18 research outputs found


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    This research aims to investigate the implementation and factors that impede the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is based on the principle of Good Corporate Governance Good Corporate Governance (GSG) in PT. Bio Nusantara Teknologi. This research uses a descriptive method of analysis with a qualitative approach and data collection performed by the method of instrumental case studies, documentary studies, and natural observation (observation depth). The results show that six areas of activity that the CSR programs have been implemented by PT. BNT to improve well being communities are Education, Social Affairs / Religion, Health, Infrastructure, Economic and Environmental Affairs. Second, funds budgeted in the implementation of CSR programs at the PT. BNT were fit with the intelligence of UUPM No.25 Tahun 2007 in the amount of 1-5% of the company's profit after tax. Third, the social sector undertaken by PT.BNT to the CSR programs simply touch the community, where it is seen from the social program / religion that has been done, the areas of health and education.As for the program of environment and the economy has not been so touching peoples. Fourth, CSR applied by PT. BNT based GCG show that the implementation is not visible transparent principles, accountability, responsibility and fairness. Fifth, the existence of CSR programs in the form of community development that has been carried out by PT.BNT still lacks of impacts and benefits to improve the welfare of the local community, because of lack of fulfilling wishes of local communities, especially in the fields of economics, education and infrastructure development.And sixth, the implementation of CSR programs in the form of community development in the PT.BNT reap many obstacles and challenges, such as lack of budget funds and the scope and location of the village area around the company, so that distribution is not equitable relief. Keywords: implementation analysis, corporate social responsibility, good corporate governanc


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    To achieve national aspirations to protect the whole Indonesian and the entire country of Indonesia, promote the commonweal, and educate the nation, the unitary state of Indonesia is divided into small government that has freedom to run the regional autonomy, including in the development of science and technology. Unfortunately, the development of science and technology has not run optimally, as happened in Bengkulu province. This research was a qualitative descriptive study which wanted to see the agenda of Bengkulu’s Government in relation to regional policy framework for science and technology. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Data was analyzed by using qualitative data analysis Spradley models which was brought into line to the data analysis techniques in the research stage. The results showed that the regional development of science and technology policy for Bengkulu Province has two agenda namely science and technology to pave the backwardness and science and technology for prosperity. Those agendas were focused on the field of food security, energy, technology and transportation management, information and communication technology, security and defense technology, medical technology and medicine, and technology management of natural resources and the environment.Keywords: Autonomy, National Aspirations, Science And Technology Development, Indonesi

    Kiprah Perempuan Pemimpin Di Pemerintahan Daerah

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    This study aims to explain the role of women leaders in local government, in this case Dusun 001, in carrying out leadership roles and trying to advance the welfare of the community. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative, and research data were collected through interviews, observation, and literature study. There were three informants in the study: Yustina Sumini (head of Dusun 001), Sumadi (community leader), and Aseni (head of the women farmer group). From the results of the study, it was found that female leaders can make a lot of contributions and are more effective at mobilizing citizens, especially women. Yustina Sumini's leadership belongs to the category of transforming entrepreneurial leadership type. This can be found in the elements led by Yustina Sumini in mobilizing and inviting mothers to engage in the creative economy to improve family welfare


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    This study aims to determine the influence of employee work productivity on archival management at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Bengkulu Branch Baai Island. The subjects of this study were the employees at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II(Persero) Bengkulu Branch Pulau Baai, with a total of 62 employees through 16 questionnaires. The form of this research his associative research with quantitative analysis, with the intention to find the influence between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Data analysis techniques used in this research is a quantitative technique to test the relationship / influence between independent variables and dependent variables using statistical calculations, namely product moment correlation, determination test, and T-test. he results of product moment correlation analysis show r-count>rtableis=0.454>(Rtable)= 0.254, which means there is a correlation between the two variables, at the level of the moderate correlation 0.40-0.599, while the direction of the correlation is positive because the value of Rispositive. The Coefficient of Determination Test Results (R²) can be obtained (0≤0.206≤1), which means that the correlation between employee work productivity to wards archival management has alow influence of 20.6%. The results of the T-test show that the value of countis 3.922, sot-count>ttable is 3.922>1.670, the employee work productivity variable has a positive and sign if i can’t influence on the management of archives at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Bengkulu Branch


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    This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of the Performance of secretariat commission for general election (KPU) Bengkulu City on the organization of the Election of Regional Heads (PILKADA) of Bengkulu City in 2018. The Data were collected by using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The obtained data were analyzed by means of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. This is a qualitative-descriptive study which takes two groups as the informants.The informants are categorized as key informant and principal informants. Key informant in this study was the secretary of KPU Bengkulu City while the principal informants were the secretariat staff of KPU Bengkulu City. The researcher chose the secretary of KPU as the key informant because he knew and mastered the information needed by the researcher. Meanwhile, the secretariat staff of KPU Bengkulu City were selected as the principle informants because they can provide information about organizing the election. The result shows that the performance of the employees of the Secretariat of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Bengkulu City was quite effective in completing the Election of Regional Heads (PILKADA) in 2018.The election run successfully and on time as it is expected


