641 research outputs found
Formality and strongly unique enhancements
Inspired by the intrinsic formality of graded algebras, we prove a necessary
and sufficient condition for strongly uniqueness of DG-enhancements. This
approach offers a generalization to linearity over any commutative ring. In
particular, we obtain several new examples of triangulated categories with a
strongly unique DG-enhancement.Comment: 34 page
Compatibility of t-structures in a semiorthogonal decomposition
We describe how to obtain a global t-structure from a semiorthogonal
decomposition with compatible t-structures on every component. This result is
used to generalize a well-known theorem of Bondal on full strong exceptional
sequences.Comment: 26 page
"Post mortem examination procedures on field and causes of death in Costa Rica wildlife"
openPostmortem examination procedures are all the medical inspections performed on animals after death. They involve looking at the animal as a whole, as well as looking at each individual organ and body system to determine the cause, the mechanism and the manner of death.
There are some important differences between necropsies on field and the procedures done in the necropsy room; the main aspects of both processes, and the protocols usually utilized for these operations, will be analysed and discussed. It is fundamental to highlight the comparison between the two procedures to increase the knowledge about this topic and to improve the techniques adopted during these methodologies.
Following the discussion, it is inevitable not to mention the crucial role that postmortem investigations have, in the sphere of animal conservation, especially in this historical period, visibly in crisis due mainly to human impact on the environment and to its inhabitants, on a global scale.
Within the context of this topic, the essay will conclude, after traversing the Central part of the American continent, in Costa Rica, where I underwent my traineeship experience. Here, I had the opportunity to witness some necropsies and focus on the prevailing causes of death of local wildlife.Postmortem examination procedures are all the medical inspections performed on animals after death. They involve looking at the animal as a whole, as well as looking at each individual organ and body system to determine the cause, the mechanism and the manner of death.
There are some important differences between necropsies on field and the procedures done in the necropsy room; the main aspects of both processes, and the protocols usually utilized for these operations, will be analysed and discussed. It is fundamental to highlight the comparison between the two procedures to increase the knowledge about this topic and to improve the techniques adopted during these methodologies.
Following the discussion, it is inevitable not to mention the crucial role that postmortem investigations have, in the sphere of animal conservation, especially in this historical period, visibly in crisis due mainly to human impact on the environment and to its inhabitants, on a global scale.
Within the context of this topic, the essay will conclude, after traversing the Central part of the American continent, in Costa Rica, where I underwent my traineeship experience. Here, I had the opportunity to witness some necropsies and focus on the prevailing causes of death of local wildlife
Fast Fiction en la clase de español avanzado: Una experiencia creativa en Las AntĂpodas
En un mondo que se vangloria de la eficiencia y que hace un culto de la rapidez, nada cobra más sentido que el «Fast Fiction», un mĂ©todo que propone un camino rápido pero distinto de acercarse al proceso de la escritura y que consume brevĂsimo tiempo. ÂżQuĂ© es el Fast Fiction? ÂżCĂłmo reaccionan los estudiantes? ÂżQuĂ© se necesita para aplicarlo? Éstas son algunas de las preguntas que tratarĂ© de contestar, ilustrándolas con trabajos de clase. Finalmente, destacarĂ© los beneficios de la aplicaciĂłn del Fast Fiction y los confrontarĂ© con una sĂntesis de la retroalimentaciĂłn que me han brindado los estudiantes en los cuatro años que llevo aplicando este tipo de escritura rápida
Más verdades que mentiras en literatura: Diálogo con el escritor Pablo Urbanyi
Entrevista con el escritor Pablo Urbanyi. Pablo Urbanyi o las metáforas de Pablo Urbanyi son las metáforas del no lugar o si se quiere, del único lugar al que puede aspirar un escritor: la literatura. La trayectoria de su vida acentúan aún más estas metáforas que se proyectan en su propia obra; nacido en 1939 en una Checoslovaquia que se hace húngara tres meses antes de su nacimiento, y de
una HungrĂa que ya no es HungrĂa cuando en 1947 emigra a la Argentina junto con sus padres y hermana. Centro-europeo transplantado a la tierra del mĂtico gaucho, sabe sacar partido muy tempranamente de su
nuevo entorno. AllĂ vive sus años formativos hasta que en 1977 ya no es la emigraciĂłn sino los vientos del exilio los que lo hacen anclar en el Canadá. DifĂcil encasillarlo, encontrarle un lugar en la literatura argentina, canadiense o la que fuera. Forma parte de esos escritores, quienes además de no ser polĂticamente muy correctos,
logran crear un universo propio aunque para ello haga falta desprenderse de muchas cosas: el lugar seguro, la cotidianidad de las voces familiares, la lejanĂa del entorno
MartĂn Faunes Amigo: Un cuentista que no anda con cuentos
Entrevista con el escritor MartĂn Faunes Amigo en su refugio de Nuñoa en Santiago de Chile. MartĂn Faunes Amigo (1949) naciĂł en Santiago de Chile pero de pequeño se traslada con su familia a La Serena, donde vive los años de la infancia marcados profundamente por experiencias Ăşnicas, que luego, agrandadas a travĂ©s del recuerdo, se vuelcan en no pocas páginas memorables de su narrativa. Ese primer viaje en tren a La Serena, ese desplazamiento del centro hacia la periferia, va a ser la piedra fundante, el punto de neurálgico de su escritura.
