20 research outputs found

    Neurologic complications in oncology

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    Neurologic side effects related to cancer therapy are a common problem in oncology practice. These complications can negatively affect the management of the patient, because they can inhibit treatment and diminish quality of life. Therefore specific skills are required to recognise symptoms and clinical manifestations. This review focuses on the most common neurologic complications to improve physician’s familiarity in determining the aetiology of these symptoms

    Stima dei danni da vento ai soprassuoli forestali in Regione Toscana a seguito dell'evento del 5 marzo 2015

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    Il vento è uno dei maggiori fattori di disturbo per le foreste europee e i cambiamenti climatici hanno provocato un aumento di eventi estremi negli ultimi anni. La regione Toscana tra il 4 e il 5 marzo 2015 è stata colpita da una tempesta di vento che ha provocato notevoli danni ai soprassuoli forestali. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è di sviluppare una metodologia speditiva per la mappatura delle aree danneggiate in termini di superfici interessate, numero di piante atterrate e volume legnoso a terra. Il contributo illustra a tal fine l’utilizzo di dati telerilevati e in particolare le potenzialità dei dati Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS)

    Epilepsy in the end-of-life phase in patients with high-grade gliomas

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    Epilepsy is common in patients with brain tumors. Patients presenting seizures as the first sign of a malignant glioma are at increased risk of recurrent seizures despite treatment with antiepileptic drugs. However, little is known about the incidence of epilepsy in the last stage of disease and in the end-of-life phase of brain tumor patients. We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of seizures in the last months of life in a series of patients affected by high-grade gliomas who were assisted at home during the whole course of the disease until death. A total of 157 patients were available for analysis. Of these patients, 58 (36.9 %) presented seizures in the last month before death. The risk of seizures in the end-of-life phase is higher in patients presenting previous history of epilepsy, particularly in patients with late-onset epilepsy. Out of the 58 patients presenting seizures in the last month of life, 86.2 % had previously had seizures and 13.8 % were seizure free. Most patients may encounter swallowing difficulties in taking anticonvulsants orally due to dysphagia and disturbances of consciousness, thus anticonvulsant treatment needs to be modified in advance. Loss of seizure control in the end-of-life phase may influence the quality of life of patients and their caregivers. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Therapy and prevention of obstetric hemorrhage by tamponade using a balloon catheter

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    The aim of this study was to verify the possibility to use a balloon catheter as hemostatic method in pregnancies at high risk for hemorrhage as an alternative to less conservative surgical procedures. In 4 pregnancies at risk for hemorrhage, a compressive endouterine or endocervical method, consisting of a balloon catheter filled of warm saline solution, was used in order to stop or to prevent otherwise uncontrollable bleeding. In the cases treated the use of the balloon catheter was safe and effective both in the treatment of hemorrhage due to abnormal placentation and in the prevention of hemorrhagic complications due to abnormal implantation of pregnancy. Among novel medical and surgical approaches developed to control obstetric hemorrhage, tamponade using a balloon catheter could be considered a valid option. Moreover, this procedure, by avoiding radical surgical treatments, such as hysterectomy, which are frequently performed in unstable patients, could offer the advantage of preserving fertility

    Quality of Care and Rehospitalization Rate in the Last Stage of Disease in Brain Tumor Patients Assisted at Home: A Cost Effectiveness Study

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    Despite aggressive multimodality treatment the prognosis of patients with primary brain tumors (BT) remains poor. At present, there are no data about the role of palliative home-care services and their impact on quality of care. We report the results of a pilot project of palliative home care for BT patients started in 2000 in the National Cancer Institute Regina Elena of Rome. We report also the result of a cost/effectiveness analysis utilizing administrative data on re-hospitalization rate in the last two months of life. Methods: Since October 2000 until December 2009, 572 patients have been followed by our home care staff. Among 394 patients who died, 276 (70%) were followed at home until death. A cost/effectiveness analysis was carried out evaluating the re-hospitalization rate in the last 2 months of life in a subgroup of patients (group 1 assisted at home, 72 patients; group 2 not assisted at home, 71). The number of hospital readmission in the last 2 months of life, and length and cost of hospitalization were retrospectively analyzed from hospital discharge records. Results: Hospitalization rate of group 1 (16.7%) was lower than group 2 (38%) (95% CI: 0.18-0.65, p = 0.001). Costs of hospitalization also differed substantially: 517 (sic) (95% CI: 512-522) in represent an alternative to in-hospital care for the management of brain tumor patients and may improve the end-of-life quality of care

    [Usefulness of ultrasound in the delivery room]

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    The use of diagnostic ultrasound and the diffusion of the technique improved the obstetric treatment and the usefulness of ultrasound increases in the delivery room for maternal and fetal care and as method of diagnosis of some obstetric complications. The knowledge of intrapartum ultrasound imaging can be considered useful for the obstetric team, since there is evidence that ultrasound can improve the obstetric management. The mean indications are described: fetal biometry and estimated fetal weight, amniotic fluid volume, fetal situation and presentation, placental localization and anatomy, assessment of size and location of uterine leiomyomas, fetal cardiac activity, evaluation of umbilical cord and fetal cardinal movements intrapartum. Besides, the use of ultrasound is reported in obstetric and postpartum complications. Actually ultrasonography, as a non-invasive, safety and low-cost technique, offers a diagnostic method in particular conditions during labour, delivery and postpartum

    Uterine prolapse in pregnancy

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    We present a case of a patient developing uterine prolapse during pregnancy. The cervix reached the introitus at 10 weeks gestation and subsequently protruted progressively as the pregnancy advanced. The patient was conservatively treated with bed rest and the main maternal and fetal risks are avoided. At 4 months postpartum follow-up there was no evidence of uterine prolaps

    Succenturiate lobe of placenta with vessel anomaly: A case report of prenatal diagnosis and literature review

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    We report the case of a 33-year-old woman with antenatal ultrasound diagnosis of succenturiate placental lobe at 33 weeks confirmed by B-flow rendering, describing the advantages of the application of color Doppler to diagnosis and management of placental anomalies. We searched studies about antenatal diagnosis of succenturiate placental lobe, including only cases in which color Doppler was used. This case underlines the importance of color Doppler in increasing the accuracy of diagnosis and achieving an improved differential diagnosis