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    his study aims to find out the quality of health services in Kembang Seri Public Health Center atTalang Empat Sub-District, Central Bengkulu Regency. This research is a qualitative research presented descriptively. The informants in this study amounted to 6 people consisting of key informants and principal informants. The data were collected by interviews, observation and documentation method. The technique data analysis used were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the results show that the quality of Health Services in the Kembang Seri of Talang Empat Sub-District of Central Bengkulu Regency is seen from the theory of service quality 1)The Reliability has done a good service but nurses are still not friendly in patient. 2) Responsiveness of nurses are ready and sufficiently skilled in treating patients but there are also nurses who are still arrogant and play their own cellphones while patients need service.3) Assurance of nurses are less friendly and polite to patients and nurses still distinguish services from rich patients and poor patients in terms of service but nurses are active in communicating with patients. Empathy of nurse is easily contacted in every room that keeps and communicates with the patient ready to be called by the patient’s family if needed. However, in terms of medicines and intravenous needles there is still a lack of availability. 5. Tangibles (Physical Facilities) seen from the building of Kembang Seri Public Health Center is good and medical equipment is sufficient

    Inovasi Media Online Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Media Massa Di Kota Bengkulu

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    The aim of his study is to know innovation communication and innovation as the process of renewal, utilization, development by creating new things different from before. Innovation also can be interpreted new invention in technology or ability in introducing new findings different from pre-existing. Broadly speaking the mass media is divided into three namely print media, audited electronic media, and audio-visual electronic media. Online media is an online journalistic product that is defined as reporting facts or events that are produced and distributed over the internet. This study uses qualitative method that produces descriptive data of how the words written or oral from observation and observation techniques of data collection conducted through an observation with the recording of the state or behavior of the target object, methodologically the reason for observation user is the observation optimizing the ability of the writer in terms of motives, beliefs, attention, unconscious behaviors and habits and the media can be interpreted with the tool channel while online term materials in the internet which means an information that can be accessed with internet network. The result conducted that the next researcher will discuss from the analysis conducted can be seen that Online Media Innovation in Facing Mass media Competition in Bengkulu City. Communication Planning Innovation is used as a guide for online media, especially bengkulunews.co.id become reference for important online media innovation in facing mass media of Bengkulu City. Cyber media in Indonesia are also part of freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the Press. Cyber media is any form of media that uses inlet and carry out the activities of journalism, and meet the Press Law and standard press companies in the set


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    This study aimed to determine the children’s parent communication in improving learning achievement in Mathematics. This was a qualitative descriptive research. Datas were collected by interviews, observation and documentation techniques. There were two groups of informants in this research, the key informant which consisted of a Math teacherin class VI Elementary School Number 27 Bengkulu and principal informant which consisted of two children’s parent, Mrs. Desi Yanti and Lini Marlina. Communication messages done by parents in improving achievement in Mathematics subject were: (1) providing guidance and advice, (2) supervision of learning, (3) giving rewards and punishments, (4) the fulfillment of learning (5) creating condusive atmosphere in studying, (6) paying attention to children’s health, and (7) providing handy hints. Based on the results of research and discussion, it was concluded that the instructional communication role of parents in improving learning achievement of Mathematics has been running quite well in pre-instructional stage and directing stage, also in follow-up evaluation stage. But in the aspect of instructional or learning it’s not fully completed.  Keywords: communication between parents and children, achievement in Mathematics subject, instructional communicatio

    ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENGENDALIAN PERTUMBUHAN PENDUDUK DI PROVINSI BENGKULU (Studi Pada Kantor Perwakilan Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional Provinsi Bengkulu)

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    This research aims to describe how the implementation of population growth control policy in Bengkulu Province. This research based on the rate of population growth which always experienced a high increase caused by the increase of Total Fertillity Rare (TFR). This research is used George Edrward III approoach implentation model of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used were interviews, obeservations and documentation. The results of this research is that the implementation of population control policy in Bengkulu Province has been effective enough, altough still found few of obstacles and problems in the implementation. By using the approach of George Edward III, it can be analyzed that the implementation KKBPK Program in Bengkulu Province has been running as has been determined, although there are still some indicators which are insufficient. The recomendations of this reseasrch are (to BKKBN office of Bengkulu Province): 1. should to improve communication between implementer, stakeholders, and cross-sector partners; 2. Should increase human and non-human resources (means, facilities and infrastructure); 3. Should to improve the nature of honesty and commitment in carrying out its duties and functions; 4. Should to maintain coordination among institutions or organizations