8 research outputs found

    I resti umani cremati della necropoli di Casinalbo

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    Il lavoro antropologico sulla necropoli di Casinalbo \ue8 stato sviluppato fin dalle prime analisi 30 nella prospettiva sopra delineata e con l\u2019utilizzo di metodologie specifiche per l\u2019analisi strettamente paleobiologica dei resti ossei. Queste ultime, nel tempo rivedute e raffinate, hanno consentito l\u2019acquisizione di un\u2019ampia serie di dati (sesso, et\ue0, parametri demografici, ecc.), la conferma di alcune delle conclusioni pi\uf9 importanti della ricerca archeologica come ad esempio che la distribuzione spaziale di gruppi di sepolture possa corrispondere a nuclei parentali e la verifica della stima demografica della comunit\ue0 corrispondente

    Analisi antropologiche sui resti cremati della necropoli del Bronzo medio e recente di Scalvinetto di Legnago (Verona)

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    Si presentano i primi risultati dello studio su 51 sepolture a cremazione dalla necropoli di Scalvinetto (Legnago, Verona), uno dei pi\uf9 importanti complessi funerari birituali del BM e BR in Italia settentrionale (705 tombe). Oltre alla presentazione dei risultati salienti, sono stati approfonditi gli aspetti relativi alla diagnosi del sesso su base osteologica

    Discontinuity of life conditions at the transition from the Roman Imperial Age to the early Middle Ages: Example from central Italy evaluated by pathological dento-alveolar lesions

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    Teeth are highly informative in the study of past human populations. In particular, the occurrence of lesions in the masticatory apparatus relates diseases, diet, and living conditions. The dental pathology of three skeletal samples from the north-central part of Latium (central Italy) is reported. Two of them belong to the Roman Imperial Age (1st-3rd century AD): the first (including 942 permanent teeth and 1,085 tooth sockets) represents the rural town of Lucus Feroniae and is mainly composed of slaves and/or war veterans, whereas the second (872 permanent teeth and 1,325 tooth sockets) comes from the Isola Sacra necropolis at Portus Romae and represents the "middle class" segment of an urban population. The medieval sample (912 teeth and 1,097 tooth sockets), dated to the 7th century AD, belongs to the Lombard necropolis of La Selvicciola. All of the samples were examined for caries, abscesses, antemortem tooth loss, calculus, alveolar resorption, attrition, and enamel hypoplasia; standard methods were used to identify, classify, and quantify these conditions. The results reveal different patterns of dental and alveolar lesions for the three populations, indicating a different combination of dietary factors and hygienic conditions in the Roman samples compared to the Lombard series. As evidenced by multivariate correspondece analysis, the Romans show afffinites between each other, whereas the Medieval sample appears associated with the incidence of caries and the pathological conditions related to them, thus indicating increase of these lesions and deterioration of the quality of life in the transition to the early Middle Ages. These data agree with the respective archeological characterizations of the necropolises and the hypothetical social composition of each population

    Conditions de vie et état de santé de deux communautés du latium à l’Âge du fer : le cas de Castiglione et d’Osteria dell’Osa (Rome, xe-ixe siècles av. J.-C.)

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    This paper presents a comparison between the archaeological and palaeo-biological data relative to two contemporary Iron Age complexes from the same district of ancient Lazio : the cemeteries of Osteria dell’Osa, thoroughly studied and published in 1992, and of Castiglione, a minor cemetery in the same district, presently under study.The archaeological evidence from these two cemeteries shows that the community of Osteria dell’Osa was larger and more open to interregional contacts. Closely connected to the these features, the community was better organized, with a clear distribution of horizontal roles by age and gender ; vertical roles were attributed to single adult men, apparently the political and religious chiefs of the community, who also managed external relationships and exchange.The Castiglione community was much less organized ; moreover, and the evidence of interregional contacts is extremely scanty.The archaeological differences between the two cemeteries correspond to the results of the palaeo-biological analysis : the Osteria dell’Osa sample is characterized by marked sexual dimorphism, a low incidence of caries, which, moreover is exclusive to infants of weaning age, and a well-balanced diet including both proteins and carbohydrates. In the Castiglione sample the rather low degree of sexual dimorphism points to a general similarity between the activities of men and women, while the high incidence of caries for all age classes indicates an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, which apparently was based almost entirely on agricultural products