No por nada, en varios cuentos y novelas del autor aparece recreado ese viaje, unas veces con ojos infantiles y otras con ojos que han cargado exilios y experiencias pero que no dejan de ser de niños
Entrevista con Pablo Urbanyi
Si ser argentino es algo que le puede pasar a cualquiera, ser el escritor Pablo Urbanyi es algo que no le puede pasar a cualquiera. Nacido en 1939 en una Checoslovaquia que se hace hĂşngara tres meses antes de su nacimiento, de una HungrĂa que ya no es HungrĂa sino Checoslovaquia cuando en 1947 junto con sus padres y hermana menor emigra a Argentina donde vive sus años formativos hasta que en 1977 ya no es la emigraciĂłn sino el exilio. Dejando atrás una Argentina amordazada pero no olvidada, sin ser un desconocido en las letras argentinas, se instala en Canadá desde donde ha seguido escribiendo, atizando con su humor temas que atañen a las sociedades del norte 'enriquecido'
Involutive Markov categories and the quantum de Finetti theorem
Markov categories have recently emerged as a powerful high-level framework
for probability theory and theoretical statistics. Here we study a quantum
version of this concept, called involutive Markov categories. First, we show
that these are equivalent to Parzygnat's quantum Markov categories but argue
that they are simpler to work with. Our main examples of involutive Markov
categories involve C*-algebras (of any dimension) as objects and completely
positive unital maps as morphisms in the picture of interest. Second, we prove
a quantum de Finetti theorem for both the minimal and the maximal C*-tensor
norms, and we develop a categorical description of such quantum de Finetti
theorems which amounts to a universal property of state spaces.Comment: 49 page
Spine and sacroiliac joints on nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and research of serological biomarkers predictive of severity and disease activity in early axial spondyloarthritis
Recently several studies have focused on the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and new biomarkers that might facilitate early diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) and identify individuals at higher risk of developing the disease. Objectives:The study aimed to identify:1)potentially useful biomarkers for early diagnosis of axSpA and their correlations with disease activity and imaging indices;2)the prevalence of spine and pelvis MRI lesions in patients (pts) with low back pain (LBP);3)the correlation between the site of axial pain and of MRI-lesions.Material and Methods:Seventy-two pts with LBP (≥3 months, ≤2 years, onset ≤45 years) underwent a physical examination, questionnaires, laboratory tests, X-rays and MRI of the spine and sacroiliac joints (SIJ) at baseline and during a follow-up period of 24 months.Two expert rheumatologists formulated axSpA diagnosis and assessed fulfilment of Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society ASAS criteria.Disease activity and physical functioning were assessed using imaging,clinical and serological indices: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index (BASMI);Maastricht Ankylosing enthesitis Spondilities Score (MASES);Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI);Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI);Ankylosing Spondylitis disease activity score (ASDAS);Visual Analogue Scale (VAS pain);VAS night pain;VAS disease activity;Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient Global Score (BASG1);BASG2;Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ);ESR;serum ultrasensitive CRP (hs-CRP);matrix metalloproteinase (MMP3);interleukin (IL) IL-22, IL-17, IL-23.Spine and SIJ MRI and X-rays were scored independently by 2 readers following the SPARCC, mSASSS and NY-criteria.The axial pain and localization of MRI-lesions were classified into 4 sites:cervical/thoracic/lumbar spine and buttocks.The association between the site of pain and MRI-lesions was evaluated through Odds Ratio (OR).The Spearman test and Kruskal Wallis test were used to compare all indices in these cohorts. Results: Patients were diagnosed with axSpA and classified in accordance ASAS criteria as: 1)21 pts classified according to axSpA imaging arm+;2)29 pts classified according to axSpA clinical arm+;3)25 pts not fulfilling ASAS criteria. The median LBP onset was 28.51±8.05 years, 45.3% were male, HLA-B27 was positive in 38.7% pts;56% pts showed bone marrow edema (BME) in spine-MRI and 61.3% pts in SIJ-MRI. Eigtheen (24%) pts presented a negative BME SIJ-MRI with a positive BME spine-MRI. OR between site of pain and site of BME lesions was 20.78 (p=NS),163.93 (p=0.0006);0.34 (p=NS) for cervical/thoracic/lumbar spine and 304.88 (p=0.0203) for buttocks.A significant correlation between thoracic pain/enthesitis on thoracic district (OR=32.69;p= 0.0336) was also found. There was a significant difference between the three cohorts with regard to the prevalence of radiographic sacroiliitis,active sacroiliitis on MRI and the SPARCC SIJ score.There were no differences in these groups regarding ILs, MMP-3 and hsCRP.There was found a correlation between IL-22 and some clinical indices.The correlation between mSASSS, MMP3 and hsCRP was an interesting finding. Conclusions:The site of pain correlated in a statistically significant manner with BME lesions in thoracic and buttock districts.Since positive spine-MRI images were observed in absence of sacroiliitis, we can be therefore hyphothezise that this finding could have a diagnostic significance in suspected axSpA.Although not significantly higher in any of the three groups, IL-22, MMP3 and hsCRP values correlated with some disease activity indices and with mSASSS.Larger observational studies are warranted to confirm these preliminary findings
