15,648 research outputs found

    PACS and SPIRE photometer maps of M 33: First results of the HERschel M 33 Extended Survey (HERM33ES)

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    Context. Within the framework of the HERM33ES key program, we are studying the star forming interstellar medium in the nearby, metal-poor spiral galaxy M 33, exploiting the high resolution and sensitivity of Herschel. Aims. We use PACS and SPIRE maps at 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 ÎŒm wavelength, to study the variation of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with galacto-centric distance. Methods. Detailed SED modeling is performed using azimuthally averaged fluxes in elliptical rings of 2 kpc width, out to 8 kpc galacto-centric distance. Simple isothermal and two-component grey body models, with fixed dust emissivity index, are fitted to the SEDs between 24 ÎŒm and 500 ÎŒm using also MIPS/Spitzer  data, to derive first estimates of the dust physical conditions. Results. The far-infrared and submillimeter maps reveal the branched, knotted spiral structure of M 33. An underlying diffuse disk is seen in all SPIRE maps (250–500 ÎŒm). Two component fits to the SEDs agree better than isothermal models with the observed, total and radially averaged flux densities. The two component model, with ÎČ fixed at 1.5, best fits the global and the radial SEDs. The cold dust component clearly dominates; the relative mass of the warm component is less than 0.3% for all the fits. The temperature of the warm component is not well constrained and is found to be about 60 K ± 10 K. The temperature of the cold component drops significantly from ~24 K in the inner 2 kpc radius to 13 K beyond 6 kpc radial distance, for the best fitting model. The gas-to-dust ratio for ÎČ = 1.5, averaged over the galaxy, is higher than the solar value by a factor of 1.5 and is roughly in agreement with the subsolar metallicity of M 33

    A 100 pc Elliptical and Twisted Ring of Cold and Dense Molecular Clouds Revealed by Herschel Around the Galactic Center

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    Thermal images of cold dust in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way, obtained with the far-infrared cameras on board the Herschel satellite, reveal a ~3 × 10^7 M_☉ ring of dense and cold clouds orbiting the Galactic center. Using a simple toy model, an elliptical shape having semi-major axes of 100 and 60 pc is deduced. The major axis of this 100 pc ring is inclined by about 40° with respect to the plane of the sky and is oriented perpendicular to the major axes of the Galactic Bar. The 100 pc ring appears to trace the system of stable x_2 orbits predicted for the barred Galactic potential. Sgr A⋆ is displaced with respect to the geometrical center of symmetry of the ring. The ring is twisted and its morphology suggests a flattening ratio of 2 for the Galactic potential, which is in good agreement with the bulge flattening ratio derived from the 2MASS data

    Strong CH^+ J = 1–0 emission and absorption in DR21

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    We report the first detection of the ground-state rotational transition of the methylidyne cation CH^+ towards the massive star-forming region DR 21 with the HIFI instrument onboard the Herschel satellite. The line profile exhibits a broad emission line, in addition to two deep and broad absorption features associated with the DR 21 molecular ridge and foreground gas. These observations allow us to determine a ^(12)CH^(+)J = 1–0 line frequency of Îœ = 835 137 ± 3 MHz, in good agreement with a recent experimental determination. We estimate the CH^+ column density to be a few 10^(13) cm^(-2) in the gas seen in emission, and >10^(14) cm^(-2) in the components responsible for the absorption, which is indicative of a high line of sight average abundance [CH^+] /[H] > 1.2 × 10^(-8). We show that the CH^+ column densities agree well with the predictions of state-of-the-art C-shock models in dense UV-illuminated gas for the emission line, and with those of turbulent dissipation models in diffuse gas for the absorption lines

    Project OASIS: The Design of a Signal Detector for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

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    An 8 million channel spectrum analyzer (MCSA) was designed the meet to meet the needs of a SETI program. The MCSA puts out a very large data base at very high rates. The development of a device which follows the MCSA, is presented

    Herschel observations in the ultracompact HII region Mon R2: Water in dense photon-dominated regions (PDRs)

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    Context. Monoceros R2, at a distance of 830 pc, is the only ultracompact Hii region (UC H_(II)) where the photon-dominated region (PDR) between the ionized gas and the molecular cloud can be resolved with Herschel. Therefore, it is an excellent laboratory to study the chemistry in extreme PDRs (G_0 > 10^5 in units of Habing field, n > 10^6 cm^9−3)). Aims. Our ultimate goal is to probe the physical and chemical conditions in the PDR around the UC H_(II) Mon R2. Methods. HIFI observations of the abundant compounds ^(13)CO, C^(18)O, o-H_2^(18)O, HCO^+, CS, CH, and NH have been used to derive the physical and chemical conditions in the PDR, in particular the water abundance. The modeling of the lines has been done with the Meudon PDR code and the non-local radiative transfer model described by Cernicharo et al. Results. The ^(13)CO, C^(18)O, o-H^(18)_2O, HCO^+ and CS observations are well described assuming that the emission is coming from a dense (n = 5 × 10^6 cm^(−3), N(H_2) > 10^(22) cm^(−2)) layer of molecular gas around the H_(II) region. Based on our o-H^(18)_2O observations, we estimate an o-H_2O abundance of ≈2 × 10^(−8). This is the average ortho-water abundance in the PDR. Additional H^(18)_2O and/or water lines are required to derive the water abundance profile. A lower density envelope (n ~ 10^5 cm^(−3), N(H_2) = 2−5 × 10^(22) cm^(−2)) is responsible for the absorption in the NH 1_1 → 0_2 line. The emission of the CH ground state triplet is coming from both regions with a complex and self-absorbed profile in the main component. The radiative transfer modeling shows that the ^(13)CO and HCO^+ line profiles are consistent with an expansion of the molecular gas with a velocity law, v_e = 0.5 × (r/R_(out))^(−1) km s^(−1), although the expansion velocity is poorly constrained by the observations presented here. Conclusions. We determine an ortho-water abundance of ≈2 × 10^(−8) in Mon R2. Because shocks are unimportant in this region and our estimate is based on H^(18)_2O observations that avoids opacity problems, this is probably the most accurate estimate of the water abundance in PDRs thus far

    Packing defects and the width of biopolymer bundles

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    The formation of bundles composed of actin filaments and cross-linking proteins is an essential process in the maintenance of the cells' cytoskeleton. It has also been recreated by in-vitro experiments, where actin networks are routinely produced to mimic and study the cellular structures. It has long been observed that these bundles seem to have a well defined width distribution, which has not been adequately described theoretically. We propose here that packing defects of the filaments, quenched and random, contribute an effective repulsion that counters the cross-linking adhesion energy and leads to a well defined bundle width. This is a two-dimensional strain-field version of the classic Rayleigh instability of charged droplets
