64 research outputs found

    On a non-solenoidal approximation to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

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    We establish an asymptotic profile that sharply describes the behavior as t→∞t\to\infty for solutions to a non-solenoidal approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations introduced by Temam. The solutions of Temam's model are known to converge to the corresponding solutions of the classical Navier-Stokes, e.g., in L3_loc(R+×R3)L^3\_{\rm loc} (R^+ \times R^3), provided ϵ→0\epsilon\to0, where ϵ>0\epsilon>0 is the physical parameter related to the artificial compressibility term. However, we show that such model is no longer a good approximation of Navier-Stokes for large times: indeed, its solutions can decay much slower as t→+∞t\to+\infty than the corresponding solutions of Navier-Stokes.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of the London Mathematical Society (under revision

    Space-time decay of Navier-Stokes flows invariant under rotations

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    We show that the solutions to the non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations in RdR^d, d=2,3d=2,3 which are left invariant under the action of discrete subgroups of the orthogonal group O(d)O(d) decay much faster as ∣x∣→∞|x|\to\infty or t→∞ t \to\infty than in the generic case and we compute, for each subgroup, the precise decay rates in space-time of the velocity field

    A Liouville theorem for the Degasperis-Procesi equation

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    We prove that the only global, strong, spatially periodic solution to the Degasperis-Procesi equation, vanishing at some point (t0, x0), is the identically zero solution. We also establish the analogue of such Liouville-type theorem for the Degasperis-Procesi equation with an additional dispersive term.Comment: Post-refereeing version. To appear on Annali Scienze Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa. Doi 10.2422/2036-2145.201410\_01

    Concentration-diffusion effects in viscous incompressible flows

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    Given a finite sequence of times 0<t1<...<tN0<t_1<...<t_N, we construct an example of a smooth solution of the free nonstationnary Navier--Stokes equations in Rd\R^d, d=2,3d=2,3, such that: (i) The velocity field u(x,t)u(x,t) is spatially poorly localized at the beginning of the evolution but tends to concentrate until, as the time tt approaches t1t_1, it becomes well-localized. (ii) Then uu spreads out again after t1t_1, and such concentration-diffusion phenomena are later reproduced near the instants t2t_2, t3t_3, ...Comment: Indiana Univ. Math. Journal (to appear

    Global existence versus blow up for some models of interacting particles

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    We study the global existence and space-time asymptotics of solutions for a class of nonlocal parabolic semilinear equations. Our models include the Nernst-Planck and the Debye-Hukel drift-diffusion systems as well as parabolic-elliptic systems of chemotaxis. In the case of a model of self-gravitating particles, we also give a result on the finite time blow up of solutions with localized and oscillating complex-valued initial data, using a method by S. Montgomery-Smith.Comment: Colloq. Math. (to appear

    On the localization of the magnetic and the velocity fields in the equations of magnetohydrodynamics

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    We study the behavior at infinity, with respect to the space variable, of solutions to the magnetohydrodynamics equations in Rd{\bf R}^d. We prove that if the initial magnetic field decays sufficiently fast, then the plasma flow behaves as a solution of the free nonstationnary Navier--Stokes equations when ∣x∣→+∞|x|\to +\infty, and that the magnetic field will govern the decay of the plasma, if it is poorly localized at the beginning of the evolution. Our main tools are boundedness criteria for convolution operators in weighted spaces.Comment: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics (to appear) (0000) --xx-

    New Asymptotic Profiles of Nonstationnary Solutions of the Navier-Stokes System

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    We show that solutions u(x,t)u(x,t) of the non-stationnary incompressible Navier--Stokes system in Rd\R^d (d≥2d\geq2) starting from mild decaying data aa behave as ∣x∣→∞|x|\to\infty as a potential field: u(x,t) = e^{t\Delta}a(x) + \gamma_d\nabla_x(\sum_{h,k} \frac{\delta_{h,k}|x|^2 - d x_h x_k}{d|x|^{d+2}} K_{h,k}(t))+\mathfrak{o}(\frac{1}{|x|^{d+1}}) where γd\gamma_d is a constant and Kh,k=∫0t(uh∣uk)L2K_{h,k}=\int_0^t(u_h| u_k)_{L^2} is the energy matrix of the flow. We deduce that, for well localized data, and for small tt and large enough ∣x∣|x|, c t |x|^{-(d+1)} \le |u(x,t)|\le c' t |x|^{-(d+1)}, where the lower bound holds on the complementary of a set of directions, of arbitrary small measure on Sd−1\mathbb{S}^{d-1}. We also obtain new lower bounds for the large time decay of the weighted-LpL^p norms, extending previous results of Schonbek, Miyakawa, Bae and Jin.Comment: 26 pages, article to appear in Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ee

    On permanent and breaking waves in hyperelastic rods and rings

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    We prove that the only global strong solution of the periodic rod equation vanishing in at least one point (t0,x0)(t_0,x_0) is the identically zero solution. Such conclusion holds provided the physical parameter γ\gamma of the model (related to the finger deformation tensor) is outside some neighborhood of the origin and applies in particular for the Camassa--Holm equation, corresponding to γ=1\gamma=1. We also establish the analogue of this unique continuation result in the case of non-periodic solutions defined on the whole real line with vanishing boundary conditions at infinity. Our analysis relies on the application of new local-in-space blowup criteria and involves the computation of several best constants in convolution estimates and weighted Poincar\'e inequalities.Comment: Corrected proofs. To appear on J. Funct. Ana

    Blowup issues for a class of nonlinear dispersive wave equations

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    In this paper we consider the nonlinear dispersive wave equation on the real line, ut−utxx+[f(u)]x−[f(u)]xxx+[g(u)+f′′(u)2ux2]x=0u_t-u_{txx}+[f(u)]_x-[f(u)]_{xxx}+\bigl[g(u)+\frac{f''(u)}{2}u_x^2\bigr]_x=0, that for appropriate choices of the functions ff and gg includes well known models, such as Dai's equation for the study of vibrations inside elastic rods or the Camassa--Holm equation modelling water wave propagation in shallow water. We establish a local-in-space blowup criterion (i.e., a criterion involving only the properties of the data u0u_0 in a neighbourhood of a single point) simplifying and extending earlier blowup criteria for this equation. Our arguments apply both to the finite and infinite energy case, yielding the finite time blowup of strong solutions with possibly different behavior as x→+∞x\to+\infty and x→−∞x\to-\infty
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