6 research outputs found

    Beer industry in Brazil: Economic aspects, characteristics of the raw material and concerns

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    Barley is one of the most cultivated grains in the world with numbers rising every year due to market demand. In the past decade, Brazil has shown impressive numbers considering beer production. However, barley cultivation does not reach the necessary amount for the beer industry which raises the need to import barley or to use some alternatives, such as, adjuncts. The most common adjunct used is corn, which is considered a good source of carbohydrates, but also a very contaminated grain. Research and monitoring of all of the steps of the chain is being carried out to improve not only the malt quality but also the competitiveness in world market

    Mycobiota and analysis of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in wheat samples at different harvest stages.

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    Dentre os desafios do cultivo de trigo, encontram-se as doenças fúngicas e a presença de micotoxinas. Estima-se que as perdas anuais nesse setor sejam bilionárias. Além dos prejuízos econômicos, há preocupações quanto a segurança alimentar humana e animal. Com o objetivo de avaliar a micobiota e a ocorrência de micotoxinas em diferentes estádios de maturação do trigo foram realizados estudos morfológicos, utilizando métodos morfológicos clássicos e moleculares, identificação do perfil genotípico dos fungos produtores de tricotecenos, por PCR em tempo real e determinação de deoxinivalenol (DON) e zearalenona (ZEA), utilizando a Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas (LC-MS/MS). Os dados obtidos também foram correlacionados com os fatores climatológicos. Os resultados revelaram a predominância do gênero Fusarium nas amostras das duas safras, seguido de Alternaria e Epicoccum. A atividade de água média para os dois anos foram, 0,608 e 0,886, consecutivamente. Dentro do gênero Fusarium constatou-se predomínio do complexo de espécies Fusarium graminearum (CEFG), identificando F. graminearum sensu stricto, F. meridionale, F. cortaderiae e F. austroamericanum. Os genótipos dos isolados foram, na sua maioria, 15-ADON para F. graminearum s.s, seguido de NIV para as espécies F. meridionale, F. cortaderiae e F. austroamericanum e 3-ADON para as duas últimas. Por PCR em tempo real, a determinação do genótipo nos grãos de trigo nas safras 2014/15 e 2015/16 demonstraram predomínio de 100% e 93% para 15-ADON, respectivamente. A quantificação de DNA dos isolados do CEFG demostrou que o perfil 15-ADON foi responsável por mais de 95% nas duas safras, com valores irrisórios, menores que 3% para 3-ADON e NIV. Os níveis de contaminação pela micotoxina DON nas amostras foi de 100% nas duas safras, com valores variando entre 24,3 a 5530 &#956g/kg. Para ZEA os valores foram 30% e 96%, nas duas coletas consecutivas, variação entre 26,0 a 4360 &#956g/kg. Ambas as micotoxinas foram detectadas em concentrações acima do limite estabelecido pela legislação brasileira, 3000 &#956g/kg para DON e 400 &#956g/kg para ZEA. Os fatores climáticos obtiveram uma correlação positiva tanto na contaminação fúngica quanto no acúmulo de micotoxinas. Este estudo forneceu novas informações sobre a micobiota natural do trigo brasileiro, em diferentes etapas do cultivo, demonstrando a contaminação por DON e alta frequência de ZEA em amostras do provindas do Paraná.The fungal diseases and the presence of mycotoxins in cereals cause annually, billionaire losses. In addition, there are concerns about human and animal food safety. Due to the wheat culture relevance in feed and foodstuff, the present work aimed to evaluate mycobiota and the occurrence of mycotoxins in different wheat maturation stages. In order to achieve these objectives, morphologic studies using classic and molecular methods, genotype profile and DNA quantification from trichothecene producers, by real-time PCR and determination of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA), using High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), were done. The obtained data were also correlated with the climatic factors. The results showed the predominance of the genus Fusarium followed by Alternaria and Epicoccum. The average water activity over two years were 0.608 and 0.886, consecutively. Within the genus Fusarium, it was identified a predominance of the Fusarium graminearum species complex (FGSC), identifying F. graminearum sensu stricto, F. meridionale, F. cortaderiae and F. austroamericanum. The genotypes of the isolates were 15-ADON for F. graminearum s.s, followed by NIV for the F. meridionale, F. cortaderiae and F. austroamericanum and 3-ADON for F. cortaderiae and F. austroamericanum. In real-time PCR, the determination of genotype in wheat grains in the 2014/15 and 2015/16 harvests showed a predominance of 100% and 93% for 15-ADON, respectively. The DNA quantification of the FGSC isolates showed that the 15-ADON profile was responsible for more than 95% in both harvests. The levels of DON mycotoxin contamination in the samples were 100%, with values ranging from 24.3 to 5530 &#956g/kg. For ZEA the values were 30% and 96%, in the two consecutive collections, ranging from 26,0 to 4360 &#956g/kg. Both mycotoxins were detected in concentrations above the limit established by Brazilian legislation, 3000 &#956g / kg for DON and 400 &#956g/kg for ZEA. The climatic factors obtained a positive correlation both in the fungal contamination and in the accumulation of mycotoxins. This study provided new information on the Brazilian native mycobiota to different stages of cultivation, demonstrating contamination by DON and high frequency of ZEA in samples from Paraná

