19 research outputs found

    Energy and climate policies to 2020 : the impacts of the european " 20/20/20 " approach

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    Purpose :The study aims to quantify the possible interactions between the three European objectives in the horizon of 2020 : (i) the reduction of 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (2) the saving of 20% of the European energy consumption and (3) a share of 20% of renewable energies in the overall energy consumption. Particular focus is, however, placed on the influence of the CO2 emission reduction targets and on their consequences on the carbon price in 2020. Design/methodology/approach :In order to explore the interactions among the three European objectives and their induced effects, a number of scenarios are tested within a combination of two modeling tools : the POLES world energy model and ASPEN, an auxiliary model dedicated to the analysis of quota trading systems. With reasonable assumptions for the burden sharing among the Member States, the energy efficiency objectives and the renewable energy targets are achieved using national quota systems in each European country (white and green certificate systems and their implicit prices), while the CO2 emission reduction is carried out within the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in line with the objective of 20% emission reduction.Findings :The paper shows, in particular, that the two quota policies (WC and GC) decrease significantly the European marginal emission reduction cost and consequently, the compliance costs for ETS participants. The high renewable target compliance cost could be reduced significantly if carbon price signal and energy saving policies are in place. The paper also shows that the sole carbon price signal has a limited influence for stimulating renewable energies and energy savings and thus concludes on the need for specific policies targeting these two areas.CO2 emissions ;carbon price ; white certificate price ; green certificate price ; European Union

    The fundamentals of the future international emissions trading system

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    The study aims to examine the efficiency aspects of the international carbon market, with a focus on economic impacts on the European energy system, by analyzing the sectoral Marginal Abatements Cost Curves (MACC) and the trading under different global carbon market configurations in 2010 and in 2020. To produce a consistent and realistic assessment we employ sources such as: second NAPs under ETS, GHG National Inventories, EIA data and POLES world energy model to constitute the sectoral base year and 2010, 2020 emission levels in different countries and regions. We then use the market analysis tool ASPEN, which enables to derive supply and demand from sectoral MACCs produced with POLES model, and to evaluate the economic impacts on the carbon market participants. The paper shows in particular that in compliance with 2020 emission reduction targets, the benefits of an extended carbon market gain importance since more than 50% of the reduction target is achieved by ETS sectors and especially electricity sector. Furthermore, the new flexibility margins provided by a longer time-period for the adjustment of investments in new generation capacities compensates for the increasing pressure towards stronger emission reductionsemission trading ; international carbon market ; CO2 price

    Politiques climatiques en Europe et mise en oeuvre du systÚme de quotas d'émission négociable

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    Cette étude développe une analyse de l'articulation du marché européen des quotas pour les industries lourdes et le secteur électrique avec la régulation des émissions des autres secteurs. En particulier il est supposé qu'une taxation du carbone est mise en oeuvre dans les transports et le bùtiment. L'interaction entre taxe et prix du marché est simulée en supposant que les Etats achÚtent sur le marché les réductions d'émission nécessaires lorsque la taxe est insuffisante.CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE ; PERMIS NEGOCIABLE