Francesco Zorzi Veneto - De harmonia mundi totius cantica tria (Venezia, 1525) - Teorie musicali e kabbalah
The work presents the results of the research project whose aim is to investigate the connection between the Renaissance music theory and the mathematical science; it takes into particular account the testimonies produced and collected in Veneto. In particular, the focus of the research is the link between the harmonic proportions, the numerology and the cabalistic symbolism contained in the treaty “Deh armonia mundi totius” by Francesco Zorzi, published in Venice, in 1525.
The first section is focused on the work of Zorzi and on its musical sources, which have been identified through the perusing of “De harmonia mundi totius”. The analysis allowed to highlight a number of similarities and differences, which existed in the Venetian area in the16th Century, between the numerological system used by the traditional theory of music proportions and the Kabbalah. It has been verified how the numbers, used by the western culture to describe the tones and the tunes, can find symbolic and religious confirmations in the esoteric and mystical Hebraic teachings. So strong are these connections that they might provide the explanation for the universal order – in the duplex dimension of microcosm and macrocosm – and, therefore, stress the relation between music and the creative power of God. The passages of the treaty in which music is considered under this perspective are gathered in a specific appendix in which they are given both in Latin – the original language – and in Italian.
The second section analyses the massive quantity of musical references, which can be found in “De harmonia mundi totius”, and which were examined by musicologists, but never with systematic criteria. Since Zorzi developed the theory of universal harmony from a philosophical, scientific and musical point of view, it has been of vital importance to determine the analogy with the Platonic and Pythagorean tradition. Particular attention has been paid to the fact that the position of the planets, the balance between the four elements (fire, water, air and earth), the numerical series, the geometrical figures and the bond between microcosm and macrocosm, appear to be following the same musical proportions. Moreover, the section describes the changes from the traditional musical theory to a new musical scale that followed a peculiar system of numerical series. Such is the originality of the relation between the cabalistic numerology and the musical proportions that the thesis analyses the connection established by the Kabbalah between every letter or word and the numerology.
From the musicological point of view, De harmonia mundi totius is important because it offers many references to exoteric works such as Corpus Hemeticus, by Ermete Trismegito, De vita, by Ficino, and other texts connected with the cabalistic literature or the Bible tradition. As far as it is concerned, the iconographic elements from the Medieval tradition, such as the comparison between the mythological figures of the Muses and the Cherubs and Seraphs, can be studied following a new point of view. The investigation of the planets through musical scales, as far as the description of the “City of Light” through the musical concept of Apocalypse, were common at that time. Zorzi, though, crossed the boundaries and to explain these phenomena through a set of precise proportions connected one more time with the Kabbalah.
The final section focuses on the correspondence between Zorzi’s theory and those of the distinguished Renaissance theorists, Franchino Garuffio and Gioseffo Zarlino. In particular, the section describes the analogies and the variances in treating the concepts of harmony and proportion.
The research has been conducted through the constant consultation of the vast bibliography dedicated to Zorzi’s treaty and, from a musicological point of view, it has privileged the aspects concerning the musical repertoire and the executive praxis that characterised the period between the 15th and the 16th Century. As far as the connection between musical numerology and Kabbalah is concerned, the work aims to decode the complex system of calculations and iconographic correspondences, full of wisdom and even magical references, which represent the cornerstone of Francesco Zorzi’s theoretical system. The achieved results lead to the reevaluation of Zorzi’s figure as a music theorist. In fact, even though, from a certain point of view, De harmonia mundi totius aligns with the ancient and Medieval theories on consonances, it is evident that the author will is that of laying the foundations for the experimentation on the polyphonic language
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