    Le necropoli delle Narde di Frattesina. Proposta per una lettura delle evidenze demografiche, rituali e sociali a partire dai dati archeologici e antropologici

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    La pubblicazione analizza dal punto di vista archeologico e antropologico i due nuclei sepolcrali della necropoli di Narde a Frattesina, databile al Bronzo finale. I risultati del lavoro hanno portato all'individuazione delle modalitĂ  rituali e alla definizione di piĂą livelli di complessitĂ  e ricchezza nella composizione dei corredi funerari

    Le necropoli delle Narde di Frattesina: proposta per una lettura delle evidenze demografiche, rituali e sociali a partire dai dati archeologici e antropologici

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    Si presentano i primi risultati dell\u2019analisi sistematica dei due poli funerari delle Narde di Frattesina: lo studio delle combinazioni di corredo di uomini, donne e bambini e l\u2019analisi planimetrica concorrono nel rivelare una forte concentrazione di indicatori di complessit\ue0 nel settore di Narde I, la cui popolazione funeraria \ue8 caratterizzata anche da un probabile migliore stato di salute e da una maggiore aspettativa di vita alla nascita, come rivelato dall\u2019analisi antropologica. Tale differenziazione sembra riconducibile a un\u2019incipiente forma di strutturazione sociale di tipo gentilizio-clientelare

    L’area sepolcrale della Terramara di Santa Rosa di Poviglio (RE). Contesto, materiali, Riti.

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    During the 2000 field season, several fragments of calcined human bone were recovered in the excavation of a modern ditch around 300 m to the east of the edge of the terramara of Santa Rosa. These brought to light the location of a funerary area related to the site. During the following years (2001 and 2002) a 7000 sq m area was investigated in detail through trenches and excavation pits. The archaeological structures recovered were related to a soil that was also in use during the Iron Age and Roman period and was later buried below Medieval alluvial deposits. The archaeological evidence consists of four cinerary urns, two secondary deposits of parts of a single skull included in two different pits, and several holes of different shapes, many of which containing organic material. Furthermore, the buried soil is cut by irrigation ditches and includes, dispersed in it, several calcined human bones fragments, very few animal bones and some pottery sherds. The cinerary urns - two of which are related to an anomalous burial ritual - contain the remains of two adults and two children. Three phases are distinguishable in the use of the area, ranging from the Middle to the Recent Bronze Age: during the earliest phase, the ditches were excavated to irrigate the area, which was devoted to an agrarian use; after that, the four cinerary urns were deposited; later, probably after the dispersal of pyre remains on the surface of the soil, the holes were opened in part to host wooden posts, and two of them included skull fragments, deposited as votive offer

    Un aliment sain dans un corps sain

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    Un aliment sain dans un corps sain : au cœur des préoccupations actuelles, les liens qu’entretiennent le corps, l’alimentation et la santé ont une longue histoire. Souvent considérées sous leurs rapports antagonistes, dans le cadre (réel ou supposé) des peurs et des pathologies qui ont l’alimentation pour origine, les relations entre nourritures, corps et santé doivent également être envisagées à travers l’émergence d’un souci de soi qui se manifeste par une certaine idée du corps, de son esthétique, de sa représentation et du bien-être corporel en général. Entre les attentes, les désirs, les habitudes mais aussi les craintes des consommateurs, les discours, les normes et les réglementations médicales, civiles, politiques et religieuses, quels rôles, quels effets sur le corps attribue-t-on à l’alimentation et à quelles pratiques ces conceptions donnent-elles naissance au cours des siècles ? Dégager des évolutions dans le cadre d’une réflexion pluridisciplinaire : ce livre traite d’une Histoire qui s’inscrit dans la longue durée