    L'impact de la contrainte carbone sur le secteur électrique européen

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    Two sets of factors will be decisive for the future evolution of European electricity sector: on the one hand, the necessity of new wave of investments for the renewal and the expansion of production capacities and, on the other hand, the emergency and the reinforcement of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) constraints imposed by European policies and directives. The general idea of thesis is that European Emissions Trading system (ETS) is the instrument that can facilitate the decarbonisation of European electricity system. However, the necessary conditions ought to be brought together in the context of liberalisation in terms of risk management, market architecture and setting up of the complementary public policy instruments, in order for the carbon price signal to be effective. The purpose of the thesis is to provide details on these conditions and to examine the potentials scenarios for the evolution of European electricity production mix under the carbon constraint. The introduction of liberalisation in the electricity industry conditions significantly the investment choice. The analysis of theoretical market model allows demonstrating organisational inadequacy for developing an optimal technological mix and for adapting to long-term issues due to the extreme difficulty of interpreting the price signals. Indeed, the logic of a market and a concurrence disadvantages the investments in capital-intensive technologies, even though some of them less polluting like renewable energies, nuclear, hydraulic and thermal technologies integrating carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). In face of numerous uncertainties, the role of long-term risk management becomes therefore crucial. The employment of transaction cost theory allows studying the combinations of vertical arrangements that remain necessary in order to manage the risk and to facilitate the investments (e.g. vertical integration). The introduction of ETS overlaps with the market risks inherent to liberalisation. The analysis of the first years of ETS reveals numerous system design problems: the incoherencies and the counter incentives can be easily created thus facilitating bad decisions. The limited time frame for the carbon constraint and the volatility of the carbon price complicate even more decisions concerning the renewal of long term fixed capital stock. The enlargement of the carbon market and the interaction of European objectives in the horizon 2020 in terms of emissions reduction and increase of green electricity influence as well the anticipation of carbon price. The use of the prospective model POLES allows analysing these different configurations of the carbon market and establishing a number of possible scenarios for the carbon price in the medium and long term, which can be informative for public and private investors. Additionally, certain measures for the reduction of carbon price volatility are recommended (e.g. banking, reserve price). However, the successful implementation of these measures relies foremost on the credibility of governments' engagements in the long term. The modelling exercises with POLES model enable likewise the analysis of European electricity mix in the long term under the uncertainty of carbon constraint. Following the analysis of different methods relevant to the investment appraisal decisions under uncertainty, the privileged way consist of integrating the method of VAR (Value at Risk) as well as the method of mean-variance in the final simulations. In particular, the risk premium increases for carbon intensive technologies principally to the advantage of nuclear, wind and thermal technologies with CCS. The modelling exercises show therefore that it is possible to have a less emitting electricity mix in the future. The remaining challenge is to construct an organisational and institutional framework capable to stimulate the necessary investments in the near future.Deux ensembles de facteurs vont ĂȘtre dĂ©cisifs pour l'Ă©volution future du systĂšme Ă©lectrique europĂ©en : d'une part la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'une nouvelle vague d'investissements pour le renouvellement et l'expansion des capacitĂ©s de production, et d'autre part l'Ă©mergence et le renforcement des contraintes d'Ă©mission de gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES) qui imposeront une mise en conformitĂ© avec les politiques et directives