂĄssal Ă©s a vese postischaemiĂĄs regenerĂĄciĂłjĂĄval. | Culminating T lymphocytosis develops during pregnancy in asthmatic women. Proliferating T cells are those synthesizing IFNgamma, the number of which shows significant inverse correlation with peak exspiratory flow and body weight of the newborn. Exposure to endotoxin exaggerates allergic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. In addition, these features become refractory to steroid treatment. A model of steroid resistant asthma has been established. The new, selective inhibitor of iNOS, 1400W successfully reversed airway hyperresponsiveness even if it was refractory to dexamethasone. Experimental allergic asthma is alleviated by genetic deficiency of histamine as indicated by reduced cellular inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of the airways. Thus, histamine is an important early mediator during the development of allergic inflammation of the airways. In this study it was also documented that allergic airway inflammation was associated with a mixed (T2+T1) phenotype of cytokine and chemokine synthesis. In other experiments it was shown that the formation of VEGF and IL-6 were increased in the postischemic kidney (a model of the human shock-kidney). These signals have not been known earlier in this model and may contribute to the postischemic regeneration of the kidney

    Matchings and Canonical Forms for Symmetric Tensors

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    AbstractLetVbe aq-dimensional vector space. Fix a setBofq(q−1) monomials inSp(V) of the formxIwhereik>0 for allk. The generic element ofSp(V) is conjugate under a suitable linear transformation to an element with support off ofB. We prove this by showing the existence of a perfect matching with a unique weight in a certain weighted bipartite graph. Such a perfect matching corresponds to the non-vanishing of an appropriate determinant

    Nivolumab-Induced Ulcerative Keratitis-A Case Report

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    PURPOSE: To describe a case of nivolumab-induced ulcerative keratitis rapidly recovering on topical steroid treatment and to determine changes in cytokine levels in the tear fluid caused by nivolumab. METHODS: We report a 34-year-old man receiving nivolumab for metastasized melanoma with severe dry eye symptoms and a persistent corneal epithelial defect. Levels of cytokine and matrix metalloproteinase in tear fluid were measured by multiplex immunoassays. RESULTS: The corneal epithelial defect failed to recover for antiviral and lubrication therapy but resolved within 48 hours after topical steroid therapy was initiated. No recurrence of corneal ulceration was observed with intermittent topical steroid therapy during the remaining period of nivolumab treatment. No Sjögren disease-related autoantibodies were detected in the patient's serum. The levels of inflammatory cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases in the tear fluid were markedly elevated after nivolumab treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our observations suggest that nivolumab treatment induces a local autoimmune ocular surface disorder resulting in corneal ulceration that promptly resolves using steroid eye drops. The integrity of the corneal epithelial layer can be sustained using intermittent topical steroid therapy in patients receiving nivolumab

    Male gender predisposes to development of endotoxic shock in the rat

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    Objective: After intravenous (i.v.) injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) macrophages release nitric oxide (NO) due to the expression of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS). After LPS NO is abundantly produced also in the cardiovascular system and may contribute to the development of hypotension and shock. Since the immune response, the synthesis of NO and the regulation of blood pressure (BP) differ between males and females, in the present study the effect of LPS on BP, renal function, the plasma and urinary concentration of the metabolites of NO as well as the splenic and aortic expression of the iNOS gene were compared between male and female rats. Methods: BP and renal function were measured in anesthetized rats following the i.v. injection of LPS (E. coli, 4 mg/kg). The NOx and NOx (metabolites of NO=NOx) concentration was measured by the Griess reaction. The iNOS gene expression was studied by RT-PCR. Results: Four hours after LPS, BP of males (n=9) was reduced by 63+/-12 mmHg versus 10+/-4 in females (n=7, P<0.005). Aminoguanidine, a selective inhibitor of iNOS, prevented the reduction of BP in males. The plasma concentration of NOx (P-NOx, mu M) was lower in hypotensive males (128+/-20) than in normotensive females (235+/-29, P<0.005). Males also exhibited lower urinary NO, excretion (UNOxV) after LPS (P<0.001 vs, females). Prior castration of males provided protection against hypotension (fall of BP: -4+/-4 mmHg, n=6, P<0.02 versus males) and resulted in higher P-NOx as well as UNOxV (both P<0.001 versus males and not different from females). Prior ovariectomy (n=5) had no influence on the hemodynamic and NOx response to LPS. Male rats displayed enhanced aortic iNOS/beta-actin ratio relative to females after LPS (n=3 in each group, P<0.05). Conclusions: (1) Male gender may sensitize to LPS-induced shock and (2) sensitivity of males to endotoxin is associated with an attenuated, not exaggerated total rate of NO synthesis
