969 research outputs found

    Estimation of causal effects using instrumental variables with nonignorable missing covariates: Application to effect of type of delivery NICU on premature infants

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    Understanding how effective high-level NICUs (neonatal intensive care units that have the capacity for sustained mechanical assisted ventilation and high volume) are compared to low-level NICUs is important and valuable for both individual mothers and for public policy decisions. The goal of this paper is to estimate the effect on mortality of premature babies being delivered in a high-level NICU vs. a low-level NICU through an observational study where there are unmeasured confounders as well as nonignorable missing covariates. We consider the use of excess travel time as an instrumental variable (IV) to control for unmeasured confounders. In order for an IV to be valid, we must condition on confounders of the IV---outcome relationship, for example, month prenatal care started must be conditioned on for excess travel time to be a valid IV. However, sometimes month prenatal care started is missing, and the missingness may be nonignorable because it is related to the not fully measured mother's/infant's risk of complications. We develop a method to estimate the causal effect of a treatment using an IV when there are nonignorable missing covariates as in our data, where we allow the missingness to depend on the fully observed outcome as well as the partially observed compliance class, which is a proxy for the unmeasured risk of complications. A simulation study shows that under our nonignorable missingness assumption, the commonly used estimation methods, complete-case analysis and multiple imputation by chained equations assuming missingness at random, provide biased estimates, while our method provides approximately unbiased estimates. We apply our method to the NICU study and find evidence that high-level NICUs significantly reduce deaths for babies of small gestational age, whereas for almost mature babies like 37 weeks, the level of NICUs makes little difference. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to assess the sensitivity of our conclusions to key assumptions about the missing covariates. The method we develop in this paper may be useful for many observational studies facing similar issues of unmeasured confounders and nonignorable missing data as ours.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS699 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Perils and Prospects of Using Aggregate Area Level Socioeconomic Information as a Proxy for Individual Level Socioeconomic Confounders in Instrumental Variables Regression

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    A frequent concern in making statistical inference for causal effects of a policy or treatment based on observational studies is that there are unmeasured confounding variables. The instrumental variable method is an approach to estimating a causal relationship in the presence of unmeasured confounding variables. A valid instrumental variable needs to be independent of the unmeasured confounding variables. It is important to control for the confounding variable if it is correlated with the instrument. In health services research, socioeconomic status variables are often considered as confounding variables. In recent studies, distance to a specialty care center has been used as an instrument for the effect of specialty care vs. general care. Because the instrument may be correlated with socioeconomic status variables, it is important that socioeconomic status variables are controlled for in the instrumental variables regression. However, health data sets often lack individual socioeconomic information but contain area average socioeconomic information from the US Census, e.g., average income or education level in a county. We study the effects on the bias of the two stage least squares estimates in instrumental variables regression when using an area-level variable as a controlled confounding variable that may be correlated with the instrument. We propose the aggregated instrumental variables regression using the concept of Wald’s method of grouping, provided the assumption that the grouping is independent of the errors. We present simulation results and an application to a study of perinatal care for premature infants

    The order-disorder transition in colloidal suspensions under shear flow

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    We study the order-disorder transition in colloidal suspensions under shear flow by performing Brownian dynamics simulations. We characterize the transition in terms of a statistical property of time-dependent maximum value of the structure factor. We find that its power spectrum exhibits the power-law behaviour only in the ordered phase. The power-law exponent is approximately -2 at frequencies greater than the magnitude of the shear rate, while the power spectrum exhibits the 1/f1 / f-type fluctuations in the lower frequency regime.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, v.2: We have made some small improvements on presentation

    Using an Instrumental Variable to Test for Unmeasured Confounding

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    An important concern in an observational study is whether or not there is unmeasured confounding, that is, unmeasured ways in which the treatment and control groups differ before treatment, which affect the outcome. We develop a test of whether there is unmeasured confounding when an instrumental variable (IV) is available. An IV is a variable that is independent of the unmeasured confounding and encourages a subject to take one treatment level versus another, while having no effect on the outcome beyond its encouragement of a certain treatment level. We show what types of unmeasured confounding can be tested for with an IV and develop a test for this type of unmeasured confounding that has correct type I error rate. We show that the widely used Durbin–Wu–Hausman test can have inflated type I error rates when there is treatment effect heterogeneity. Additionally, we show that our test provides more insight into the nature of the unmeasured confounding than the Durbin–Wu–Hausman test. We apply our test to an observational study of the effect of a premature infant being delivered in a high-level neonatal intensive care unit (one with mechanical assisted ventilation and high volume) versus a lower level unit, using the excess travel time a mother lives from the nearest high-level unit to the nearest lower-level unit as an IV

    Additive prognostic value of preoperative plasma glucose concentrations in calves undergoing abdominal surgery.