europĂ©ennes. L'idĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale de la thĂšse est que le systĂšme europĂ©en d'Ă©change de quotas d'Ă©mission (SCEQE) est un instrument qui peut faciliter la dĂ©carbonisation du systĂšme Ă©lectrique europĂ©en. Cependant, les conditions doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©unies dans un contexte libĂ©ralisĂ©, en termes de gestion de risque, d'architecture des marchĂ©s et de mise en place des instruments complĂ©mentaires de politique publique, pour que le nouveau signal prix du carbone donne toute sa mesure. L'objet de la thĂšse est de dĂ©tailler ces conditions et d'examiner les scĂ©narios potentiels d'Ă©volution de la structure de production du secteur Ă©lectrique europĂ©en Ă  moyen et long terme sous la contrainte carbone. L'introduction de la libĂ©ralisation de l'industrie Ă©lectrique conditionne de maniĂšre significative les comportements d'investissement et les choix technologiques. L'analyse du modĂšle thĂ©orique du marchĂ© permet de dĂ©montrer l'inadĂ©quation organisationnelle de celui-ci pour dĂ©velopper un mix technologique optimal et pour s'adapter aux problĂšmes de long terme du fait de signaux de prix difficiles Ă  interprĂ©ter. En effet, la logique du marchĂ© et de la concurrence dĂ©savantage les investissements dans les technologies capitalistiques, mĂȘme celles favorables du point de vue environnemental, comme les Ă©nergies renouvelables, le nuclĂ©aire, l'hydraulique ou encore les technologies thermiques intĂ©grant capture et sĂ©questration du carbone (CSC). C'est tout le problĂšme de la gestion de risque Ă  long terme face Ă  de nombreuses incertitudes. L'emploi de la thĂ©orie des coĂ»ts de transaction permet d'examiner les combinaisons des arrangements verticaux qui demeurent nĂ©cessaires afin de gĂ©rer le risque et de faciliter les investissements (e.g. l'intĂ©gration verticale). L'introduction du SCEQE se superpose aux risques du marchĂ© inhĂ©rents Ă  la libĂ©ralisation, et l'incertitude quant Ă  la valeur du carbone rend le choix des investissements encore plus dĂ©licat. L'analyse des premiĂšres annĂ©es de fonctionnement du SCEQE rĂ©vĂšle l'importance du design du systĂšme : des incohĂ©rences dans l'architecture et des contre-incitations peuvent facilement ĂȘtre crĂ©Ă©es, favorisant ainsi les mauvaises dĂ©cisions. L'horizon de la contrainte carbone qui demeure limitĂ© et la volatilitĂ© du prix du carbone compliquent davantage les dĂ©cisions concernant le renouvellement d'un stock de capital de longue durĂ©e de vie. L'ouverture du marchĂ© carbone sur les mĂ©canismes du projet et d'autres marchĂ©s de type cap and trade influencent Ă©galement le prix du carbone anticipĂ© par les investisseurs europĂ©ens tout comme l'interaction entre les objectifs europĂ©ens de rĂ©duction des Ă©missions et ceux portant sur l'augmentation de l'Ă©lectricitĂ© d'origine renouvelable Ă  l'horizon 2020. L'emploi du modĂšle de prospective POLES permet d'examiner ces diverses configurations du marchĂ© carbone et d'Ă©tablir des scenarios possibles de prix du carbone Ă  moyen et long terme, qui peuvent constituer un Ă©lĂ©ment d'information pour les investisseurs publics et privĂ©s dans la production d'Ă©lectricitĂ©. De plus, un certain nombre de mesures destinĂ©es Ă  rĂ©duire la volatilitĂ© du prix du carbone et Ă  faciliter la convergence des anticipations des prix Ă  long terme sont prĂ©conisĂ©es, en particulier l'utilisation de banking ou encore de prix de rĂ©serve. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre rĂ©ussie de ces mesures repose avant tout sur la crĂ©dibilitĂ© des Etats dans leurs engagements Ă  long terme. Les exercices de modĂ©lisation utilisant le modĂšle POLES permettent Ă©galement d'examiner les mix technologiques europĂ©ens Ă  long terme sous l'incertitude du prix du carbone. Suite Ă  un examen des divers outils pertinents d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision d'investissements dans un univers incertain, la voie privilĂ©giĂ©e consiste Ă  intĂ©grer la mĂ©thode VAR (Valeur Ă  Risque) puis celle d'une analyse moyennevariance dans la simulation des portefeuilles de technologie rĂ©alisĂ©e par le modĂšle. Ceci conduit Ă  affecter une prime de risque des technologies intenses en carbone principalement au bĂ©nĂ©fice du nuclĂ©aire, de l'Ă©olien et du thermique associĂ© Ă  la CSC. Les exercices de modĂ©lisation montrent donc qu'il est possible de disposer d'une structure de production d'Ă©lectricitĂ© moins Ă©mettrice Ă  l'avenir. Le dĂ©fi restant est de construire un cadre organisationnel et institutionnel susceptible d'inciter Ă  effectuer ces investissements nĂ©cessaires trĂšs prochainement

