23 research outputs found

    Barcode assessment post rebound.

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    Rebound kinetics and barcodes for each rebounding RM are presented based on the post-infection day ART was initiated with the rebound pVL of each RM shown on the left and the relative barcode proportion at peak rebound shown on the right (A-F). Representative (d5 ART group) of barcode comparisons across time post rebound and compared to pre-ART population (G). LOD is determined by viral input levels and is shown as elevated x-axis levels. Groups are color-coded based on days post infection until ART: d3 (blue), d4 (red), d5 (green), d6 (purple), d7 (orange), d9 (black) and d12 (brown).</p

    Viral decay dynamics affected by timing of ART initiation.

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    Delay in first phase viral decay following ART initiation (A). The primary phase 1 decay rate using both a maximal decay rate (B) and a 7-day average rate (C) excluding 6 RMs with low pVL where rates could not be estimated. Decay kinetics of CA-DNA (D-F) and CA-RNA (G-I) within PBMC (circle), LNMC (square), DUO (up triangle) and BM (down triangle) from 3-, 70- or 250-days following ART initiation. Unfilled symbols represent samples with no viral signal detected and are plotted at the calculated limit of detection (LOD) for each sample based on specimen input. Groups are color-coded based on days post infection until ART: d3 (blue), d4 (red), d5 (green), d6 (purple), d7 (orange), d9 (black) and d12 (brown).</p