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    Surgical abdominal emergencies in calves are associated with a guarded prognosis, especially if neonates are affected. Because hypoglycemia has been associated with sepsis and endotoxemia, this study aimed to assess the prognostic relevance of preoperative plasma glucose concentrations (GLUC) in calves requiring surgery for an acute abdominal disorder. For this purpose, data from retrospective and prospective case series were analyzed, consisting of 586 and 83 hospitalized calves, respectively. The outcomes of calves were evaluated until hospital discharge (both study populations) and for 3 mo following discharge by a phone call to the farmer (prospective study population). For the retrospective study population, the overall survival rate was 31.2%. Calves with a negative outcome (NO) had significantly lower median GLUC (4.3 mmol/L) than calves with a positive outcome (PO; 5.0 mmol/L). The survival rates of calves with GLUC 8.84 mmol/L), and GLUC <4.4 mmol/L (age 7-20 d) and <3.3 mmol/L (age ≥21 d), respectively. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of this model was 0.79 (95% confidence interval: 0.76-0.83) and the resulting sensitivity and specificity for NO at the optimal probability cut-point of 0.69 were 66.7 and 85.8%, respectively. For the prospective study population, the established model had sensitivity and specificity for predicting NO after 3 mo (proportion 24%) of 61.9 and 85%, respectively. In both study populations, hypoglycemia was significantly associated with intraoperative evidence of a septic process within the abdominal cavity. The present analyses show that hypoglycemia was highly indicative of a poor prognosis and serious intraoperative findings such as peritonitis. Determination of GLUC should therefore be part of the diagnostic work-up in calves suffering from an acute abdominal emergency

    Trends in resources for neonatal intensive care at delivery hospitals for infants born younger than 30 weeks' gestation, 2009-2020

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    Importance: In an ideal regionalized system, all infants born very preterm would be delivered at a large tertiary hospital capable of providing all necessary care. Objective: To examine whether the distribution of extremely preterm births changed between 2009 and 2020 based on neonatal intensive care resources at the delivery hospital. Design, setting, and participants: This retrospective cohort study was conducted at 822 Vermont Oxford Network (VON) centers in the US between 2009 and 2020. Participants included infants born at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation, delivered at or transferred to centers participating in the VON. Data were analyzed from February to December 2022. Exposures: Hospital of birth at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation. Main outcomes and measures: Birthplace neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) level was classified as A, restriction on assisted ventilation or no surgery; B, major surgery; or C, cardiac surgery requiring bypass. Level B centers were further divided into low-volume (&lt;50 inborn infants at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation per year) and high-volume (≥50 inborn infants at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation per year) centers. High-volume level B and level C centers were combined, resulting in 3 distinct NICU categories: level A, low-volume B, and high-volume B and C NICUs. The main outcome was the change in the percentage of births at hospitals with level A, low-volume B, and high-volume B or C NICUs overall and by US Census region. Results: A total of 357 181 infants (mean [SD] gestational age, 26.4 [2.1] weeks; 188 761 [52.9%] male) were included in the analysis. Across regions, the Pacific (20 239 births [38.3%]) had the lowest while the South Atlantic (48 348 births [62.7%]) had the highest percentage of births at a hospital with a high-volume B- or C-level NICU. Births at hospitals with A-level NICUs increased by 5.6% (95% CI, 4.3% to 7.0%), and births at low-volume B-level NICUs increased by 3.6% (95% CI, 2.1% to 5.0%), while births at hospitals with high-volume B- or C-level NICUs decreased by 9.2% (95% CI, -10.3% to -8.1%). By 2020, less than half of the births for infants at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation occurred at hospitals with high-volume B- or C-level NICUs. Most US Census regions followed the nationwide trends; for example, births at hospitals with high-volume B- or C-level NICUs decreased by 10.9% [95% CI, -14.0% to -7.8%) in the East North Central region and by 21.1% (95% CI, -24.0% to -18.2%) in the West South Central region. Conclusions and relevance: This retrospective cohort study identified concerning deregionalization trends in birthplace hospital level of care for infants born at 22 to 29 weeks' gestation. These findings should serve to encourage policy makers to identify and enforce strategies to ensure that infants at the highest risk of adverse outcomes are born at the hospitals where they have the best chances to attain optimal outcomes

    Quantifying the Effects of Contact Tracing, Testing, and Containment Measures in the Presence of Infection Hotspots

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    Multiple lines of evidence strongly suggest that infection hotspots, where a single individual infects many others, play a key role in the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. However, most of the existing epidemiological models fail to capture this aspect by neither representing the sites visited by individuals explicitly nor characterizing disease transmission as a function of individual mobility patterns. In this work, we introduce a temporal point process modeling framework that specifically represents visits to the sites where individuals get in contact and infect each other. Under our model, the number of infections caused by an infectious individual naturally emerges to be overdispersed. Using an efficient sampling algorithm, we demonstrate how to apply Bayesian optimization with longitudinal case data to estimate the transmission rate of infectious individuals at the sites they visit and in their households. Simulations using fine-grained and publicly available demographic data and site locations from Bern, Switzerland showcase the flexibility of our framework. To facilitate research and analyses of other cities and regions, we release an open-source implementation of our framework
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