    Mitigation of CO2 emissions in 2020 : impacts of the " 20/20/20 " European policy

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    Note de travail du LEPII ; NT/200721 p.The study aims to quantify the interactions between the three European objectives in the horizon of 2020: (1) the reduction of 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (2) the saving of 20% of the energy consumption and (3) the share of 20% of renewables energies in the overall energy consumption. Particular focus is, however, placed on the influence of the environmental policies on theCO2 emission reduction and the carbon price in 2020.The national objectives for the energy savings and renewables energies in our study are realized with the quota systems in every country: white and green certificate systems, while the CO2 emission reduction is carried out at the European level within the ETS in thecontext of international carbon market. In order to exploit the interactions among the differentenvironmental policies, a number of scenarios are tested within a combination of two powerfulmodeling tools: POLES world energy model and ASPEN, dedicated for the analysis of quota systems.The paper shows, in particular, that the order of environmental policies does not affect significantly the reduction of emissions and the carbon price. On the other hand, the presence of these policies diminishes highly the marginal European reduction cost and, consequently, the compliance costs for ETS participants

    L'impact de la contrainte carbone sur le secteur électrique européen

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    Two sets of factors will be decisive for the future evolution of European electricity sector: on the one hand, the necessity of new wave of investments for the renewal and the expansion of production capacities and, on the other hand, the emergency and the reinforcement of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) constraints imposed by European policies and directives. The general idea of thesis is that European Emissions Trading system (ETS) is the instrument that can facilitate the decarbonisation of European electricity system. However, the necessary conditions ought to be brought together in the context of liberalisation in terms of risk management, market architecture and setting up of the complementary public policy instruments, in order for the carbon price signal to be effective. The purpose of the thesis is to provide details on these conditions and to examine the potentials scenarios for the evolution of European electricity production mix under the carbon constraint. The introduction of liberalisation in the electricity industry conditions significantly the investment choice. The analysis of theoretical market model allows demonstrating organisational inadequacy for developing an optimal technological mix and for adapting to long-term issues due to the extreme difficulty of interpreting the price signals. Indeed, the logic of a market and a concurrence disadvantages the investments in capital-intensive technologies, even though some of them less polluting like renewable energies, nuclear, hydraulic and thermal technologies integrating carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). In face of numerous uncertainties, the role of long-term risk management becomes therefore crucial. The employment of transaction cost theory allows studying the combinations of vertical arrangements that remain necessary in order to manage the risk and to facilitate the investments (e.g. vertical integration). The introduction of ETS overlaps with the market risks inherent to liberalisation. The analysis of the first years of ETS reveals numerous system design problems: the incoherencies and the counter incentives can be easily created thus facilitating bad decisions. The limited time frame for the carbon constraint and the volatility of the carbon price complicate even more decisions concerning the renewal of long term fixed capital stock. The enlargement of the carbon market and the interaction of European objectives in the horizon 2020 in terms of emissions reduction and increase of green electricity influence as well the anticipation of carbon price. The use of the prospective model POLES allows analysing these different configurations of the carbon market and establishing a number of possible scenarios for the carbon price in the medium and long term, which can be informative for public and private investors. Additionally, certain measures for the reduction of carbon price volatility are recommended (e.g. banking, reserve price). However, the successful implementation of these measures relies foremost on the credibility of governments' engagements in the long term. The modelling exercises with POLES model enable likewise the analysis of European electricity mix in the long term under the uncertainty of carbon constraint. Following the analysis of different methods relevant to the investment appraisal decisions under uncertainty, the privileged way consist of integrating the method of VAR (Value at Risk) as well as the method of mean-variance in the final simulations. In particular, the risk premium increases for carbon intensive technologies principally to the advantage of nuclear, wind and thermal technologies with CCS. The modelling exercises show