    Pivovarský průmysl v Brazílii: Ekonomické aspekty, charakteristika surovin a rizika

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    Barley is one of the most cultivated grains in the world with numbers rising every year due to market demand. In the past decade, Brazil has shown impressive numbers considering beer production. However, barley cultivation does not reach the necessary amount for the beer industry which raises the need to import barley or to use some alternatives, such as, adjuncts. The most common adjunct used is corn, which is considered a good source of carbohydrates, but also a very contaminated grain. Research and monitoring of all of the steps of the chain is being carried out to improve not only the malt quality but also the competitiveness in world market646284286Ječmen je jednou z nejvíce pěstovaných obilovin na světě, po níž se každoročně zvyšuje poptávka na trhu. V uplynulém desetiletí vykazuje Brazílie působivá data, pokud jde o výrobu piva. Pěstování ječmene však nedosahuje potřebného množství pro výrobu piva, což vyvolává potřebu dovozu ječmene nebo využití některých alternativ, např. surogace. Nejběžnějším přídavkem je kukuřice, která je považována za dobrý zdroj sacharidů, ale je zde riziko kontaminace zrn. Výzkum a sledování všech kroků řetězce probíhá s cílem zlepšit nejen kvalitu sladu, ale také konkurenceschopnost na světovém trh

    Assessment of Toxigenic Fusarium Species and Their Mycotoxins in Brewing Barley Grains

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    Fusarium species threaten yield and quality of cereals worldwide due to their ability to produce mycotoxins and cause plant diseases. Trichothecenes and zearalenone are the most economically significant mycotoxins and are of particular concern in barley, maize and wheat. For this reason, the aim of this study was to characterize the Fusarium isolates from brewing barley and to assess deoxynivalenol and zearalenone contamination in grains. Characterization of the Fusarium strains was carried out by the phylogeny based on two loci (EF-1α and RPB2). Mycotoxin detection and quantification were performed by LC-MS. The results show that Fusarium was the predominant genus. Phylogenetic study demonstrated that the majority of the strains clustered within the Fusarium sambucinum species complex followed by the Fusarium tricinctum species complex. The results revealed high incidence of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) contamination (90.6% and 87.5%, respectively). It was observed that 86% of the samples contaminated with ZEA were above the limits set by the EU and Brazilian regulations. These results may highlight the importance of controlling Fusarium toxins in barley, mainly because of its use in the brewing industry and the resistance of various mycotoxins to food processing treatments

    Survey of Freshly Harvested Oat Grains from Southern Brazil Reveals High Incidence of Type B Trichothecenes and Associated Fusarium Species

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    The current study investigated the fungal diversity in freshly harvested oat samples from the two largest production regions in Brazil, Paraná (PR) and Rio Grande do Sul (RS), focusing primarily on the Fusarium genus and the presence of type B trichothecenes. The majority of the isolates belonged to the Fusarium sambucinum species complex, and were identified as F. graminearum sensu stricto (s.s.), F. meridionale, and F. poae. In the RS region, F. poae was the most frequent fungus, while F. graminearum s.s. was the most frequent in the PR region. The F. graminearum s.s. isolates were 15-ADON genotype, while F. meridionale and F. poae were NIV genotype. Mycotoxin analysis revealed that 92% and 100% of the samples from PR and RS were contaminated with type B trichothecenes, respectively. Oat grains from PR were predominantly contaminated with DON, whereas NIV was predominant in oats from RS. Twenty-four percent of the samples were contaminated with DON at levels higher than Brazilian regulations. Co-contamination of DON, its derivatives, and NIV was observed in 84% and 57.7% of the samples from PR and RS, respectively. The results provide new information on Fusarium contamination in Brazilian oats, highlighting the importance of further studies on mycotoxins

    Incidence of toxigenic fungi and zearalenone in rice grains from Brazil

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops worldwide. In Brazil, the southern region is the area with the highest production of rice in the country and also has a high average daily intake of rice by the population. The mycoflora, mainly toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species, the presence of AFB1, DON and ZEA in rice grains, as well as daily intake estimates for the Southern Brazilian population were evaluated. The rice grain samples were collected during the 2017 crop from different harvest periods. According to the mycological tests, the samples presented a high count of fungal colonies in the pre and post-harvest, where the incidence of the F. graminearum species complex (52%) was significantly predominant. This group can be responsible for ZEA production, as found in this study in parboiled rice, mainly because most of the isolated strains were producers of high ZEA levels in the pre-harvest (77%) and post-harvest after natural (79%) and artificial (75%) drying of the rice. Only ZEA showed significant results in the rice grain analyzed (60%) at levels of 90.56 to 126.31 μg/kg, where 36% of the samples were significantly higher than the current maximum limit stipulated in Brazilian regulations and by the European Commission. Despite this, the dietary exposure of ZEA estimated for the southern Brazilian population was below the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake level of 0.5 μg/kg body weight/day set at international regulations270513CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçãoSem informaçã