therefore that it is possible to have a less emitting electricity mix in the future. The remaining challenge is to construct an organisational and institutional framework capable to stimulate the necessary investments in the near future.Deux ensembles de facteurs vont ĂȘtre dĂ©cisifs pour l'Ă©volution future du systĂšme Ă©lectrique europĂ©en : d'une part la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'une nouvelle vague d'investissements pour le renouvellement et l'expansion des capacitĂ©s de production, et d'autre part l'Ă©mergence et le renforcement des contraintes d'Ă©mission de gaz Ă  effet de serre (GES) qui imposeront une mise en conformitĂ© avec les politiques et directives europĂ©ennes. L'idĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale de la thĂšse est que le systĂšme europĂ©en d'Ă©change de quotas d'Ă©mission (SCEQE) est un instrument qui peut faciliter la dĂ©carbonisation du systĂšme Ă©lectrique europĂ©en. Cependant, les conditions doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©unies dans un contexte libĂ©ralisĂ©, en termes de gestion de risque, d'architecture des marchĂ©s et de mise en place des instruments complĂ©mentaires de politique publique, pour que le nouveau signal prix du carbone donne toute sa mesure. L'objet de la thĂšse est de dĂ©tailler ces conditions et d'examiner les scĂ©narios potentiels d'Ă©volution de la structure de production du secteur Ă©lectrique europĂ©en Ă  moyen et long terme sous la contrainte carbone. L'introduction de la libĂ©ralisation de l'industrie Ă©lectrique conditionne de maniĂšre significative les comportements d'investissement et les choix technologiques. L'analyse du modĂšle thĂ©orique du marchĂ© permet de dĂ©montrer l'inadĂ©quation organisationnelle de celui-ci pour dĂ©velopper un mix technologique optimal et pour s'adapter aux problĂšmes de long terme du fait de signaux de prix difficiles Ă  interprĂ©ter. En effet, la logique du marchĂ© et de la concurrence dĂ©savantage les investissements dans les technologies capitalistiques, mĂȘme celles favorables du point de vue environnemental, comme les Ă©nergies renouvelables, le nuclĂ©aire, l'hydraulique ou encore les technologies thermiques intĂ©grant capture et sĂ©questration du carbone (CSC). C'est tout le problĂšme de la gestion de risque Ă  long terme face Ă  de nombreuses incertitudes. L'emploi de la thĂ©orie des coĂ»ts de transaction permet d'examiner les combinaisons des arrangements verticaux qui demeurent nĂ©cessaires afin de gĂ©rer le risque et de faciliter les investissements (e.g. l'intĂ©gration verticale). L'introduction du SCEQE se superpose aux risques du marchĂ© inhĂ©rents Ă  la libĂ©ralisation, et l'incertitude quant Ă  la valeur du carbone rend le choix des investissements encore plus dĂ©licat. L'analyse des premiĂšres annĂ©es de fonctionnement du SCEQE rĂ©vĂšle l'importance du design du systĂšme : des incohĂ©rences dans l'architecture et des contre-incitations peuvent facilement ĂȘtre crĂ©Ă©es, favorisant ainsi les mauvaises dĂ©cisions. L'horizon de la contrainte carbone qui demeure limitĂ© et la volatilitĂ© du prix du carbone compliquent davantage les dĂ©cisions concernant le renouvellement d'un stock de capital de longue durĂ©e de vie. L'ouverture du marchĂ© carbone sur les mĂ©canismes du projet et d'autres marchĂ©s de type cap and trade influencent Ă©galement le prix du carbone anticipĂ© par les investisseurs europĂ©ens tout comme l'interaction entre les objectifs europĂ©ens de rĂ©duction des Ă©missions et ceux portant sur l'augmentation de l'Ă©lectricitĂ© d'origine renouvelable Ă  l'horizon 2020. L'emploi du modĂšle de prospective POLES permet d'examiner ces diverses configurations du marchĂ© carbone et d'Ă©tablir des scenarios possibles de prix du carbone Ă  moyen et long terme, qui peuvent constituer un Ă©lĂ©ment d'information pour les investisseurs publics et privĂ©s dans la production d'Ă©lectricitĂ©. De plus, un certain nombre de mesures destinĂ©es Ă  rĂ©duire la volatilitĂ© du prix du carbone et Ă  faciliter la convergence des anticipations des prix Ă  long terme sont prĂ©conisĂ©es, en particulier l'utilisation de banking ou encore de prix de rĂ©serve. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre rĂ©ussie de ces mesures repose avant tout sur la crĂ©dibilitĂ© des Etats dans leurs engagements Ă  long terme. Les exercices de modĂ©lisation utilisant le modĂšle POLES permettent Ă©galement d'examiner les mix technologiques europĂ©ens Ă  long terme sous l'incertitude du prix du carbone. Suite Ă  un examen des divers outils pertinents d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision d'investissements dans un univers incertain, la voie privilĂ©giĂ©e consiste Ă  intĂ©grer la mĂ©thode VAR (Valeur Ă  Risque) puis celle d'une analyse moyennevariance dans la simulation des portefeuilles de technologie rĂ©alisĂ©e par le modĂšle. Ceci conduit Ă  affecter une prime de risque des technologies intenses en carbone principalement au bĂ©nĂ©fice du nuclĂ©aire, de l'Ă©olien et du thermique associĂ© Ă  la CSC. Les exercices de modĂ©lisation montrent donc qu'il est possible de disposer d'une structure de production d'Ă©lectricitĂ© moins Ă©mettrice Ă  l'avenir. Le dĂ©fi restant est de construire un cadre organisationnel et institutionnel susceptible d'inciter Ă  effectuer ces investissements nĂ©cessaires trĂšs prochainement

    Mitigation of CO2 emissions in 2020 : impacts of the " 20/20/20 " European policy

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    The study aims to quantify the interactions between the three European objectives in the horizon of 2020: (1) the reduction of 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (2) the saving of 20% of the energy consumption and (3) the share of 20% of renewables energies in the overall energy consumption. Particular focus is, however, placed on the influence of the environmental policies on theCO2 emission reduction and the carbon price in 2020.The national objectives for the energy savings and renewables energies in our study are realized with the quota systems in every country: white and green certificate systems, while the CO2 emission reduction is carried out at the European level within the ETS in thecontext of international carbon market. In order to exploit the interactions among the differentenvironmental policies, a number of scenarios are tested within a combination of two powerfulmodeling tools: POLES world energy model and ASPEN, dedicated for the analysis of quota systems.The paper shows, in particular, that the order of environmental policies does not affect significantly the reduction of emissions and the carbon price. On the other hand, the presence of these policies diminishes highly the marginal European reduction cost and, consequently, the compliance costs for ETS participants.CO2 emissions ; carbon price ; white certificate price ; green certificate price ; European objectives in 2020

    Energy and climate policies to 2020 : the impacts of the european " 20/20/20 " approach

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    Cahier de recherche du LEPII ; n° 5.23 p.Cahier de recherche du LEPII ; n° 5.International audiencePurpose :The study aims to quantify the possible interactions between the three European objectives in the horizon of 2020 : (i) the reduction of 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) (2) the saving of 20% of the European energy consumption and (3) a share of 20% of renewable energies in the overall energy consumption. Particular focus is, however, placed on the influence of the CO2 emission reduction targets and on their consequences on the carbon price in 2020. Design/methodology/approach :In order to explore the interactions among the three European objectives and their induced effects, a number of scenarios are tested within a combination of two modeling tools : the POLES world energy model and ASPEN, an auxiliary model dedicated to the analysis of quota trading systems. With reasonable assumptions for the burden sharing among the Member States, the energy efficiency objectives and the renewable energy targets are achieved using national quota systems in each European country (white and green certificate systems and their implicit prices), while the CO2 emission reduction is carried out within the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in line with the objective of 20% emission reduction.Findings :The paper shows, in particular, that the two quota policies (WC and GC) decrease significantly the European marginal emission reduction cost and consequently, the compliance costs for ETS participants. The high renewable target compliance cost could be reduced significantly if carbon price signal and energy saving policies are in place. The paper also shows that the sole carbon price signal has a limited influence for stimulating renewable energies and energy savings and thus concludes on the need for specific policies targeting these two areas